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Posts posted by Oshova

  1. Definitely an interesting idea. Would this mean the end of the bonus for 2-day events? It does cause quite a big swing for those events, and any 5+ round event is going to be a 2 day event anyway. Unless you're crazy... I'm looking at people attending Adepticon this year...

    • Like 1
  2. Pretty much every crew has a repeating core for me. Collodi is the one with the most changes to that core, as he needs Puppets.

    Primordial Magic - Cheap activation, card cycling, and potential surprise scheme marker
    Nekima - Fast, smashy, and when used right can decimate a crew before she's taken down
    Doppelganger - Cheat the initiative, copy abilities, interact while engaged. Yeah, just a massive pain for your opponent
    Mr Graves - Tough, with a decent attack. Plus he can push models around which is massively helpful

    Then there are some other models that make regular appearances.

    Lilitu - Lure and a 4" melee give you some great board control
    Johan - Tough, with a decent attack. Plus he has condition removal and Flurry.
    Barbaros - Tough, and can push enemy models around. Nimble, which is very handy for certain schemes, or just charging people behind cover. Oh, and his Challenge aura is crazy good with Pandora
    Terror Tots, Insidious Madness, Silurids - Great Scheme runners. They're fast, each with their own ways of getting up the board fast.

    So yeah, there's a bunch of models, most of which you can buy by themselves as opposed to being in crew boxes.

  3. 28 minutes ago, I'm a Teapot! said:

    I think it works, because you could always try to leave one of their engagement zones if the model fails, but stay in the engagement zone of the model that won a disengaging strike vs you. 


    To resolve a disengaging strike, the enemy models that are engaged with the moving model may choose to take a free Attack Action with any one Close (y) Attack which the disengaging model is within range of. If the Attack hits, the disengaging model may not perform the Walk Action, although it must still spend the required AP. A disengaging strike deals no damage, has no other effect, and may not declare any Triggers.

    So you do get to make all of the disengaging strikes, even if the disengaging model fails the first one! If the disengaging model fails any of the duels, then it doesn't get to move at all, but you get to keep making disengaging strikes for any other models that are able to do so.

    Other models would include Insidious Madness and Changling (From copying an attack).


  4. On 10/11/2017 at 2:30 PM, I'm a Teapot! said:

    Then she can make the model try to walk out of engagement of both candy and pandora. Since vasilisa is considered as the controller of the obeyed model, she gets to flip and cheat for the model trying to run and you also get to controll the flips and cheats of candy and pandora. So you can make the obeyed model lose both duels and take 2 more damage from misery. Since it wasnt an attack action, you can obey the model again and repeat it. So 2 ap for 6 misery dmg from only pandoras misery.

    My understanding was that once you failed a disengage you stopped trying to get away. So you would only be able to fail the first one, and not any others. It's still an extra Wp duel to fail, but I'm not sure it stacks up the way you think it does.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, because that seems like a pretty decent trick.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Tapdancer said:

    This would be true except there is a complete set of podcasts (for each faction) detailing all the new models and upgrades.  Each podcast has pretty thorough analysis of the relative strength of each model/card and how it may effect the current meta.



    you will informed and entertained



    Your choice as TO.

    But there's not been any Arcane Reservoirs out about the new stuff, and we all know that they are much better. Why would I waste my time listening to an inferior Malifaux podcast =p

  6. 8 minutes ago, Psientologist said:

    I appreciate like @Tris said, not everyone knows about Bag-o-tools, first off, they should :D but secondly I'm not sure why it's fine for a normal event but not ITC?

    It depends what information you want. If you want breakdowns of what each table's Strat and Schemes were, and who was playing on each, then Bag-o-tools as is doesn't give you that. It is build for singles events, and so gives all the information necessary for a singles event. There is much more information to show for the ITC, and so this would need to be built in on top of what is already there. Now, I'm not saying this needs to be done, but for someone to be able to know what is going on across all the tables at a glance, you do need more information than what Bag-o-tools currently gives you.

