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Everything posted by hippieshopper

  1. Maybe the border is too much... :\
  2. Sebastian. Many, many times have people tried to run on my dog pack with say, Teddy, a "big daddy" (Mature Nephilim), or some other thing...to realize that when you don't kill him in one turn...you die. He leads the pack, he can tear through lots of weak models with Bloody Harvest, and he is just nicer in combat. But yes, it is a matter of taste. It seems I am facing a losing battle of opinions, but I use Sebastian with everyone...even Nico. Aside from that, I usually don't use anything but Canine Remains, Frankies, Sebs, some Punk Zombies and the Grave Spirit. That's in....no need to fix what isn't broken. Tag the totem along with a Frankie and run him in there as the leader of the squad of punks...Hard to Wound 2, 10 Wds and now Armor 2? that's awesome.
  3. The reason I like KJ more is because he isn't as fragile as Bete. In order for her to cast her spell to come back to life you need to save a higher card for it. I would rather use those for KJ to beat on people. Also, if you are going against Sonnia and she smacks her with that sword... well you're silenced and pretty much dead.
  4. He does have a lot of fixing in need to be done. I prefer to use heavy AoE on the rat catchers, so I can take out as many as I can in one spell. As for Hamelin, I usually ignore him and kill everything else I can. But I refuse to play anyone using him, it's not because I am bad, weak, stupid, or a 'pussy' but because he seriously needs some tweaks before he is ready.
  5. I agree. Lilith, McMourning is pretty fun, Perdita, maybe even Rasputina.
  6. I don't know, I love Punk Zombies. They may not hit as hard but they almost always hit. With Paired weapons and combat 7, they are monsters. I have come to use the Vultures more and more. I just forget sometimes to use Eyes and Ears. Same with Putrefy... You might want to pick up Killjoy, Sebastian, and/or Mortimer. I personally don't like him but...to each their own. I like the Crooked Men, minefields are Lilith's nightmare hehe
  7. That's one thing I like about Marcus. Other masters have Obey, which cannot be used on Masters...Marcus can do that to anyone he wants. Other than that, Beasts are usually living unless they were changed...through his abilities. So they will normally drop Corpse Counters if there is a graverobber on the field.
  8. Oh I don't think it's babble at all. I am sure that Nathan and Eric and the whole crew appreciate it. I am in the same boat as you only I have never played any other mini game before but I am really digging this game.
  9. The main problem I see with all gremlins is that their health is very low. So if you have any AoEs...that'd be good bet.
  10. Yeah, to avoid any major copyright infringement or any other legal douchbaggery.
  11. You're absolutely right, usually it's the ones that slip past people that get mentioned.
  12. Yeah, Som'er needs more fiber in his diet. We had a discussion on this earlier...my friend and I. It seems one of the more effective ways to do things is by the use of many baby spiders, and few heavy hitters....most notably being "Thuh Klump" or the swarm of baby spiders. I'm not saying this is the absolute best way with no possible flaws, this is just something that works well with my play style. That being Quantity > Quality.
  13. Nope but if you check out the Faction-specific forums, you are bound to find several guides and tactica that should help you. Most of them are in depth enough to go over what models are best for the master you have chosen. If you decide to go the route of Nicodem or Dr. McMourning, I would be happy to help you with anything I can. Also, VonWyll is the author of a top notch McM tactics section.
  14. Honestly, I have been working on that... I have Mushmouth done, but I want to make sure everything is solid first. Also if I did, I was thinking of adding a trait to all of them, that being "Cosbie Kid" or something like that. The original Cosbie's Kodak Attack would be much like the Judged spell in that it would do double damage to all of the models with that trait. I'd put it on a trigger though. Ex Under triggers...it'd be something like... ...cause he is the creator of that show, you see. I don't know quite yet, this is both very difficult to make them balanced...but it is also a lot of fun. I was even working on some prototype for another one of our Ramos players under some house rules.
  15. As dirty as that sounds, I might end up taking you guys up on that offer. It'll be awhile though. I'll bring some zombie hippie love. Peace out, man!
  16. I usually aim for Papa Loco, Nino, and Francisco (in that order) when I go against her. Although I am a McM player, and not too good with the Gremlins. I have no idea if that's the thing to do for the wee little green ones.
  17. I always had an abundance of BPCs because you can only summon once a turn and Fast doesn't stack. So it's actually not too bad, and I always felt that even if it isn't really, summoning a RN or Frankie on the first turn just seems like a dick'ish thing to do. I'd rather tear up an expensive model of theirs then summon a Frankie right next to them. =P I've never used a totem, because I didn't know that his totem could do that until they took it away. So I will probably just go totem-less as I always have.
  18. Thanks guys!!! I really appreciate it, I was worried at first that people wouldn't appreciate the Cosby humor. I'll admit, I am no poet but I did try to make the poem match. Also, I have yet to play test this, but because I modified it off of a Halloween encounter, I think it won't be too bad. I plan on trying it out on Thursday.
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