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Everything posted by Hatchethead

  1. EDIT: Nevermind! Keltheos obliterated my interpretation in the thread emissary linked, above. That said, I still find the wording a tad suspect. I'll leave the original post in place (below), if only to illustrate the error of my ways. Behold, my fail! I'm beginning to think not. I'm still not certain about the wording of Womanizer, but let's ignore that. Seamus uses Womanizer on a Belle within 6". He then spends his remaining AP and finishes his activation as the active model. Assuming the wording of Womanizer isn't an issue and the intention of the action is clear ... Seamus' new companion becomes the active model, it's her turn to activate. If Sybelle is within 6" of the Belle, she will get to go next, but the Belle remains the active model and must complete her activation first. This is how I interpret, "Complete the active model's activation first." I think the bit about "at the start of either models activation" is simply meant to open up a two way street. It is not meant to give the player free reign over the order of the activations (I think). For instance, Belles have Companion (Sybelle) but Sybelle does not have Companion (Belle). Still, if Sybelle activates near a Belle, the new wording allows the Belle to activate simultaneously despite Sybelle not having a specific Companion (Model) ability. BUT, Sybelle must first spend her AP as the active model prior to the Belle lurching into action. She's the active model and must complete her activation, according to 254. ... to continue with our example above, Seamus' companion spends her AP and it's Sybelle's turn to activate. This then allows any remaining Belles within 6" of Sybelle to activate following the completion of Sybelles activation as the active model. I think. :twitch:
  2. I really want it to be. The intention of the rule is obvious.
  3. Hmm. You might be right, on second thought. Seamus companions a Belle within 6". Does this then allow Seamus' companion to bring Sybelle along for the ride (assuming she's within 6")? Can Sybelle then bring all Belles within 6" of her? Can you chain it? Or is it a single, contained event? It would seem that allowing companionship to be chained would be easily exploitable, with the 6" range jumping from Seamus to Belle to Sybelle across a potential 18". I mean, I've done it. I've activated Mortimer who then activates a Canine Remains who then activates another Canine Remains, etc. but Man's Best Friend specifically mentions "when this model receives Companion, another friendly Canine Remains within 6" may receive Companion as well." It's meant to be chained together. I need to pontificate. :thinking: According to the new wording on page 254 of Rising Powers, Womanizer is tad broken, is it not? Seamus uses his (0) action to grant a Belle Companion (Seamus). By virtue of using the (0) action, it is no longer the start of his activation and therefore the lucky Belle cannot take advantage. Sure, she'll still be his companion when her activation comes around, but it's not as if he can re-activate. The effect of Womanizer is then lost during the closing phase. It's obvious what the intention is, but the wording still leaves room for nonsense. I could be wrong. Hope so. This doesn't change the fact that when Sybelle activates, all friendly Belles within 6" are allowed to activate simultaneously. I think I'm getting hung up on the fact that you previously had to announce an entire chain of simultaneous activations prior to activating the first model. Is this no longer the case? Page 254 does not mention it.
  4. EDIT: What Wodschow said. That's what I was looking for! I knew I'd read it somewhere.:dancing2: It's on page 254 of Rising Powers. If this Belle and the companion (Sybelle) are within 6" of one another at the start of either model's activation, both models may activate simultaneously. Complete the acting model's activation first. Taking Seamus out of the equation, looking just at the Belles and Sybelle, you can companion them all assuming they are all within 6". Your Belles have companion (Sybelle) and Sybelle is Sybelle. You can activate them in any order, you just have to announce it prior to activating the first in the chain. Add Seamus back into the mix and it's the same deal. If this Seamus and companion (Belle) are within 6" ... it's just an extra link in the chain. Seamus would need to go first to take part, 'cause he needs a (0) action to companion. However, the order you choose to activate beyond that is no longer important, only that they're all within range and meet the criteria for companionship. Pardon the ninja edit. If your opponent thinks this is over the top, tell him to take a look at the Ortegas and their companion (Family). Yikes.
  5. Vallejo is the only brand of paint locally available (besides GW). I've always been curious about the P3 and Reaper colors, though. Game Color is a water-based acrylic, so it would likely work well with the mix medium.
  6. Thanks, ispep. I may avoid the slo-dri altogether. I don't generally have issues with my paint prematurely drying on the palette and I really don't want each stroke to stay wet. That entire sentence sounded dirty. Huh. Good question.
  7. The question has been asked before, but I wonder, as the tactica expands, has the answer changed? Especially with regard to Seishin, how many do I need beyond the lonely sucker included in the box? Could I get away with three (one blister), or would five be a more appropriate number?
