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Everything posted by Bigmike

  1. hmm top three for me 3. Victorias 2. Colette 1. Number One can be summed up with "UNDEAD HOOKERS"
  2. I started the Victoria's when i started Malifaux. I have used another one only a few times. Sisters in victory however i have never used. You are dedicating 1 or more models to hoping someone fails a moral duel. Which even though they could fail it, its also pretty easy to make sure they dont fail the one or two times you can cause it a turn. I have focused more on sisters in battle as their spell of choice. When you can slingshot as far as they can with the SoC and have a min damage of 5, they have something more to fear. This is jut my opinion, but i wouldn't focus on Sisters in victory.
  3. I like to think that every time he causes pain he looks at the blood splatter like an ink blotch...and he sees dirty dirty things...... by the way when i play seamus i DO go " Boom giggle giggle"
  4. I use molly whenever i play Seamus these days, she has almost always been my MVP. Ill post a full use and tatic when i get my book back. Let a friend borrow it to look at the new mercs. one of the things i love about her is a chance for a second model to do undead psychosis. That spell along with rotten belles has been the bane of my opponents existence. Remember her and seamus make your belles fly across the board. I know you love noir, but i had to let her go with my Seamus force because he and his belles of the ball are so amazing. and if you play your game right, nothing ever stays dead. each player has their own style. Also, philosophy of uncertainty has caused major problems for my opponent in the past. Sure you lose molly but you can use the spell to gain a superior tactical position. Once you get molly working how you want her too than your opponents will rage at the sight of her
  5. Hey, i can see your frustration but fear not there is hope. I have been playing Hamlin for a bit now and i have noticed what would really hose me. Pull rat catchers away from rats before killing them. This makes me sac more rats to make a new catcher. Also if you get rid of a catcher and he has rats that are near by you can now kill the rats. Also, KILL NIX. lol my friend who i play against a lot, hates him, like, a lot.. If you use seamus, undead psychosis is freaking amazing. Im at work now so ill post a big list of "ways to deal" later.
  6. Just wanted to get peoples opinions on weather or not Molly should be able to one shot a master with her totem using The philosophy of Uncertainty. I personally do not think the spell should be able to target a master. If the outcome was always that Molly would die in order for the spell to happen I would not have an issue with it, but since you can have her totem cast the spell and get sacked instead it seems a little over the top to me. Let me know what you think.
  7. My first time playing Colette i flipped the black joker on her first death defying attempt. I was so sad.
  8. Seamus has always been #1 in my heart. Hamlin however was always a cool model and now that he is a master. Outcasts are pulling up fast. cmon, how awesome is an ability called "the sweet taste of failure."
  9. I have used this a few times with Seamus in late games where its down to him my opponents master and i have 1 belle left. It isn't always worth it but it has helped me pull out victory's.
  10. hmm this thread was making me angry, now i'm just hungry.
  11. My roomate Drew Olds owns and runs Garden Ninja Painting studios. He does amazing work for a great price and his turn around time is the best out there that i have ever seen. Take a look at his new website. http://www.gardenninja.com/
  12. when you have just finished moving, your plastic cutters ended up on the floor and when you slid out of bed you sliced your foot open...
  13. ya the problem with that one is about that time i have a warmachine hardcore tournament.
  14. Ill be there with the mad hatter, what time are people looking to play regular games? I didn't make it in time to sign up for a tourney
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