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Everything posted by odinsgrandson

  1. I can see that. Although, I personally only have a problem with Limited edition minis if they're game changing. But since they're just alternate sculpts, I think it's totally fine. I mean, if you could only start a Dreamer force with the LE LCB, then I'd have a problem with it. But the normal LCB sculpt is pretty nice too (and honestly, it is easier to play with). Of course, it also helps that they made the mini available online. I mean, that goes a long way already.
  2. Well, should I get a brass arachnid, or wait for the mobile toolkit. Also, if anyone feels strongly about pairing Ramos with the Essence of Power, Malifaux Child or Student of Comflict, you can chime in here too.
  3. Such a shame. I mean, I really wish the special forces she works with could just make her badass. But it looks like those all might as well show up without her, and she's way better with a totem than without one.
  4. With a mini that has that much exposed flesh, it is a good idea to do some more complex colors here. For example, don't just do grey skin. Do grey skin that has purple shading to it and flesh pink highlighting. Or green skin with red shading and blue highlighting. Or brown skin with deep red in the recesses and yellowish highlighting. Or blue skin, with magenta shading, and a pink underbelly. It really pays to have some variety in a flesh tone- it helps the whole mini look more organic.
  5. That is clearly some fantastic stuff. I have a friend who wants to make a similar terrain setup. I'll make sure he knows about this thread. Good work.
  6. I know my wife would have let me get away with this, but neither of us thought of it at the time :bawling:. We would have done it for sure, though. I actually didn't get this idea until I had a client request cake toppers, and I decided that it was the coolest commission ever. Then, after I got another request, then another until it became a regular thing for me.
  7. You know, it is hard to say just how this all started. I had a client who realized that cake toppers aren't really different from minis, and he asked me to convert some zombies out of them. I still owe him for giving me the idea in the first place (I would have had zombies at my own wedding if I had thought of it). And then, somehow, this became a steady thing for me. Here is the latest in Zombie battles the wedding cake toppers. This couple is having a rough day:
  8. Well, I'm pretty sure she'll rock with a Ramos crew, although I haven't tried her out just yet. That makes one more way to essentially remote detonate a spider, and that's pretty sweet. I was really wondering if she would work out alright as a master, and it looks like the consensus is "she'll be a great master when the next book comes out." Oh, well.
  9. I recently painted up this old Psyker. He's an older GW mini, meant to join Necromunda gangs as a freebooter (there were rules for him accidentally getting possessed mid combat and becoming a super powered force that wants to kill us all). I threw him up on CMON just to see how he does. Anyway, here he is:
  10. Thanks. Someone asked me about how I painted this mini's leathers, so here's the write up.
  11. This is a Giant that I created for an Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying game. Giants in the IK are a little different from most, so I had to do some converting to get him to look like what I needed. His face, hands and shoes are entirely made from greenstuff. He's mounted on a mini CD because it was the perfect size for a Huge sized creature. I've posted him up on Coolmini for anyone who cares to vote.
  12. Yeah, I wish she could use the swarms. Those things are rocking good. Another thing that strikes me as odd is that the book does not specify that she may bring any totems. If she's in a Ramos force, she could attach a totem, but I wonder if she's just not allowed to take them at all otherwise. Were there any M&SU Asset/Members that were also totems?
  13. I have a friend who started playing an Ophelia force, and another that started playing a Von Schill force. Lucius also just came out, and all of these Henchmen seem to work pretty well as Masters themselves. Kaeris seems like an oddity to me. I really just can't figure out how she is meant to be played as a master. She can only take M&SU assets and members in her force, which means that she cannot take the normal Steampunk Arachnids in her force, and by her rules, it looks like she wants them. I really don't see much point in bringing 5 point models just to blow up (although she'd be a welcome addition to my Ramos crew). But how is she meant to be played as a master in a scrap?
  14. Ok, here's an odd mini. This guy was made as a bonus for people who pre-ordered a special edition of "Kill Doctor Lucky." The game is a sort of parody of Clue, in which players are each trying to off the good doctor under their own ideal circumstances (in the dining room with the rope, for example). Anyway, I got this mini because he looks to me like he'd make a great RPG character in a sort of steampunk setting. I eventually painted him up as a gift for a friend who was about to start up a wizard character. Anyway, here he is:
  15. Sure. This is a case of shading the minis with a watered down color that contrasts well to the base colors. The skin is mostly just P3 Ironhull Gray layered up by mixing it with Midlund Flesh (it creates a more natural look to highlight with the pinkish midlund). The color is shaded with a watered down Beaten Purple and Murderous Magenta. The purple and magenta bits on the minis (tongue, tentacle, blanket, etc) were all painted in those same colors to create a unified feel.
  16. Well, here is a mini that I was commissioned to paint just a little while ago, and I'm just now getting around to posting him up. For the record, he is in the same force that includes the funshine bear and grumpy bear versions of teddy that I posted recently.
  17. Well, I kind of ascribe that idea to the original designer of the mini. Honestly, it's a wonder Eric Johns didn't paint the studio mini like a Care Bear. Worry not, he will be here soon.
  18. When you look at the Teddy miniature, it is pretty much impossible not to realize that he'd just look awesome as a Care Bear. And the rest just paints itself, really.
  19. Alas, no mold was made. Nice work, and thanks for posting. And I know I'm bias, but that's totally awesome. And seeing him painted makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you know?
  20. Well, I recently got a pretty outstanding commission to paint up this Armorcast Warhound Titan (circa 1989). The titan is a find miniature, but it had some issues with detail- it was basically an enlarged epic scale mini. But with all of those broad areas, I just had to add in some freehand, right? Also, I've posted this one up on Coolmini, for anyone who cares to vote.
  21. Well, I've had this set of Space Hulk minis for over a year now, and I've just had so many projects to paint that they've been on my back list for a while. Ironically, in that time I've painted quite a few Space Hulk sets for other people. As the first of the Genestealers, I did the Broodlord. He's meant to set the pace for the rest of them, with a color scheme that isn't too close to the official one, but not too far from it either. Anyway, here he is:
  22. Wow, keep up the good work on those. I repainted a couple Monpoc minis a while ago, and it is actually a little surprising how good the sculpts are. I've repainted other lines, and haven't walked away quite as happy. I especially like your work on the Molemen. That makes me want to pick up that faction (I have some Lords of Cthul that I've been repainting). By the way, do you have a similar plan for the Voltron minis or the minis with normal super Ultra forms?
  23. I should make sure to tell you that on Blood Rose, that isn't totally freehand. The design is embossed on her dress (kind of like the GW banners). Although I generally don't like the idea of embossing the insignias like that, in this case I think it worked rather well, as it actually does end up looking like freehand. Also, I have more Heroes/Villains to show off: \
  24. Dude. Are you sculptor or concept artist? Either way, nice work- these guys really blow away the competition for super hero minis. I've got a few more Pulp City minis on my table, I'll be posting those up soon.
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