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About Jhono

  • Birthday 09/09/1978

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  1. Hey guys.. I will be starting what I have dubbed a "Conflict League" for the Raleigh/RTP Area in North Carolina. It's a league format I had a lot of luck with in 40k, and I think it will be a blast to try it with Malifaux. With a few tweaks of course. I'm copying the general rules for the league type for anyone in the area who wants to play. And for anyone who might want to start their own in their area. As always comments, criticisms, and questions are always welcome! ------ General Overview The Conlict League will be a type of escalation league, designed for an on-going, and constant level of in store gaming, and hobby activity. Participants will be placed on the conflict board via a seeding tournament, and will then proceed to fight their way to the top. Once at the top they will "win" by collecting 3 conflict tokens from challengers, at which point they will win a prize, have praises heaped upon them, etc, etc. and be dropped to the bottom of the board.. to start over again! The Challenge Boards The league system will require a challenge board to be posted in whichever stores are deemed acceptable for play by the League Coordinator (also referred to as the LC in this docodument). In this case, Game Theory and The Game Connection. The board will have tags for each player, and markers depicting who has a challenge token, and who has The Gorgon's Tear (a special challenge token, that will be dicussed later). The Goal The goal is simple, fight your way to the top. Defend your spot at the pinnacle for 3 fights, and win some prizes, praise, yadda yadda. Sounds easy, right? Advancing on the Conflict Board A player's initial spot on the board will be determined by a seeding tournament. In this case the tournament will be held at Game Theory on Saturday Oct 16th, at noon. The highest scorer in the tournament goes on top of the pyramid. the next two form the 2nd tier, the next three form the 3rd tier, and so on until all players are placed on the board with 6 tiers total (or 21 players on the board, excess players are addressed later). Each player will use the Master that they used in the tournament. The crew is interchangable. The Master is not. If a player wishes to change masters then she will forfeit her spot on the board, and start at the bottom tier, as if she were a new player. If the bottom tier is not full, or the league has stagnated players may be allowed to start a second master, in conjunction to her primary at the discresion of the LC. (Obviously she cannot challenge herself at any point) Each tier will have a suggested SS value, meaning that higher tier games will have higher suggested SS values (starting at 25 and working up to 50SS). These SS values are suggestions, and the two players are encouraged to play whatever SS value they feel most comfortable at. If an agreement cannot be reached, the defending player will get the final say. (If in the very unlikely case a challenging player simply does not have the points to play the SS level required, league coordinator intervention is encouraged) All bottom ranked players always have challenge tokens. No-one wants to be on the bottom right? These challenge tokens are used to challenge someone on the tier directly above you Tier 5 challenges Tier 4, Tier 3 challenges Tier 2, and only Tier 2 can challenge the current King of the Hill on Tier 1. When a player challenges the person above them on the board, and loses the defender gets the token, and can then use it to challenge the people above them on the board. If a player challenges a player above them and wins they switch places with their opponent on the board, and the token is discarded. Other than losing your token, there is no penalty for losing a game, unless you're on the top tier (discussed later). The Top Tier and "The Harder They Fall" When the Top Tier player defeats a challenger from Tier 2 (s)he will collect their challenge token (which will be stored on the board for ease). When the Top Tier has collected 3 challenge tokens, they will be declared "Truly Magnificent" and get prizes, accolades, etc. And they will be encouraged to start at the bottom, and work their way back to the top.. preferably with a different crew. (not required, but thats the point of giving them some store credit towards a new master.. to get them to try a new crew, and play it from the bottom up. Store gets a sale, player gets a new master, everybody wins.) "The Harder they Fall": If the top ranked challenger (i.e. the person who holds the sole spot on Tier 1 loses a a game then they are sent all the way to the bottom of the pyramid. This is to encourage all players to try to get to the top, make the games more exciting, and keep the top spot from being passed between the players on Tier 1 and 2. In the case that the Tier 1 player succumbs to "THtF" the player on tier 2 with a challenge token is promoted to Tier 1. If both players in Tier 2 have a challenge token, then a game will be played between the 2 players on Tier 2. If this game can not be played within a reasonable time frame (decided by the League Coordinator) then the LC will randomly decide which of the two players will take the Tier 1 spot. Random determination will be used for all other Tiers, to filter players up into now empty spots. Any