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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. The only reason any model does resolve effects is because its not in play when they would resolve. The phase of the game is not an issue imho. I see no reason you would end the activation in the middle of the effect. Its activation ends because its no longer in play not because you used the effect. If its in play its still in its activation.
  2. You cant thats the whole reason they are dolls not special forces doll. They set them up so no one could hire them out of the NB. Hope this helps
  3. Lord Chompy cries because his little friend is no longer in the game -10 Hoffman gives his braces a tune up +5 Pandora - 70 Lord Chompy Bits - 75 Seamus - 125 Kirai - 70 Marcus - 110 Gun Vik - 45 Hamelin - 110 C. Hoffman - 100 Lady J - 10
  4. Dang it we are here to kill chompy your doing it wrong
  5. Heh personaly i find dopple to be one of the most over rated model in game people take her for all sorts of reasons and there is allmost all ways something better to take. Hell i jave played plenty of games where im happy for that neg flip when i want to wait the other player out of activations
  6. While smacking hoffman the follow through smacks chompy and he loses a tooth -10 Marcus gets a good laugh that he might have a decent chance for once to win some thing +5 Pandora - 75 Lord Chompy Bits - 90 Seamus - 115 Kirai - 75 Marcus - 105 Collette - 45 Gun Vik - 80 Hamelin - 110 C. Hoffman - 100 Lady J - 115
  7. O im not bashing them i fully understand. I hope eventualy they put out an offical deck of them or some thing.
  8. Ya at one point they said they were looking at giving us malifaux cards with puppet wars models they could not make it happen tho
  9. I hate him. I hate him more because i cant get him. Any one want to trade one for dead justice and a missdemenor lol. Think my henchman would kill me.
  10. Sort of but i often take a large spider for scrap fodder. Could be a good alt option. Forgot about the rider harpoon tho. I use the dead rider to drag around mcmorning and levi a lot
  11. You know looking at the hunter i might have to take one just to harpoon ramos for a little extra movment first turn. Be some thing to try and get him in the fight a little faster. Armor means he is realy only looking at one wound. I realy think ramos could use a snowstorm type model designed to help with his movement.
  12. From what i have sceen the gunsmiths best use is in z crew. She can move them in to great position for leadstorm.
  13. Eh my first uses of mud was basicly just plop it on. I have grown a little more picky but i would pit money you could cover those in a light coat and you would be happy. If your realy woried avoid the skin first. For spa a little dirt look on them goes well tho imho
  14. I could be wrong i dont have book but im pritty sure stiched are dolls but not special forces doll
  15. I was a little bumbed they did not come with cards hope they release some sort of puppet wars cards at some point.
  16. I can see that for living models. Terror does a lot of nothing for a lot of crews in game.
  17. I find them to be one of the best anti NB units in the game. NB have few ranged options so they play well.c
  18. Sigh wish I could offer up some solid advice. I feel your pain on those two as well.
  19. Hoffman finds a clue to help his brother +5 The Dreamer wakes up to a spanking -10 Pandora - 80 Lord Chompy Bits - 100 Dreamer - 15 Seamus - 125 Kirai - 70 Marcus - 100 Collette - 50 Gun Vik - 75 Hamelin - 110 C. Hoffman - 110 Lady J - 120 Bah why dreamer and chomp 2 masters. Die NB slime :-)
  20. Just cut him in half and slap him on a steamborg bottom. Would be a cool conversion steamborg.
  21. I love the look of the.cult models and would make some great proxy stuff for kirai.
  22. Along the same line any one have any exp with Bushido. I love the look of the cult faction.
  23. Cant end its activation unill its been buryed by then its out of game and cant take the wounds. Makes no sense to end a models activation in the middle of an .action
  24. I could have sworn this got resolved in a past thread. You get the action point when you activate or when you gain fast mid activation. The only point in the rules it says you lose point is if you get slow.i
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