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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Sounds normal. Few options to deal with this. 1. Run him out of stones. 2. Any action that kills outright such as headshot. Healing will not prevent such effects. 3. Paralized models cant take slow to die actions. 4. Focus on other models and leave him for last. Any damage that is not prevented becomes wounds. Things like armor and bulletproof prevent damage. Whats left is wounds. Some effects cause wounds. Normaly this is a spell and will say it causes wounds. This bypasses things like armor, bulletproof.
  2. Reading through that I was shocked you had that much luck with alpha. I have never had it play that big of a role. Grats on your win sounds like a game well played.
  3. I have not found the rats that hard to move around. 90% of the time its one rat moves make sure the rest are in 5 inches and just place place place place. When it comes to combat it is all most all ways 0 move 0 to get + on flips and attack rats done. Only time it bogs down is the first few times playing the crew and when the other guy goes how does that work. I run in to the same issue when I played levi tho.
  4. He is still powerful and a solid master but being as people were all ready split on was he op or where he should be this should fix the crew to about right.
  5. I was just being a smart ass. Nothing in the fluff says he was a bully to poor hoffman.
  6. Some one told me they changed him to arcanist He needed to get away from his bully of a bother. Stupid older brother ruling with an iron fist.
  7. Looks like thats the change. Thing is me and a friend were saying the main issue is the rat catchers are a major PITA to kill off. I dont know how they can fix the Ug this crew is no fun to play vs thing people have brought up.
  8. 1. I am hoping that all the new mini packs (box or clam shell) have the V2 cards packed regardless of newer release or older release mini's. Would this be true? All new packs of book 1 models come with V2 cards now. Book 2 models come with V1 cards because there are no V2 for those models. Be aware that some older product with V1 is out there for book 1. 1. Is there a way to tell apart the V1 cards from the V2 without going online to compare them? I could always stumble on an old pack containing old cards.. Lower right hand corner has a small V2 printed on them. I guess while I am asking I will also check if I get old cards can I still redeem them for new ones by sending them somewhere?? I can look up where but wondering if this still is an available service? Hopefully the older gangs I grab (Ramos is next I think, my first order is Collette) will have V2 cards, assuming they are packed so. Colette will all be V1 but they are book 2 so you will be fine. At this point the trade in is over. That being said check with your local henchman if you have one they may have trade in cards. Also any cards that have been changed are available in PDF form on this site under the V2 stat cards on the left of the page. New cards can be bought from the online wyrd store and they are in the works for full faction decks.
  9. Discharge ss will work but being as you had to spend 1 or 2 stones to get the dove in to play in the first place its not the most usefull thing in the world. the fact you can just use the dove as a stone any way makes this of limited use but I could see doing it once in a while if the situation was right.
  10. Rat they all come with slow. New ones coming in don't change them at all.
  11. Hell. Might be a good idea to make cheese wedges and skulls. Skull for when its activated and a wedge for when its wounded
  12. Friend added little skulls to the bases. He just pushes the skulls in when that one has activated works well enough.
  13. Looks like we are on the same page the attack wording just put me off. I understand what your getting at.
  14. Perhaps I misunderstood you "I've not got the card but it says (ish) "when model is wounded by pipes it must make a WP->this model combat total or receive insignificant". So the structure of the duel is the WP is attacking the combat total (as with terrifying) and immune to influence only works when you're the defender" I think you just worded that poorly. I imagine what you mean is the trigger is not an attack(There is no attacker or defender in the duel) and thus bypasses the ITF. The way you have worded it makes it sound like the person targeted is the attacker or some thing.
  15. 5) Being able to make Immune to influence models insignificant via pipes is nice (as they're the attacker in the resulting WP duel, not the defender)? Huh not sure how this works care to enlighten me how a trigger from the attacker makes the other guy an attacker? I only have the book I dont think the card changed but on the pipes trigger it even calls the model a defender. Also what about jackdaw is so powerfull vs hamelin? (Not that he is not good just dont see what makes him so anti hamelin)
  16. Only change I know of is detonate scrap. But I dont have a card
  17. How are you getting 2 Soulstones with Magician's duel. The trigger is for dis act and discharge soulstone. Both of them cost a stone to use. Net result would be one ss and dove would cost you that.
  18. I found this as well as your list very odd. I have had much better luck not starting with only one or some times 0 catchers and makeing them in game. If for no other reason then you can move all the rats forward and then make them first turn for some extra movement.
  19. The entire WOD revamp. I loved white wolf back in the day but I cant imagine how they are still a company no one I know liked the revamp.
  20. Cool thanks for the info. Sounds like you all had a blast so wish I could have gone.
  21. Nilus did you have Hamelin the plagued at all in the events? Mainly want to know about the scrap.
  22. Wow that does seam odd. I am not a fan of vp being the main way to score for the whole thing. I think win loss should be first and VP being a tie breaker. Main reason being Is friends both 8 capping points when playing. Well heck if you did so well with viks we should just nurf them JK
  23. Ah that's interesting how many people brought him out for the tournament?
  24. I am the only local player who has used them and I found them boring as all hell. Not saying they are not good just boring. I traded them off before I gained any real skill with them but they felt squishy to me. Now the corp on the other hand I view as a very solid squad and if it was just a corps crew with a vik master I can understand it more. I was thinking a more out of the box type vik list.
  25. From those numbers the only thing that is a shock is the vikys doing so well. Dixon must be one hell of a player. I figured res and arcanist would end up at bottom and guild in the middle. Neverborn performed well even if they did not top the list. With the infinite combo broken and hamelin missing both his totem and the ratcatcher i dont think he was realy viable for the tournament. Will be interesting to see how he does at gencon tho.
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