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Everything posted by Blog

  1. Rotten Belles. So good. Try and get Seamus' box along with some dead doxys!
  2. Your friend is a troll lol. He is in fact still a construct.
  3. McMourning. Tons of fun. Ridiculous avatar. McMourning, his chiuaua, and a bunch of 4-5ss random undead stuff. Having a cache of 6 and out numbering your opponent with rezzers is so freakin' cool.
  4. Drowned are one of my new favorite minions, and toys Kirai gets to play with. In a Kirai crew Kirai can heal them (they can wound themselves to get extra movement), she can swap them with other spirits and have them blow up in someones face. They float and have gunfighter so they can keep vomiting while in melee. The best thing about them is their riptide spell and their Ca/Cb trigger Fluid in the Lungs. It needs a :crows. For their weapon, Heave Bile, it has a damage of 1/1/3 It might not seem like much but if you get the trigger, the model you are attacking suffers a damage flip as normal, AND must beat a Df->12 duel or suffer an additional wound and slow. Thier spell Riptide is amazing. You need at least a 9 to get it off. If the defender fails to resist, they suffer 2 Wds AND other models within 2 inches of the first target has to beat a Df->11 duel or also recieve 2 wounds. If you get the trigger, after the initial target suffers damage, they have to beat that Df->12 duel or receive slow and an additional Wd. Thier (0) is pretty snazzy too. It is a Wp->Df duel. If you win, you get to push the defender 3 inches where ever you like. To top it all off, when they die the produce a 4 inch of 2 Dg Imagine all that, while having Kirai Sprinkled all over.
  5. Very nice write up. These little buggers provide A LOT of utility.
  6. He doesn't need drain blood. Blood counters and growing is like a "gimmick" or a something you can do If you get the chance.
  7. Carrion Usually the only time I use him is if I want Army of the Dead, I plop him in a corner and he poops out corpse counters every turn. Gaki can do the same thing but he's slower and easier to kill. Carrion has Wk 5 and flight over the Gaki.
  8. aSeamus and aMcmourning go into EVERY list I make for them. Both are extremely useful and fun to play. Especially Sim 29. He wrecks everything.
  9. Great listen! Can't wait until I guest star lol.
  10. I usually run McM with 7 stones and 1 bp for the first turn fast ap.
  11. Unless the tournament is fixed lists. You really should make your list after you see what strategy you flip. In regards to making schill a spirit, thats really cool but your wasting an 11+:crows first turn if you even have it.
  12. Great write up. Definitely my next dual faction master. Mei feng can wait Even though she comes after Jak anyways lol.
  13. Yo dawg, I heard you like bodyguards So I put a bodyguard on your bodyguard so you can guard bodies while you guard bodies
  14. She's a scalpel. She literally picks a model, and then kills it with a bunch of bonuses and what not.
  15. cool thanks. The book is the first thing I buy in September lol.
  16. Does McCabe have to buy relics when he's hired? What's his starting cache?
  17. by controlled non ancestor model that means friendly and enemy alike yes? If so... Wow this dude rocks!
  18. I want all of these on the table NAO! lol
  19. Ok is it just the angle of the pic or is Toshiro a little person?
  20. I have a feeling there are rezzer things we havent seen yet.
  21. Izamu and Sim29 on an enemy crew.... Owwie.
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