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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I got to say I am impressed by that. Did the NB players focus on one master?
  2. Cool thanks bear man. Every one can give me crap about how NB did not win
  3. Rabid wombat for the win.
  4. Can some one please post what factions took the brawl and scrap I cant get the excel file at work.
  5. Sounds awsome, And I am looking forward to seeing it. Perhaps you are playing him wrong some how. Perhaps he is as broken as you say. This will give the 2 sides of the issue some thing to connect on I hope.
  6. Would love to see that alp bomb as well. Even if the game is a field of pots and pans I would love to see how your game goes sand.
  7. Record us up a few games and toss them on youtube. I would not mind watching a few games.
  8. Book says at the end for vp and that's the same thing as at the end. That being said I would not mind seeing it being ruled the other way. I just cant agree that is rules as written.
  9. Another thing to keep in mind Vs dreamer is he has to keep 2 models close VS you. If he only keeps one model next to dreamer control it and it will no longer be friendly and you can use it to smack the dreamer.
  10. Well sand if it helps I would love to see any more work. Two reasons. First every crew could use a good tactica. Second If he is OP the more people learn him the faster others will come yelling about him and the sooner he will get fixed. Both ways the game is better O and its a very nice read so far.
  11. So the idea being is models could still get vp for some thing like breakthrough then?
  12. Eh I feel the same way as a former levi player about the ortega's. Your not alone it is just not as big a deal for ham.
  13. Yes basically if your all ready touching the edge then you die. Running to the edge just stops you. The point of being close to the edge is limiting how far your models can go. As rat said being right on the edge is a bad plan. You are right about the terror models causing you to run away from them.
  14. Sush 1000 posts and you have not figured out I cant spell
  15. Please only vote if you have played at least 3 games with Hamlin or vs Hamlin. This is not a debate just a poll.
  16. Best thing you can do to counter terrifying crews is do your best to stay on a table edge. Even tho they run they don't go very far and you can keep them together. Plan this out when placing your mission objectives when you get the option. Honestly I don't think Ortega crews will be all that bad just takes a different plan. Fact is you will not be able to just make them all insignificant. That being said it will take a few shots for them to bring down anything worthwhile in your crew. Hamlin will just keep coming back and doing 8 damage to an 2 armor model takes a lot of shots. And in the end you just make a new catcher. That's a lot of resources to take out 4 SS worth o models. Just focus on doing the mission and don't worry if they blast the crap out of Hamlin every turn.
  17. Small book page 38 The replacing model(s) continues the activation using the using any general AP the replaced model(s)s had remaining. (Edit NM did not notice forming the swarm is replace and the small ones are summons. I stand corrected) "And if you're running 3 Constructs next to Hoff (easy to do with Totem and Guardian + something else), then you only need a 7 :masks or higher to pull of Override Edict. Sure, not something to depend on every turn, but definitely worth using every time you can mange it. Getting another full round of shots out of Ryle? Yes please!" Ryle is a perfect example of why not to do this. Instead of giving Ryle reactivate and making 3 shots give him 3 shots that have 1 more CB and Crit strike.
  18. Some thing to keep in mind first turn this does not help at all. Spiderswarm that breaks up all 3 sub parts activate right away. Also With the no attacking your self thing your probably not going to be using overriding edict each turn. it needs a mask to cast and imho a bad option to have your master every turn just to give reactivate. It can be useful but I would not be using it every turn. Also nice thing with hoffman is even tho he goes great with constructs he does not actually need more then one. He works great just pairing him up with a peacekeeper and you can then take any thing you want. Peacekeepers moment and Hoffman very nasty close combat make for one hell of a team. Try a peacekeeper nino and a bunch of stalkers it makes for a very solid crew.
  19. Strike is part of the walk action. It does not take another action point.
  20. Desperate Mercenaries (okay so they haven't been released yet, but I need x4 (!)) I don't think 4 is needed at all. Being as only 2 crews can take more then 2. Even being rare 4 does not by pass the 2 Merc rule.
  21. On that I will agree. Hoffman is one of the better masters vs this tactic. For the anti push thing. If there is a live model any where on the table. I like nino Pushing becomes an option. But its situational. You can activate him first however and punch out a few alps
  22. 8 Ryle (Unique) -- Automatic Fire. Note: Easily killed by in an Alp-bomb due to Destructive Impulse. This is just wrong he is immune to the bomb. Breach Psychosis makes the alp bomb do squat. He is immune to the talent that makes him take the Wp check. Note ryle also has the ability to move out of the alp bomb with his push and shoot back in (Depending on if there is a live model on the table and position) Papa is a very poor option. Papa can not blow up any where close to Hoffman. That means unless the dreamer crew is stupid and decides to go alp bomb just papa sitting by himself papa is worthless in the hoffman crew for this. Same thing for The Freikorps Specialist
  23. You are getting what he said wrong. He was saying chomp eats a model and you cant do crap about it not the bomb. The bomb you can activate what order you want. Pretty much what you have to do if the other guy is going to bomb you is break your group up. Not super far apart just like o say 8 inches. Then when he bombs in one place you use the other models to kill off as many alps as you can before your other models activate and eat the bomb. There is a lot more involved but that's the basic counter.
  24. Nix you don't have to prove any thing to me. I am just one of the players who thinks dreamer is better then most masters. But yes if you took a Marcus level crew to the con and won I would be happy to say your a bad ass malifaux player.
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