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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Nope I cant go. Far side of the country for me. So it wont be me who kills with chomp
  2. They just dont want you to see the super secret Hamlin cuddle
  3. I would like to put in my 5 bucks now that says chomp takes the tournamant.
  4. You do realize there is only one crew that can hit something in the opponents edge of the board turn one and it is only on one type of deployment correct? What can any other crew do to disrupt it on turn one? Sorry this is not even close to right. I have had chomp eat levi and his waif turn one on more then one game before. Infact he can eat Levi and waif before I ever activate a model if I lose first activation.
  5. Yep smashed again. Wyrd is awsome thus people come here and the numbers grow
  6. Doing it at all. I am 100% gamer I hate painting with a passion. I do it enough that im starting to get some thing close to skill at it but it all ways feels like a job to me. I cant have some one else paint them because if they paint them and I get another model down the road they may not be able to paint the new model and then they wont match. But I dont like fielding unpainted models. I have models sitting in a box unassembled because I dont want to paint them I would rather proxy models I do have painted then use the right model. Its crazy I have two desk drawer full of models that are unpainted and not put together and I keep getting more. Lol I think I am the worlds most lazy perfectionist. I hate any thing being wrong but to damn lazy to fix it.
  7. I just dont think as they are in the book they are all that usefull. The range defense I just dont think as solid for an aura you have to get in range. They do have moblity but to make that shine you need to take them in packs. The aura dont stack and they are not that hot on combat so takeing mutiple is of limited use. Other people may have more luck then me on this. Even if you dont want to take gaki my point was more there are a lot better options to take for the cost.
  8. I personaly have not had much luck with them. Night Falls requires the attacking model to be within 4 inches not the target. This IMHO makes it not work out well as a range defense. The trigger to give -2 wp is nice but I dont think it makes them a better option then just takeing Gaki.
  9. I was just giving an example (and not a very good one)you are 100% correct it would not work on chomp at all.
  10. Um dont think thats right. Pg 12 Under the talents it defines it as any special abilities a weapon may have for example paired. So big z could hex away the fact that claws have poison or paired but not the weapon itself.
  11. Once per turn is a models turn. He is a new model same way as summoning when he comes back and thus can make another stolen. That's what makes the combo infinite. Some have argued its the same model not a new one and could not do it again. Problem is if it was not a new model it says nothing about him healing and he drops dead again. By the current rules it works for an infinite combo. Thus wyrd is looking at it. Yes the -4 is perm
  12. Eh I would just remove the part about him coming back on sacrifice. If any thing people say he is Op so if you can find a way to sac him he don't come back. GL on pulling that off tho.
  13. Now that you mentioned adding yellow to the ribbons I see a down side to making the mannequin the same as the showgirl. For the showgirl her hair eyes and 2 skin colors added more to the girl but because they lack on the mannequin it looks a little blah. I might just use the same color on the ribbons I used on the girls hair. Will just need to be careful not to make any performers have black hair. Might add the same color to the boot laces to make them pop as well.
  14. Ya that just comes down to not doing well on the free hand painting. I had thought about the same thing when I was doing them.
  15. Got a mannequin and 2 doves done. Wife thinks I should add a little green to the magic smoke on the one dove and paint the mannequin arm with the ribbons red as its currently all black. Let me know what you think. I am going to try and make a green stuff smoke with stars for the next few models so each dove has a few girls that go along with it.
  16. Hum blank post I thought that was the proxy for snowstorm.
  17. Hoffman can make the manaquin forget it can only link to showgirls.
  18. Yep on the 8th looks like it got topped again. Looks like a great sign in my book that wyrd is growing strong
  19. At the moment it depends on how long its been on the shelf. The boxes have been comeing with the cards for a bit now. You may want to see if there is a henchman in your area. They would probably have the cards and could trade them out for you.
  20. What don't like your woman dirty ?
  21. New girl took advice on adding to base and used a little green stuff to give her a card to hold as well. Can also see the flooring better on this one. Feel free to add any advice all is welcome.
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