  8. Thanks for the info, y'all. I "accidentally" purchased some Vallejo Thinner thinking it was some kind of medium. I suppose I'll return it and look for something more appropriate. Currently, I'm comfortable with a 3 or 4:1 dilution for shading and highlights. I guess my issue is, I'm not sure how a medium will impact the dilution process, not to mention the end result. Will it replace water? Will it improve coverage and vibrancy without sacrificing transparency? I fear change! I've got a ton of minis around to experiment with. Sounds like a good idea. I'll definitely check out the article, Major. Thanks for the link. EDIT: This article is exactly what I've been looking for. Cheers! EDIT2: So ... glaze medium is an extender that doesn't effect sheen, while matte and gloss have obvious effects. Correct? I find "glaze" to be a little confusing, assuming it's meant to be used extensively during the glazing process; while smoothing for instance? Myevilants (above) mentioned the he uses glaze medium with his inks and washes, that it mitigates the glossy end result of dried ink ... but wouldn't matte medium be better suited? Or does glaze medium have variable properties when used with ink? And another question, the retarder, does it slow the drying of paint on the mini itself? Or mostly on the brush/palette? I'm not sure I want my paint to take longer to dry on the mini. I prefer blowing it dry.
  9. I'm looking to "step up my game", hoping to introduce retarders, mediums and/or thinners to my regular painting practice. Vallejo seems to offer everything, though I'm overwhelmed as a painter moving beyond simple color choice for the first time. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure I understand the difference between a medium and a thinner. Retarders I get, they slow the drying process and I'm all for that. Keeping paint wet on the palette is good-good. Thinners are obvious ... they thin the paint; seems these are favored by airbrush artists, something to use other than water. Mediums I'm a little hazy on. They thin the paint without causing it to break down, right? Instead of diluting with water you use a medium and it allows for greater transparency? These appear to be favored by brush painters, for obvious reasons. I think. Toss in variables like matte and glaze medium and you've totally lost me. Could someone shed some light? Especially on the Vallejo range?
  10. Gad. This thread went from zero to hostile in record time, with little provocation. Getting pretty personal (unnecessarily).
  11. What ... kind of hat? Just curious.
  12. Zoraida's saggy gramma boobies notwithstanding. Sexy stuff! :whip:
  13. Interesting. And possibly sick. I look forward to juggling Leve and The Hame in a brawl situation. Should be challenging, if nothing else. Hamelin is my next Master ... just waiting for the box. I hesitate to buy the models individually since Wyrd released the Leve box with a hiterto unseen Waif. I'd hate to have to buy the box for just a single model (which my collector OCD would demand). Lucky for me, I waited for the Leve box before starting his crew, but I came close to pulling the trigger on individual blisters on more than one occasion.
  14. I've been wondering about this. Does Hamelins inability to hire constructs not crap all over teaming with Leveticus in a brawl situation? I mean, you still COULD, but Leve with no constructs ...?
  15. Indeed. Depending on your other minions and the "texture" of the encounter, Mortimer is equally viable now that he can cheat his Exhume flip. I tend to run Sebastian w/ Doug if only because he's a melee powerhouse and that's how I tend to run my McM list. A Piece For Me adds up pretty quick if both Doug and Seb are in the thick.
  16. UFC 119: :datsueba vs. :bete Goan be a slobberknocker!
  17. Indeed. Chihuahua and Canines are a must. An additional utility model like a Belle, a Punk Zombie or even a Crooked is nice to have, depending on who you're facing; the Belle is far less useful versus heavily Wp resistant crews, the Punk is great if you expect to see a lot of CC and the Crooked Man is solid if you're dealing with a lot of ranged nonsense (I face off against the Ortegas quite a bit). It's good to have an extra Flesh Golem should you manage to collect enough body parts to build two (happens more often than you think, especially if you avoid over-use of Passion). Convict Gunslinger is also a solid choice, if not a must include. Rapid Fire + Trigger Happy is gooey delicious. I tend to group the dogs with Sebastian due to their companionship, McM and his Chihuahua. The support models I place depending on the encounter, but it's nice to keep the Punk near Seb or Doug, if only to enjoy their medical expertise during bouts of emo self mutilation. The Belle often accompanies Doug, trying to pull people in for a quick kill and additional parts.
  18. Naw, it just means I'll have to use something other than Decay to put them in the ground. It's also quite characterful, as an elite unit of badasses would be traveling in close proximity, like a delta force squad in tight formation. This allows you to play them as one would expect without having to worry about blasts and pulses and Papa friggin' Loco. It's definitely a powerful ability, but it's situational and your opponents should (or soon will be) well aware of it, and will (or should!) find other, more intimate ways to make the Freikorps dead.
  19. I think the original intention was to map the location of players within the community moreso than index the local game stores where Malifaux is played (at least according to EricJ's original post) ... but this ain't bad, either. :rock:
  20. Turns out my mad tight security suite blocked an important pop-up. The good news is, Miniature Mentor's customer support staff are quick to respond to emails. All sorted out!
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