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About Kutuzov

  • Birthday 02/16/1975

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  1. Someone tryed Hamelin mercenary with Ramos, I'm considering him since he can add some needed board control against melee orinted crews.
  2. I was thinking on doing Nico or Kyrai, I got Levy and some undead, someone ever tried SPA's in Nico crews? they pretty much work on thier own.
  3. They are still good to detonate with Ramos, but of course he can't hire them, or they got any sort of special hiring thingy?
  4. I don't have the new book, it could be kill or sacrifice. I'll check it if ine falls in my hands.
  5. It could be an option, but when I play Levy I normaly use it against my oponent, more often than not, Alice is killing the dog for the waif, and then Levy on turn 2 doing the waif, so killing more models for just 1ss cost difference is in my opinion sort of a waste of 1 Levy action. Maybe in a special Levy list or an experimental one it could work, depend on what your aim is, other than just buying cheap SPA's.
  6. Yeap it was Von Schill, sorry, I ain't too familiar with those figs.
  7. Levy vs Zoraida First time using Levy after a while, since I was trying tomaster Ramos, but I still love Levy’s way of destruction unmatched by Ramos. The crews 30ss: Levy Alice 1 Canine Remains Hooded Raider 3 SPA 3 SS Old school Levy since I didn’t paint yet Collodi, or buy theA&D. Opponet Zoraida Hoffman Lelu Lilituh Stitched Maybe 5 SS I got reconnoiter, and pick stake a claim and Levy scheme.He got Claim Jump, and picked bodyguard Zoraida, and breakthrough. He placedthe counter on my deployment zone. Regular deployment and he got initiative for the first turn. Opponet moved his troops forward obeyed Lilituh and left herin the open. I did almost the same, except Levy went and killed Lilith, andsummoned a SPA, now at 4 SPA, I was gonna get them together and get them on thecenter of the table to control his advance. As Levy was busy, Alicekilled the dog for a future HW. Turn 2/3. Got the SPA together and formed a DesolationEngine, he responded with Zoraida doing a voodoo doll, and making the DesolationEngine charge Alice, for 6 damage. Hoffman stepped forward and killed Aliceleaving him close to Levy. Levy walked 3, and got did 12 damage on Hoffma, heresponded with a healing flip as his slow to die action, and then Levy turn himinto a SPA. The Desolation Engine charged the Voodoo doll and kill it. Thatleft Zoraida almost alone towards the counter. Turn 4, he won initiative and casted repulsive and run awaywith Zoraida, the Desolation Engine charged Lelu, and kill it, while thestitche did gamble your life with the raider for 4 damage, and then on thesecond the raider won and flipped the red joker, with nothing left on table heconceded. All in all mistakes from my opponent make the encounter notvery balance. The strategy flip plus his scheme choice, meant he needed to comeafter me, even though he manage to kill Alice, Levy just exceeded in hisability to bring havoc on his crew, bringing more SPA’s and stopping hisassault cold. Alice did not have achange to show what she can do, but instead was sort of bait, since she wassitting on the counter. Also leaving Lilith in the open unsupported, at Levyrange was not very smart. My main mistake was doing the Desolation Enginebefore Zoraida activation, and letting him obey it, to charge Alicewas not very smart, but I guess I learn that for the future. Next time I’m gonna see if I can take my camera and dopictures.
  8. Hamelin is all about the rats. Remember the spiders got pass through AND a triger that push the model 3". I got to see the cards I don't remember if the swarm got the triger. Anyways what you do against rats/catcher, is keep the suit needed for the trigger, then pass through the rats in the push and voila! you just cross the rat line and go for the rat catcher, after the catcher is dead, rats go smoke easy. another way is to have gunfigthers, so when they get close you shot the ratcatcher, he got to be at a certain range to do the tricks, don't expose Ramos against the rats I never did it, but I belive he is dead on arriaval. Another thing is Kaeris flying to the rat catcher and kill him.
  9. Good job again! I plan on using Kaeris sort of the same way, and Iggy as support, Ramos can be bad a** up there, but be carefull, cause a more melee orinted crew can wipe him out easy he only got defense 2 so if you see any melee guy there, avoid it if possible. The raider I see got to be on my crew but until I'm done with some of my projects it's going into the wish list, as I only play painted figs.
  10. all you need to buy a model is to like it, and paint them, I painted the 3 headed tiger a couple times, is fun, the serpent is a bit tricky to paint, but a nice one if you got patience. Enjoy Marcus! he is a great rasta man, I like him just don't have the time to play more than a couple masters, since I play once a week, 1 or 2 games, and the 2 masters I got are enough for that. Congrats! Give them hell! or maybe a jungle beast but well ...
  11. Yes they are two very different masters, that's why i pointed out that he should decide first between a fast hit and run master, or a more Tina style play, slow but steady. Silurids and night terrors are a must, then for big guys he already got the rogue necromancy he could go from there and later see what to add. The totem is important also not essential to start. I think if he sticks with those few first purchases the budget to start Marcus is lower.
  12. decker_cky is right on the maths, those are your buys, the only thing i would leave behind Ramos avatar for a future buy, and add at least 1 SPA so I wouldn't have to mess up with magnets.
  13. It's 10 points, I would take Kaeris, Joss or the mechanical Raider all the way, or 2 Large Steampunk Archanids, for te same ss. You might use it a couple times if you don't have nothing and just start with the box set, but you already got Kaeris and joss, so no need to spend a penny on it, unless you like to paint and like the model.
  14. Really will come up to a summon/range attack master against a more fast and hit and run master. I belive that if you wanna go the hit and run tactic, go Show Girls they are a lot better than Marcus on that, also not a beast orinted crew. I would go ramos with those figs, but if you wanna try a very different approach, go Marcus or even Show girls. Marcus is fragile, you got to hit and run or he will die fast.
  15. Don't know why people said you got beasts I didn't see any, with those figs I would go Ramos all the way, you got most of the crew already. Buy Ramos, not the box set, just the fig and 3 spider blisters, do 6 little spiders and 1 swarm. Buy the electrical creation and the mobile tool kit, and you are all set to play Ramos. Ramos $10 3 spider blisters $30 (might be cheaper, I don't recall the price) 1 Electrical creation 7.50? 1 Mobile tool kit 7.50? Total about 55 bucks, if you got an extra 10 bucks, buy the Large steampunk archanid, and you are all set to start.
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