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About Recklessmisuseofviolence

  • Birthday 12/17/1971

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  1. How many wounds the rat catchers have?
  2. At first I thought it would be an easy fix. I though Nix was required to turn it on. If that were the case, just making one of Nix's (0) actions a (1) would fix it. Then upon further investigation, I found Hamlin doesn't need Nix. So more than one model needs to go almost all the way back to the drawing board. This is frustrating because all of the things that attracted me (I like complicated stuff) are likely to change. They won't feel the same, they won't play the same. And as far as tournaments go, you can't expect players to restrict themselves. They're there to win. The burden of balance and fairness belongs to the game developers not the players or the event organizers.
  3. Did they get around to removing Hamlin's auto win button?
  4. Levi can kill himself on turn one to leave a corps for turn two waif. Here is how I do it: Death lessons + 3wd Blessings on himself + 1wd Blessings on waif + 1wd Necromatic + 2wd Start Close + 1wd = one conveniently placed corps waiting for you at the start of turn two
  5. Just played 20ss me levi,bete,joy him mcmourn,2nurse,coroner,k9,chihuahua turn 2 i ruined him in his own dz!!!
  6. have you also noticed the contradiction between the two new erratas regarding the dm track? the new errata says 1/2/5, the new printer friendly errata says 2/2/5
  7. Ever wonder why a couple of Leve's spells will not let you target friendlys?
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