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Buck Dog

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Everything posted by Buck Dog

  1. Keep at it, there are more out there !
  2. Jack Daw has already been unleashed........
  3. Agreed. You will just have to search a bit harder young chocobo....
  4. Suddenly Puppets, thousands of them !
  5. Buck Dog


    Whereabouts in Hertfordshire are you from ? I am fairly near Bishops Stortford.... Also, we should consider having a forum meet up at Salute, as I imagine a fair few of us UK based forum members will be attending.
  6. Not long to go.... how are the plans coming along Ratty ??
  7. Thats the one ! He is a cute little devil isn't he ??
  8. I think this sums things up nicely. Jack Daw with Kirai is especially nasty. I have been on the wrong side of it a couple of times and I don't like it one bit.
  9. Another puppet has appeared elsewhere..... has anyone seen it yet ?? And while I am here, my votes for the next puppet : 1.) Bishop 2.) Desolation Engine 3.) Collodi and if it counts, I am not a play tester.....
  10. I will ! ...... everybody voted for Bishop
  11. Unfortunately Obey only effects Non-Master models
  12. Here goes….. Viks - I would say try to keep them alive; while it is a great fallback being able to summon another one, it is expensive and due to all of the conditions you need to pull it off, rather tricky. To be honest though, I have played the Viks a lot and I have never wanted to or needed to summon another one. If I am running a traditional Viks crew then I take a hatful of soulstones to keep them alive, although more recently I have been going very Freikorp heavy and the Librarian work very well….. just make sure you keep her safe as she draws a lot of fire. And also remember to keep a card in your hand for when she activates otherwise she is paralysed…… I nearly forgot in my last game. Ronin - I think you have hit the nail on the head with these and there is not much left to add. They are very good. Gunslinger - he is incredibly good. Obviously his shooting is top drawer, but he is also great at card control due to suppressive fire. He is also surprisingly good at melee due to gunfighter. He is a bit of a fire magnet, but due to Bullet Proof he should be able to stick around for a while (although I always forget that he has this……) Student of Conflict – I like the student of conflict, but a lot depends on the strategy. If you have a strategy that involves you getting up the board ASAP, then he tends to get left behind as his ability to give fast is an all action meaning he can’t move…. Either that or he just moves up the board with the rest of your crew and only gets to use his ability once a game ! However if your scheme involves you holding up in your deployment zone or defending a position and not moving, then he is very useful. Thinking about it, I guess he is slightly limited in a Viks crew as there is no point in him using magical extension….. Misaki – surely she is worth including just for the model alone !?! Offensively Misaki is brilliant, but she is very fragile. I have had take out McMourning in a single round of combat, but have also seen her go down very quickly herself. Her versatility is fantastic, and she often takes un-prepared opponents by surprise... some people don't expect her blasts and I once had a Tina player think she was safe behind a wall of ice pillars only for Misaki to tip-toe through it and smack her about with the bisento Taelor – she is an absolute beast in combat and as hard as nails too. The only problem I would say is that she is a little on the slow side, especially if you are playing a list which is heavy on Ronin. Hamelin – it seems that he is either the star of the show or a complete waste of space, but I think I could be playing him a little too aggressively at times….. That and I have a horrible talent at overestimating how far his spells can reach. He does bring some much needed variety to a Viks crew, however it is a real shame that he can only cast Obey once per turn (or twice if you can get his trigger off) and the real issue is that he competes with the Viks for masks, which you want to save up for getting off their whirlwind trigger. Bishop is great, but as Wodschow mentioned, he is very expensive. You can have Bishop for 10ss, or Von Schill for 9ss….. I would go for Von Schill any day of the week. Sorry if that is a bit vague – if you want any more details let me know !
  13. ..... No need to apologise Ratty. Its a good thing.
  14. Thanks for the reply. I had read that thread which is why I was approaching the subject catiously ! I haven't played Hamelin, so I can't really comment on specifics, but in my mind it is a case of wait and see. I remember at the start when everyone was saying Pandora and Zoraida were woefully underpowered, and without any major changes to the rules I don't think anyone would say that now. It takes time to work out the subtleties and nuances a new master and I am confident that the same will be true for Hamelin. Anyway, I think it is unrealistic to expect the new book to "fix" any individual character. The new book is purely about the rules and was released to help improve general gameplay rather than address any balance issues. Just out of interest, when was the promise made to fix Hamelin anyway ? Also has any one got their hands on him yet.... do we know whether his cards are the same as the book ? Apologies to everyone else for the threadjack.
  15. I am sure with a liberal helping of green stuff, Zoraida would make an amazing bearded lady.
  16. I love that advert ! However I can confirm this is incorrect, as Ratty's worst nightmare came true last night - realising half way through a game of Escape and Survive that summoned models don't count towards victory conditions ! I am sure he will blame it on the man-flu
  17. No worries. I know it can be frustrating when the releases are delayed, but it looks like Hamelin will be well worth the wait.
  18. I am almost scared to ask this, but what is it that needs fixing ??
  19. I picked up the new rule book in my LGS last night and was told that the Feb figures will be in next week.
  20. Although they are in-faction, they are still special forces and so you can only hire a maximum of two unless you take Von Schill.
  21. I was hoping this was going to be an indepth discussion about the John Travolta and Nicholas Cage film. I am bitterly disappointed.
  22. Hey, no worries. You will probably have Hoffman, Levi, Ramos and Hamelin up and running by the time I have finished painting my Freikorp !! I like the idea of Hoffman assimilating the power cycles. I don't have the books to hand, but as long as there is nothing to stop Hoffman from recruiting the Mechanical Rider, then I don't see why he can't use the power.
  23. I was thinking this the other day actually, its a good way to get cheapish spiders into the crew. I know the individual spiders are insiginificant, but I imagine there will be enough scoring stuff in a Hoffman crew for that not to be an issue. With all the synergies that Hoffman has with constructs, other than shooting, which can be provided by Ryle anyway, I am not sure what GG, DM, or WS would bring to the crew. And if you do go for Ramos, please leave Hamelin alone.... I need someone to Brawl with Levi
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