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The Madman

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Everything posted by The Madman

  1. I asked the same thing but the book says he plays on a 50mm base
  2. Black Scorpion makes some Really great stuff BUT i have bought many of their models over the last 2 years and you should be prepaired to do clean up on the fig mold lines, excess flashing and mis-fit parts to be green stuffed are all to be expected not that many figs don't require a little attention, but these will take more
  3. I really think something would be very VERY much Missing (in the future) if Missionaries/ Religious zealots were not introduced it's VERY doable without getting too "Fanatical" I can see it going in one of 2 directions 1) Religious "Cleansers" trying to banish the "unholy/unclean" of Malifaux and make it safe for the 'every man' (Prefered) 2) A deeper twisted version of the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials GW has done it for A LONG time with the Sisters of Battle and the Grey knights/Witch hunter with little or no reprisals we already have Sonia Criid and Lady J dancing on the razors edge my envisioning of the first would be like an Old West Priest "Padre" the kind of fellow with the long black Duster-like Frock coat carrying around a hand bound leather scripture (a Melee Weapon) a Small pouch of soul stones and Combat Shotgun! (above mini is a Dark Age Miniature) having an ability where he casts "prayers" to Preemptively cancel opponents attacks (similar to Criid AND the Librarian) as well as casting Angelic Minions to fight/defend (Like Zorida and Colodi)
  4. there are lots of places that have nice terrain and even a few this month that have Victorian/ Old London pieces on sale; Armor Cast and a few others... the Trains are gonna be a Pain in the A$$! The closest Hobby train scale is "O" (IIRC) at this point because there fell into a "Not as popular" catagory(unlike HO and 'Lionelle' gauge) they are treated as collecters items and VERY hard to find "Era type" engins and quality pieces at "reasonable" prices
  5. It doesn't hurt that some of our players are SUPER talented at making game terrain and the store owner(s) are players too who heavily invest in terrain for their games
  6. for 10.00, you may as well see if some one will let you proxy their Sabertooth Cerebus
  7. From the "Lions" 2 pack from Reaper it's only 10.00 [url=http://www.reapermini.com/pages/figure_finder_image.php?sku=02776_G.jpgℑ=3]
  8. pretty sure that toy is NOT gonna fit a 40mm base
  9. Nicely done bro! excellent narritive on your match...I'm almost wincing at the thought of you writing up my 3-way debacle! :embarasse
  10. I have been running a Vict. crew 35ss for our league and against some of my opponents Ramos Colette (Especially) Lilith Perdita Mc Mourning I've found minimum 2 ss and as much as 4 is 'nice' I ran one game and ended up having ss to spare and was running without the Ronin, I REALLY regretted it! In addition with the Henchmen, having the ss available to them too is a must
  11. as much as alternate sculpts would be cool(and I'm sure they have some) getting squads filled out and getting book 2 stuff out on the shelves should be the priority
  12. I'm with you on this one The Waldy is a TREE Demon not wilderbeast standing in tall grass If your place of play lets you proxy it - cool but, meh i'll stick with WYRDs
  13. I DO like listening to mood music while I paint(When I can) I've been painting my Victorias and other Outcasts so outlaw-blusey guitar rock and souther dobro sounds get me motivated so Driving n Crying Kenny Wayne Sheppard Black Keys Morphine Brother Cain
  14. i like to use a little brown foundation watered down and dabbed around the coat tails and then highlight/drybrush the highpoints with "Deadly nightshade" I like it cause it's a nice dark, Batman-like blue that doesn't require a lot of layers and helps with an additional grey highlight
  15. [url=http://www.iconusa4.com/online/Images/Heroclix-Indy_gallery/Indy-figures/HIIN_025_027.jpg]
  16. At Miniature Market $63.00 (us), you make an additional purchas to wind it up to $75 and it's free shipping
  17. I'm not trying to argue the validity of your statment BUT where are you getting your information? Just a causal scan of the listed tourneys posted here on this site have TONS of "Fast and Loose" rules, not the least of which concern proxies... in some cases allowing up to 50% of figs to be proxied!
  18. Look about 3/4 way down there are "Genaric" character counters http://www.litkoaero.com/page/LAI/JIMSLAB http://www.litkoaero.com/JimsLab/Litko_counter_stands.jpg
  19. I think what you ar elooking for is called DEADLANDS
  20. go down the middle and do a grey or neutral tan primer most of the DIY stores have a $ .99 primer in black, grey and white
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