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Everything posted by Issalbotproto

  1. Would look prettier if I wasn't doing this from my handheld internet capable mobile communication device >.>
  2. Easy way to look at it is totem goes "ehoa sweet spell boss how's it go?" *leader gives lesson* "awesome I'm gonna cast that! *casts spell thenfor gets spell* umm later when you have time can you teach it to me again" "ugh... fine..."
  3. We're expectiong that too, but it'll still be epic to no end, I love the little guy... I'm trying to decide if I want the whole molly box or just him (holidays coming up point to probably just the model.) But he's soooo fun!!
  4. I just wanted to make sure this was correct before I proceeded to try and abuse it; Moleman CAN target the dreamer even if there is another nightmare next to it correct??
  5. Ryle while not concidered friendly is not concidered an enemy because he does not satisfy any of the bullets be an enemy so does he become neutral much like the Mindless zombies. If so that would make him an enemy for intent and purpose via cannot connect correct? In which case a lawyer would allow you to alpha a beast you control. It seems rather solid to me.
  6. Basically companion just says I'm gonna have all these guys go at once (6" from at least one other mini with companion du du du du du) now I'm gonna resolve them activation by activation BUT they are all going at once.
  7. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=25226&highlight=pacify as stated, a model activating simultaneous is not activating first or last and as such is not following the protocal of pacify and as such cannot companion. When models companion they all activate at the same exact time, you just activate them individually.
  8. totems are minions actually sorry But you cannot companion if you have been pacified because you are activating at the same time as another model which does not make you last
  9. I did not even think about that o.o and gupps effectivly lead to new gupps >.>
  10. That's the impression I get as well, thats why I want to try them out because they have so much synergy but do require something of a perfect storm to work correctly
  11. Yeah we do alot of stuff like that I just wish when an official event came up it could be listed on the card so i could do it, kinda like how Hoffman can take Coppelius XP
  12. The only thing i have to say about the fluff, is that it makes me really really wish I could run a Mcmouring+Marcus Brawl team v.v...
  13. So I ended up not being able to get my game today, it's been rescheduled for thursday
  14. I think the dreamer is a totally balanced Master, he's powerful in his own ways just like every other Master he's just spent so much time in the spot light because of Alp bomb that everyone thinks he's too powerful, I don't play him but there's a lot of guys at my LGS that do, and he's just as much of a pain to deal with as Sonnia, Raspy, Levi, Nico, Kirai, Pandora all of them. This game is about challenge, not getting your nickers in a twist everytime you lose.
  15. Agreed I have a friend that plays the sonnia list so it's nice to know the rogue could stand toe to toe with it for a bit
  16. Perhaps Wyrd liked the idea of using a pulse instead, pulses are not limited to a concept of damage they are simply a short cut was of saying "everything within x inches" so in this case it is reading "every target within 6 inches is hit with a ranged attack" Also, in the errata they state that freikorps armor does not ignore detonate tanks as their armor ignores damage from a pulse
  17. eitherway the rules say you cannot make a ranged strike while within the melee range of of an enemy model. that is a hard fast rule nowhere in Detonate tanks does it say "this model may make ranged strikes even if it is in melee range of an enemy model."
  18. RM pg. 44 par 3 "target recives +1 DF (or +1 to its resist stat if it is a ranged () attack spell) for each enemy model it is engaged with." Sorry to say it's any stat they use to resist But to confirm they removed the moral duel becuase it was just annoying.
  19. It says "make a ranged strike" so no if it said strike yes, but the use of ranged says no
  20. He actually may be a good asset, I dont much carte for his rifles damage arc however the range does make up for it
  21. I'm sure I'll have more, I'll just write em off if noone sees them >.>
  22. oh right right I even knew that sorry special moment of the day.
  23. Yeah I thought so too, but I just wanted to make sure before I based my proxies. This one's the mother http://www.miniaturenland.com/en/shop/detail/1320.html these are the gupps http://www.miniaturenland.com/en/shop/detail/1299.html http://www.miniaturenland.com/en/shop/detail/1321.html http://www.miniaturenland.com/en/shop/detail/1322.html http://www.miniaturenland.com/en/shop/detail/1354.html But I am kind of concerned about how effectively I will be able to use the spawn mother with Marcus i was thinking that Alpha would help me position her better to set down her pool
  24. Oh and my list is gonne be. Marcus Jackalope 2x Gupps 3x Silurids 1x spawn mother 1x Shikome 4 SS
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