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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. IMHO tool kit for the win. Makeing all his spells cast much easyer is so nice.
  2. IMHO I would like to see the option to allways reflip. Some goals are just borderline unable to be done at all.
  3. I dont have a standard levi list. I have all most every model he can use. The norm for guild is perdita, 2 austringers and nino + whatever. Nino and austringers are murder for levi/waif. You cant give them cover you cant hide them. You can basicly put them in a sold rock and they will still get shot and killed. For chomp because levi and waifs can not start more then 6 inches apart in a turn chomp lands in the middle and just crushes them and can do so from a pritty solid distance away. The change is what made this one suck bad. You uses to be able to spread out levi and waifs more to try and live now its just hulk smash.
  4. You are right killing is not the only goal but balance can be jacked up for other reasons then just I cant kill the other guy. Take my issue with levi vs guild. I love levi I have a ton of models for him. My local playgroup is dreamer and guild guild and more guild. Others may disagree but dreamer and guild can crush levi with out even trying. Basicly I get to spend every game with out a master. I can move on an play other crews (and I have). But it bugs me to no end that I cant play the master I want because vs those 2 crews levi gets his face smashed in (Levi not the crew). The change/nurf call it what you like made this all the worse. IMHO most players attach them selves to a master more so then a faction. My choice is invalid because the other local players play the paper to my rock. This is not fun for me. This is why my hope is that Avatar options give me another way to play levi so when I fight those crews I can play the master I want instead of balance saying nope sucks to be you.
  5. Thanks to how I met your mother every time someone mentions a panda I am forced to think about how there meat is delicious
  6. Over all wyrd has a solid game on there hands. That being said there are some very very bad matchups that are just 0 fun to run in to. I will give 2 examples and I am sure people will disagree. Levi vs guild and Hamlin vs the little green men. My personal hope is simply this Avatars. I hope that the Avatar forms have an effect that will go a long way to help with shore up some of the worst offenders of the balance. For example. Avatar form for Somer could have an effect called say Large and in charge all Gremlin models are Ht2 while Somer is in play. Your going VS outcasts then probably want to use your Avatar form for Somer. This will let players play a master while Balance is given a small hand on the options that just don't play nice together. (note I am not holding my breath on this just a hope)
  7. O please the only thing on your plate is cheese
  8. Any one have cards for all the new models and know this combo is still running or not?
  9. Come on guys back on track please its my job to derail things and even I posted about the topic at hand
  10. I don't know for sure but being as no one has brought it up I'm guessing it has not changed. I wanted to see blasts get a resist check. My brother refuses to play the game with me after the first game we ran in to this. A df 2 model got hit with a blast. It killed another model who could have resisted with a black joker. He is of the view you should all ways be able to at least try and defend. I agree but not as big of a deal to me.
  11. That peacekeeper is going to look like the mounted orc statue they have out in front of the blizcons. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/90196-Blizzard-Unveils-12-Foot-Orc-Statue-at-Irvine-HQ
  12. Got to ask for any one with the book. Is it still the same that a model that is "Bury" with a second effect on it would not remove the effect if it is not in play when the effect would end.
  13. Intresting batrep. I am not shocked at all. The puppet is crazy good as written he can kill pritty much any thing in one turn if he wants to. He can unleash a crazy flurry of attacks and it pritty much ignores all armor and sprit effects because its all 1 point of damage a pop. Next game you may want to try and bury hamlin in a field of rats. Space out rats enough so he cant place the dolls close to your key models.
  14. Next time i get told no proxy at a tournamant im do going to do that. Wyrd said this is the model look here is the forum post When it dies ill split it in to 2 piles on smaller bases
  15. Keep it comeing rat man im board as hell at work The shooting thing is makeing me think. What things did they change to work differently and what things just got changed so we would stop playing them wrong?
  16. Ya looks exactly like how we played it before Thanks for the info tho good to know.
  17. Well guess i miss understood you then. Im not sure I understand the change your talking about. Based on what you posted it sounds like how my local area has been playing all along. Damn and here I was excited ortegas finaly getting nurfed and its not so
  18. Well given most I fight lack much in the way of aoe. If you bunch up they will basicly be randomising hits and make it harder to pick off models. Models fight at 100% untill dead. well most of them. Other usefull things Guardian model. If he shoots in to combat with one of those and hits that model you can trigger his defensive ability with out having to use the all action. Takeing 2 of these looks a lot more atractive to me. Regenerating models only takeing one hit Spiderswarm takeing a shot and then healing up with a 0 action. Models with armor takeing shots for squishy models.
  19. Woot perhaps this change will make the ortegas a little less deady now.
  20. Rat can you please expand on that now? Sounds like you random shoot in to meliee of all frendly models.
  21. Bah 100 bucks my butt you offered me 40 60 and its yours
  22. Sigh I am so not buying from the online store I did for this again. They still list every thing as a preorder mine is not even in the mail yet
  23. That's very cool change wish stupid miniature market would send out my preorder so I could read the book.
  24. Keep in mind Hamlin just came out. No one is talking about ratty Hamlin is our new rodent overlord.
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