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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. What can I say? I'm cool! hahahhah!
  2. Hey there, anyone who know even the slightest bit about me, know I love candy, Could anyone help in teaching me the best and most effective way of using her please? she seems so awesome!!! Many thanks! xxXhayzelXxx
  3. lol! me too! and thank you everyone for being so lovely! ive never felt more welcomed anywhere! I love the name fluff. hope everyone is having a bazzin' evening! xxXhayzelXxx
  4. thank you, and sorry for being such a retard have read both books cover to cover, at least twice a week. will d/l the chronicles when i get home onto my own laptop. Once again, thank you. xxXhayzelXxx
  5. and how does one get more of this "fluff"??? it sounds fabulous! xxXhayzelXx
  6. Hey there people. Look, i know, how sad, she doesnt know what it is but what the buttons is FLUFF??? Im new here and to gaming, and id really like some help with all the acronyms please so i can understand you guys and gals. I hope this is okay, ooh and any gaming advice is MUCH appreciated! xxXhayzelXxx
  7. Hey! i think zoraida would deffinately work the pole. Shes got a fiiine figure! in response to the original question, The very talented people who deserves lots of money and hugs! I owe them the happiness i feel deep inside.. xxXhayzelXxx
  8. boooo to dark eldar!!!!!!!!!!!! hiisssss! xxXhayzelXxx
  9. Well this is getting freaky... :S I ditched work on serveral occasions to play with my sweets. but you see, all my models have a special place and i say goodnight to each and every one of them! ...just a little bit weird i know. but i cant help it!
  10. Well! Havent i missed out on here?!? In response to Karn! GIMME!!, Marcusi, you have more idea than i do sugar, any tips would be greatly appreciated, and Vash Axis, damn i love your enthusiasm. I have next week off and im going to try and finish painting my models. Have placed my order for all thats neverborn ove the next 4 months with my local club/shop. Its like christmas everyday with Malifaux for me! xxXhayzelXxx
  11. shes beautiful! well done hun! xxXhXxx
  12. Well if you figure it out, kindly pass it on to me!! and they do love me because i will look after them. <3 xxXhayzelXxx
  13. wow dude you've got talent! sybelle looks funky! xxXhayzelXxx
  14. when you actually believe Candy was based on you.... :s when you wish that you could no nothing but live breathe and sleep malifaux (i envy those who do) xxXhayzelXxx
  15. oh my! those models are fab! how did you get every detail??? teach me oh great one! xxXhayzelXxx
  16. Awwh guys! Your so funny! I had a dream that i was candy and I went around decapitating people with my scissors. ahh but thats just me
  17. But she loves you!!! And baby Kade and Candy! they all love you! (but they just love me more!) heheh
  18. omg i love the stitched together! and Lilitu and Lelu look so awesome! cant WAIT!!!
  19. Is it me or are the neverborn models totally sweet and adorable?! Im starting to become obsessed. My teddy figure comes with me everywhere. Ive only been playing malifaux for about two weeks and ive already got four box sets and a few teddies. I love them! Even though one of the sets is the Colette box and the other is the Kirai. Even though they are fabulous models, the Neverborn are by are the best in my eyes. What does everyone else think??
  20. Thank you soooo much for this! Noobs such as myself can really understand them now! Thank you <3 xxXhayzelXxx
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