challenge tokens a player may have are forfit when they are shifted up the board in this manner. New Players, The Gorgon's Tear, and other Misc. New Players are always welcome, and they will start on the bottom tier with a challenge token, per the bottom tier rule. Any players in excess of the number of spaces on the bottom tier will be put on a list near the board. They are "Bottom Tier players" for all intents and purposes, they just haven't earned the right to be on the board yet. "No-one will play me!": In the unfortunate case that no one will play you (for example a champion who has fallen, or new players who do not know anyone). A small number of challenge tokens will be given out by the League Coordinator each week. The number given out, and the players to whom they are given will be randomly determined, unless it is noted that particular players are not getting challenged (and are regularly available to play); in which case tokens can be given directly to un-challenged players, in lieu of being randomly distributed. "I challenged my opponent, but she won't responde to me/accept my challenge": No one wants to be considered a coward. We are all fierce competitors, and give every game 110%. That being said, life does happen.. and after a week of challenges via email, or to public forum, (which will be provided), the League Coordinator will make an attempt to contact the challenged.. if this is unsuccessful (at the discresion of the LC) the challenger and the challenged will switch places on the board. Any tokens are forfit. If email is used to challenge an opponent, always CC the email to RTPMalifaux@gmail.com. The Gorgons Tear: The Gorgon's Tear is a special challenge token that is handed out every-other period in which challenge tokens are awarded. The Gorgon's Tear is a dangerous artefact from Malifaux's past, with it comes great power, but also great danger to its owner. With the Gorgon's Tear a player may challenge anyone on the board except the Tier 1 individual. But, the defending player is considered to have flipped a Red Joker on the "Shared Strategies Chart" (pg 43 in Rising Powers) that supercedes any other Strategy flip. The rest of game set-up is flipped for as normal. The Gorgon's Tear can have great rewards, but can be dangerous to those who choose to use it. If a player uses the Gorgon's Tear, and loses then the player is subject to "The Harder they Fall", and they are moved to the bottom tier. A normal challenge token is passed between the players as normal, and the Gorgon's Tear will be lost to the Aether for another few weeks, until it is found by another player. If the challenger should win using the Gorgon's Tear.. they switch places with the loser, and the loser gets their challenge token. (It's bad enough you got knocked down a few pegs.. we want you to have an immediate chance to build yourself back to your former stature!) The Gorgon's Tear is lost to the Aether, and life goes on. Ties!: In the case of a tie we will defer to the "Ric Flair Rule": "To be the man, you have to BEAT the man. Wooooo!". Therefore, Defenders always win ties. In a perfect world, the winner of a tie will do their best Ric Flair impression, and exclaim the rule loudly. (Not required, but encouraged.) Multiple Challenges: If multiple challenges are issued to the same individual, the challenged player may decide which order to field said challenges in.(It's good to be King!) If neither challenge is answered, per the rule: ""I challenged my opponent, but she won't responde to me/accept my challenge"", then the challenges will defer to timestamp. Whomever got their challenge in first, either on forum or in Email will be declared the victor. (All the more reason to CC the LC's email address when using email to challenge.) Expiration Notice: Players are encouraged to play at least 1 game every two weeks. Failure to do so could cost them their position on the board. In which case they will be subject to "The Harder they Fall", and move to the bottom rung. If something happens with a player, and they are unable to play for a short period of time said player should contact the LC, and this rule can be overlooked, at the LC's discretion. Proxies: I personally have no qualms with the occasional proxie for models that haven't come out yet, and in the case where an original is owned, but a better looking model is found. But this is left entirely up to the LC. For any further rules clarifications or questions contact the League Coordinator at RTPMalifaux@gmail.com. Tom B.
  2. I appreciate all the positive feedback! I'll post more pics when they get fully based.. along with Sybelle, the third belle, and CCK..
  3. Glad you guys like them.. I'm a bit stuck on what colour to do the third belle... I'm leaning towards the grey that is Seamus' pants.. To keep the cohesion.. Not sure she'll jive.. If you know what I mean.
  4. Got it figured out! They're big.. so i apologize. http://s943.photobucket.com/albums/ad280/tlbeeker/ is the link for my photobucket Thanks again! And here's Teddy and Kade
  5. Just got my Seamus and crew.. and very excited about how they turned out.. any constructive criticism is welcome!
  6. It's the only base in the 50mm Bayou base clamshell... http://wyrd-games.net/shop/product.php?productid=16290&cat=263&page=1
  7. Cut his hat off, and green stuff him a reversed baseball cap.
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