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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Seems legit. A ruling may be that if 2 specifically worded rules conflict it goes with the attacking/acting model. Dunno what could be done otherwise. D.
  2. daemonkin

    Uk gt 2013

    I thought TTN was a great venue, open and spacious (may be cold in winter, hot in summer). Scott as TTN/Wayland was great. The food was fantastic, especially the outside catering for dinner. Tables were fantastic and the demo boards were amazing. D.
  3. Nah, The Copycat Killer nips in and nabs it. D.
  4. Thought the plastic resculpts would be great for use in the tabletop game SoTR but they confirmed that the plastic bases would be too big to fit inside the lipped 30mm bases. Such a shame. D.
  5. I preferred the jumping over the bike while back flipping and shooting at the same time! I have the alt sculpt and think it is fantastic. D.
  6. A little off topic but we will have to differ on our Equilibrium views. Kung Fu gun fighting clerics. What's not to like? D.
  7. Awh man, great dystopian future film. D.
  8. I found the exorcist to be slow but was very good for certain strategies against Resser players. Blessed crossbow at RG12 was fantastic. Yes, he was very situational but was fluffy and thematic so I bore with him. D.
  9. Neverborn gunline you say? Yes please! D.
  10. Will promised favours do instead? D. ---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 PM ---------- Will promised favours do instead? D.
  11. Bring it on! Guild will prevail. *Nb. Guild will not prevail. I am playing Guild. D.
  12. I'm looking forward to see what Neverborn Lucius can pull into the guild. That and exorcists, Warden and riflemen. D.
  13. Or Mei Feng. I'm not convinced on the Miss Step model but have yet to see it in the plastic, so to speak. As a Mei Feng player I thought about taking Howard but was unconvinced by the model. Miss Step is still leaving me that way. /shrug D.
  14. I was lined up in charge range against Howard Langston. My opponent got greedy and wanted to give Howard reactivate. He now knows that dead things can't activate let alone reactivate. Incidentally flipping 11 on Initiative meant I thought i was going first. he flipped a 12 and didn't go for the immediate charge. Rail Golem ended up in perfect place for Mei to bounce off to kick Ramos in the face and get Assassinate a turn later. And taking recalled Training or having him in LOS to Kang with Hard Worker is a god-send. on all flips is very scary for a Rail Golem. The (0) to activate precise to ignore armor and HtW has to weighed against the (0) Locomotion. D.
  15. Bing! That's it! It's why I chose Guild. So I can try out Lucius with some of his Neverborn antics in my Guild crew. D.
  16. But it is not so much of an issue now with Rail Golem as it was in 1.5. It's purely for Locomotion now. A quick one. When Golem discards a token for Locomotion if the Emberling is near by does he stop the Golem from losing 1 point of his burning condition? D.
  17. As I mentioned above it's crafting a control hand so getting extra cards drawn before discarding down to your hand size and on DF to prevent damage. D.
  18. Really liking the smaller games at the minute - 30SS, henchman led. You can bring a big guy but you are giving up the points for achieving schemes. It's a balance between beating on the enemy and going for the objective. D.
  19. Shovel. In M2E he has a whomping shovel! D.
  20. Yeah they don't last long. I tend to use mine more now for drawing extra cards and damage prevention. If I have to I'll throw 1 into DF just to help get a twist on damage. D.
  21. Hi TeeCee. Pandora is lovely. Very well done. Great work. Bet Durek is pleased. D.
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