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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Would really love to be surprised when they release the samurai box D.
  2. Yup there was a single box or arachnids - 3 spiders, this one is 6 spiders. @Jonahmaul: Remember Nightmare Hanging Tree was $80 so I could imagine the same price tag for NE Whiskey Golem. Just syaing there's a precedent. I'd be happy to be proved wrong. D.
  3. No free shipping as long as I have been ordering during Gencon - 4 years now I think D.
  4. Happy to buy whatever they have that takes my fancy. D.
  5. @Bengt: Some years it's been a good few months after. Most the boxes at Gencon are pre-release as a help to boost their profits at Gencpon and get their products into gamers grubby hands early. D.
  6. Quite similar to the then henchman-only Santana. I busted my ass to get enough points to get her. I certainly didn't mind others getting the opportunity to get her as well. D.
  7. Anything over £18 from business to personal may be subjected to import duty in the UK. Whether it is or not depends on the mail handler. At least that is what I have been told/read. D.
  8. My bet would be to get him to Paypal you the money when he knows what he wants. D.
  9. I just keeping reading whiskeybender as: D.
  10. At the very least it would make her the leader of the Gin Joint! D.
  11. Well if you are going to reductio ad absurdum that means that either we still need whiskey gamin...or gremlins are whiskey gamin! D.
  12. The one model I would love to see is from the artwork on Sonnia in book 1. She is poring over some tomes and there is what can only be called a Fire Golem beside her. There already are metal gamin and metal golem, ice gamin and ice golem and fire gamin. I would like equal representation for the element of fire in Malifaux D.
  13. This guy http://cadwallon.com/asura-de-sarlath.html and £10 + postage? D.
  14. @Jonahmaul - I have that model (the undead guy with the wavy cloak) if you want it it's yours. He was my proxy dead rider but I kinda prefer the Wyrd one D.
  15. The other new rider artwork is fantastic but there was just something menacing about hooded rider's mount with the evil look and the snakes everywhere. The rider did leave a lot to be desired in the final sculpt but the old Dead Rider art was awesome IMHO. Looking forward to being proved wrong with the new plastic sculpts. D.
  16. @rahzem I tend to agree. Think I will stick with my current metal dead rider even though his horns keep falling off! D.
  17. Don't think much is as bad as aMarcus. D.
  18. @i_was_like_you we have a saying here 'BOBFOC' - Body Of Baywatch, Face Of Crimewatch (Crimewatch is a BBC program detailing criminal activities and appealing for the public to help identify them) D.
  19. To be fair the only defining feature on the current sculpt is her ruffled dress. There's not much else that the pose is doing. I'll hold out hope for this new plastic sculpt. D.
  20. Yes @matney Wyrd really are one of the foremost companies when it comes to informing customers and listening and engaging with their target audience. Really have to hand it to them. D.
  21. Been having a lot of fun with Misaki recently and also using Toshiro to bring in some Punk Zombies and raising Ashigaru and Komainu. As I don't have her box I have not been using torakage but instead have had some success with Tengu for scheme running, Oiran for luring and Samurai for fire platforms. D.
  22. Mature Neph was able to charge a model that I could see, push it and then charge a model that I wanted to be the target all along but couldn't draw LOS to. D.
  23. Also helps with giving them a 4" Ml range D.
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