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Everything posted by Mentat_Canis

  1. Yes they are that was a typo I meant to say 4 Wds.
  2. I will throw my hat in the ring and agree with most. 1. Mech Rider( The model is great even after the late cuddles but all the riders are great (Dead is just good) hard to kill late game with a 0 action push and relevant attacks and triggers.) 2. Arcane Effigy( Like the Riders if you own a large chunk of the faction you should probably own the Effigy but the Arcane might be the best with Condition removal and a damage increase for the master, there is a reason you can't summon one with the Rider.) 3. Decembers Acolyte( In my opinion the best shooting option for the faction and is a good point cost. From the Shadows can be a trap for some players but I have never deployed one over the center line yes it means turn 1 I might not get a shot but if that is the case it is because it has scared my opponent. Also slow and lose a card would be good enough to shoot without doing damage.) 4. Blessed of December/Sabertooth (This one for me comes down to what model or leap you like better, I personally like the Blessed because ML 7 with good triggers and I would rather leap on an 8 instead of a 5mask. but they are quick hard hitting models that can also objective run.) 5. Fire Gamin (By far the hardest model to put on this list because the ones above were easy for me to pick but I love these wk 4 df 4 wp 4 guys because they have a Sh5 attack that does good damage and burns and if you have to kill these guys in melee they make you pay for it. and they get objectives done turn 4 and 5 because who wants to shoot at the 2 Gamin when you have Joss running at you.)
  3. I have used her a few times and like most have said she is just one choice in the expensive heavy hitters that Neverborn can field. My main opponent refers to her as she activates and something which has been true recently because ML 7 with 4/5/6 is very strong. I have not taken any upgrades on her recently because I have felt it not needed. Personally when I am looking at 10+ss Beaters in Neverborn I look at Nekima, Teddy, Mature, Rider. I take them all in different games depending on what I need. I think that out of these 4 Nekima is best in the early game because of the inbuilt 3 AP and wk6 with flight, it allows for turn 2 engagements with killing power and she can easliy run on the flank by herself. If I am looking for a model that will be around all game I don't take Nakima as I fully expect her to die turn 3ish after disrupting the enimy and most likely getting at least one kill. If I think I will need a heavy hitter all game I will take the Rider and hide him turn 1 then bring him into action end of 2, or I will take teddy with the healing and Terrifying all. He is also slower to get into the fight so is more of a cleanup model after a vanguard disrupts early actions. Last game with Nekima was Reckoning where I took Nekima, Rider, Mature, BBS, and Collodi vs the Viks where Nekima was a flanker that handled Tealor and a convict gunslinger allowing for the rest of my force to deal with the Viks in the middle of the table. So like everyone else has really said she can be good but only really when it is called for and I have not put an upgrade on her since mid way through the beta but that is a personal choice.
  4. Fetid I agree that I don't think we will see them but I thought I would because it would have been easy to do. While 1ap isn't as valuable to every model you set the price high enough where those that it would be valuable would think of taking it but wouldn't take it all the time, hence the 3ss cost I put on it. To your upgrade there are plenty of masters out there that cannot expand their hiring pools as well Seamus is not alone.
  5. I have thought for a long time that they would add some slightly overpriced generic upgrades. The ones I thought for this would be 3ss "Gain a Specific AP" or 4-5ss "Gain Fast" Others in the vain could be armor, or hard to kill once again being overpriced as some models already have upgrades like this like The Captian which is 2ss gain casting expert I believe. I would also love to see an upgrade that is faction neutral with the restriction of "Horseman" I think it would be name "Apocalypse Always Comes" 3ss - This model has hard to kill. Discard this upgrade to heal 2 wounds and gain fast.
  6. So I am about half way through the book and while I have really liked the stories so far I do have one major issue. You have not moved overarching story forward in now the last 3 books. I am only through half the book so that could change but I would doubt it and my big question is now 3 books into this trend are we going to move forward with the story or are we just going to get more side stories.
  7. I agree the book keeping would be terrible didn't think about that, I think it would be hard to change the TN on the (0) because all the riders are a 6 and adding a suit would also be hard for the same reason of symmetry. I also agree that for 1/4 of your crew it should be amazing but Me and Dracomax have always been on close to the same page.
  8. I can say to the early question the Raspy player played it every game because of me. We play a lot and he started to notice how good the Mech Rider is. The model does have several weaknesses if you are playing against it, the first of which is to those factions with a sniper bring a sniper because early damage is easy and the model doesn't have early armor. Target it with blasts as it doesn't get armor vs blasts pulses and auras. The 6 I agree is a low number to need but it will also drain some cards from your hand to make sure it goes off so if you use a 8-9 to get a push and a 2wd slow model its still good but what else can that card do. Later in the open beta this model was cuddled several times toward the end lowering the amount of scheme markers and cards as well as more target restrictions. That being said the model is amazing like all of the riders and it might be the best of the riders not sure on that because the taxi that is the hooded rider is also really amazing. The biggest issue with you wanting a cuddle though is so many aspects on the card you can't change because they wanted symmetry between all the riders so the aspects that can be changed is for the 0 action lowering the push and changing the summon(which will never go to needing a scrap or scheme because they want it to used with all the masters), or they can change the triggers on the attacks to something else and these had been tweaked down to where they are now. I think that a cuddle now should not happen because of lack of data (one tournament is not enough data, stealing this from Fetid) but if they think that they have the time before the cards go off for printing to re-balance a model in house so we get actual cards then more power to. Also to the original opp that says it didn't see much play for tweaking the play test that is just fundamentally untrue as normally there were 2-5 battle reports with it a week and a thread on it every week about the changes that had happened the week before since it changed quite often. (I do agree that I bring this model in about 75% of games with the Arc and 95% of games with levi) The one big cuddle that would be easy to make is give the summoned models the Peon Characteristic if anything changes.
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