    I say, get the whip out and get those Scottish lads to build a better version for ITC 2 ;)

    • Like 2
  7. I don't understand this complaint about supposed "Super Teams" at all. For starters, the T stands for TEAM in ITC.

    It's not even like the non-UK teams were the only ones to have collections of non-club members in a team. Black Joker Society is made up of friends who met on the tournament scene, there's no geographical alignment. Team Harrogate drafted in an ex-UK #1 to fill in a space in their team. I'm sure there are more cases of this happening.

    Having played Trump Card (thanks for smashing me Larry), I can say that really they emody the spirit of the game just as much as anyone else I've played over the years. And I would say the same for the 2 Swedish teams we played as well. From the brief interactions I had with other non-UK players, and the general feeling in the room, this event showed sportsmanship and a love for the game, that was equal to any other event I've been to.

    Now, next year... UK need to step it up. Let's ignore how the non-UK teams did really well. You let Yorkfaux be the best UK team! You let Black Joker Society be the 2nd best UK team! BJS had 2 Guild Ball players on our team...

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, OldManMyke said:

    Streaming was discussed but I dont know enough about it or people who do.  Plus what would you stream, general stream of the room, a single table?

    From what I heard, Vengeance were streaming the top table the weekend before. No idea what was going on in the stream or anything, but might be worth talking to the organiser(s) for Vengeance? I definitely think that streaming is a nice addition to a tournament, in this internet age. But it is more hassle, and more cost.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, balgor said:

    Very good, I mean 50pts crews with a pool of 10 or 20 points for a little flexibility.

    So a 70SS pool? I don't think that's as large as pool events have been run at. Pool style events usually give advantage to versatile summoners, as they can summon in what they don't need to have in their pool. Also, this would make people have to play 1 Master for 5 games, which takes out a lot of the tactical aspects of it being so open the way it was this year.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Guy in Suit said:

    Importantly it didn't take to long, and all of my games finished all 5 turns, which is really important to me. 

    Definitely an important factor when people are travelling from so far away. It's bad enough just travelling up the country, let alone across several time zones.

  11. A really well run event, as Mike and the Judges did a great job (as always) of keeping an event in order, keeping everyone aware of time remaining, and answering rules questions/LOS check etc

    The one thing I would want to change would be the matchup system. For the most part, when we had decided what Master was playing on each table before knowing what our opponents were using, and from talking to our opponents they seemed to have done the same. Also, with the fact that some Masters have auto takes against them, I don't think that the system used is the best system.

    Now, I do like picking your Masters before hand, but I don't like your opponent knowing it before picking crews. So how could it be changed?

    OPTION 1:

    Each team picks their Masters, and picks what tables they are playing without knowing what the other team will do. Each team then goes table by table announcing the Faction and player they will be putting on that table. Then play the games like you would normally, but having your Master locked in (but only revealing at the Declare Crew step).

    OPTION 2:

    Each team picks their Masters, but then during the match up portion, the teams only declare what faction they are putting forward, and we use a similar format to this year's where there is a back and forth between teams (I quite like the idea of reversing the 2 and 1 picks like Trikk proposed). Then once each game has been picked, you go to the tables and only announce your locked in Master at the Declare Crews step.

    OPTION 3:

    Each team picks their Factions, then proceed as per Option 2.

    I definitely think that keeping your Master hidden until the Declare Crews step is an improvement, as some Masters just have heavy counters that are Mercenary picks (Sue and Taelor jump to mind).

    But other than changing the matching up system, I can't think of any other changes I would want to make at this moment. A well run event, and would definitely want to bring back Black Joker Society again next year.

    • Like 3
  12. 4 minutes ago, Clousseau said:

    I'll be there from Friday afternoon helping with table set up, but then available for Puppet Wars or Darkness Comes Rattling (hopefully someone knows how to play it!). As I'm not in a team you can play me without fear of facing me over a Malifaux table.

    Why would I be afraid of facing you across a Malifaux table? Easy win =p

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