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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. That coupled with Badass Pose is very good DF for Mei. D.
  2. Ok. Yes she struggles with certain strategies since her go-to minions are 5SS (rail workers) but have you tried spiders? They are the cheapest minions. or Molemen to grab quarters and slingshot scheme markers for movement shenanigans. D.
  3. Tried a burning Arcanist list (Fire Gamin, Union Miners, Gunsmith and The Captain) and Mei Feng excelled with that. The burning put out by the gamin helped with the gunsmith's (0) and Mei jumping into combat. Yet to really use Vapormancy but was bale to do it on Bishop (bypassing his DF trigger) while engaged with Mei Feng. The Captain also helps by pushing around when needed. Bat Rep: here D.
  4. Studio McVey Ruby was going to be a proxy Avatar Perdita for me. Lone Marshal, ruleswise, just doesn't cut the mustard with me. D.
  5. I was always told to pronounce 'Feng Shui' as 'Fung Ssshway' so it would mean theat 'Mei Feng' would be 'May Fung'. Po - tate -o , Po - tat - 0 /shrug D.
  6. Hi folks will be at Black Knight Gaming in Larne next weekend - 9th November will have a bunch of crews with Wave 1 cards and demo boards laid out, just come along and join in contact Michael Thompson at black knight for more info 12-4pm November 9th black knight gaming larne D.
  7. The same argument could be used for DF triggers. Does Metal on Metal (Armor+2) last if triggered on the first action of a flurry for the duration of the action (Flurry) or the action caused by Flurry? TheJudge and I have discussed this quite a bit but we go with consensus on the attack action. D.
  8. Probably right Edonil. Looking forward to seeing the Cerberus in the Marcus box since that will then influence the design for the Rogue Necro D.
  9. A better question is what's in the Lone Marshal box for $35? Interesting.... D.
  10. @Edonil: That's pricey as it stands then. 7 models for $50? The Viks had 7 for $45 and they are similar sizes but then who knows what we can expect. Time will tell. D.
  11. For Ramos possibly: Ramos Brass Arachnid Electrical Creation Steam Arachnids Howard Joss Any of the above could potentially make the cut. As we have seen from the other plastics it's Master, henchman, totem and 3 other minions. D.
  12. Nephilim boxed set for me? Yes please! Any other potential support box sets with 1 large and 2 medium models in it? Rather than just 3 rotten belles/marshals/tots etc? D.
  13. Hi guys, Just a quick one. This weekned 2/11/13 is the first 24hour gaming event of the college year. Come 1 come all. Hobby day: Demo games, participation games, free and open play. Contact me or come to our Facebook page. D.
  14. Wow TeeCee really great looking crew. This still for your commission? Be nice for a group shot before you sell it on. Hope the buyer appreciates the work involved. D.
  15. Hi everybody! i have Mei Feng and she one of my favourite masters to play but I want to make a display base for her and have the 30mm base fit inside. Does anyone have any cool ideas? thinking around broken rail struts, pipes and various other shrapnel from building a railroad. Any other ideas? D.
  16. Yup. Executioner or peacekeeper or some other slow or low DF model. Never used it on the charge tho. Thanks for the idea. D.
  17. Yeah levels would be great. I have the PDFs from WorlWorks Games and am planning on printing out onto foamcore so can have levels that are structurally sound. D.
  18. Hi guys, Running some demo games and having a friendly tournament. All kicking off this friday: 25th 2013 at Black Knight Gaming in Larne, Northern Ireland. Wave 1 models only unless your opponent consents. 45SS Fixed Master For more info please see our community page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/476012549136195/ This event will be a 30-hour gaming marathon. D.
  19. With regards to pine box I use it against models I have little chance of taking out in 1 turn. Low WP models, slam them in the box. Next time the marshal activates he takes a WP->WP duel against the model in the box. With higher WP the DM should have a good chance of keeping the model in the box another turn. D.
  20. I think it works perfectly for Malifaux as well as EoTD. Good work. D.
  21. WOW! They all look great and I love the magical cloud on the tall dove. Mannequins and performers are looking great too! D.
  22. Hi guys, running another demo day at EMP Gaming Saturday 12 October from 11 til 4 come by and join in the fun D.
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