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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I had made my way to the Sitting Duck Saloon as soon as the Chief had gone about de-briefing me on the now closed investigation. He had been delighted, kept saying how although others had thought we might lose our conviction record, he had had every faith in me and knew that I, his best man, would get the job done. I was sick to my stomach. Of the Chief, his little speeches, of the whole damn organisation. Most of all, and i’m not sure where I generated sympathy from, I was sick for Wilkinson. Hanging out with Graeme was clearly growing me a conscience, I would need to curb that, and sharpish. I stopped outside the upstairs room door, I could hear the three of them laughin’ and hollerin’. I had no idea what I would say to them. I knocked then I entered. Moe was sat at a small round table, and turned when he heard me enter. “Ah, if it isn’t our intrepid detective. Welcome. I hear congratulations are in order. The Perp’s been caught and now you can get your sticky nose out of my smuggling investigation. A good day’s work lieutenant”. “Shut your face Moe, I know what really happened”. I threw the paper Wilkinson had slipped me down onto his table. “What’s this?” “This is the letter from you to Jennifer asking you to meet you at the mine entrance to the tunnel used for smuggling soulstones. You were sleeping with her weren’t you? I don’t know how, maybe another mole you have in there, but you found out she didn’t love you and was planning on leaving and you killed her for it. Your position in this investigation made it easy for you to control her. Tell me, did she even want to spend time with you or did you force the issue?” Curly seemed to make a move for me but Moe held up his hand calming the big fella down before picking up the letter and taking an age to consider what he was gonna come back at me with. “Firstly, I don’t see my name on it, it could have been written by anyone. Secondly, you have caught the culprit, your work here is done. Hell, rewards will follow for this one. Maybe you should keep our doubts to yourself?" “Cut the crap will you?” I shouted “it all fits together, you found out she was sleepin’ with some other guy, killed her and then set him up to take the fall. It was about the sex, wasn’t it? It’s always about the sex” “There you have it wrong”. He responded. “I didn’t have a clue who my rival was for her affections. If I was to have killed her, and this is purely theory, I wouldn’t have needed to set anyone up. It was obvious she was killed because someone found out she was Guild right? Luckily you found not only that man, you told me yourself in your chief's office. Lucky for me he also just happened to turn out to be the rat that was stickin’ it to her and that could have turned her away from the mission. He couldn’t take the betrayal and killed her for it. Ain’t that right Curly?” “Sounds right to me boss.” The big lunk replied before a bellowing laugh escaped from him, his brutish hands moving to keep his belly still. “Well, perhaps this drink wasn’t such a good idea?” Larry, who had been keeping himself quiet in the corner of the room, peeped up. I was seething, but knew I wouldn’t stand a chance against the three of them. They also out-ranked me and according to everyone who normally gave a damn this case was closed. [“Nonsense” said Moe “a toast is definitely in order” and with that he raised a shot of what I now knew to be a very rare Soulstone Gin to his lips. “At least you got your horse back, she was a pain getting back to the station. Glad I did it though, I wouldn’t have found such an excellent vintage of gin. It is a good job we had a few bottles of it left in evidence lock up”. “You three stooges haven’t seen the last of me you know?” “Oh I don’t doubt it” I went to leave, Moe’s final words ringing in my ears “Excellent work lieutenant, you got the killer bang to rights” I made my way back onto the streets, the rain once again making the cobblestones look like the scales of a giant reptile. I turned my collar up to protect against the drops of water that seemed to spit at my face. It was time to get Graeme and get a beer. ------------------------------------------------------------ Done, thanks for reading.
  2. The harsh light I had shining into his face only seemed to accentuate his youth and his fear. It was unusual for any of us to actually spend time with the perps, standard practice was we just handed them to the lawyers for conviction. I liked to look into their eyes though, to see that they knew the game was up and their life of crime was over. “You know why you’re here don’t you? I myself witnessed you covered with thick red dust that looked just like the kind that was all over the site of the body, you were also witnessed drinking a rare gin and I think you know the only other place I have seen that stuff. We also have a lock of woman’s hair found in your locker. Our science bods are checking the hair and are heading over to your living apartment to see if the red dust I saw on your shoes matches the samples we had taken from Invergorge.” “I think we know it will, don’t we?” I continued. I had seen many things so far in my career, crazed maniacs, lunatics running around screaming about spirits. Hell, I had seen a baby kill someone with a knife once, I didn’t report that I hasten to add, the little freak got away. I don’t know if that was why I actually wanted to hear what this kid had to say as opposed to just smacking his head into the table, he just didn’t look like the type of perp I normally had run-ins with. “Maybe you need to come clean. Call it absolution. Because let me be clear, I don’t see you escaping the claws of the executioner. Not for murdering a Guild officer.” “What are you talking about, a Guild officer?” It was the first thing he had said since I had dragged him by the collar from the Star. “You know god damn well what i’m talking about! You found out she was undercover and whether it was you acting alone or on behalf of Du Bois, you killed her!” I shouted, slamming my fist down onto the table. He had raised himself out of his seat and shouted into my face. I was just about to slam him back down, but the words that came out of his mouth surprised me. “You don’t know what the hell you are talking about! I didn’t kill her, I loved her!” He slumped back down into his seat. That one I had not seen coming, but I quickly regained my composure. “Ok, so what was the story, cheatin’ on you was she, that why you killed her?” “You’ve got it all wrong. She was seeing someone else, she told me that much, said it wasn’t her choice though.” “What do you mean?” “I don’t know exactly, she never told me who he was. She just said she was mixed up with some guy that she couldn’t shake. I said we should run away together, It took me weeks to persuade her, she kept saying she was scared and that he would always find us, but eventually she came around. We were gonna try to get back to the other side of the breach.” This wasn’t making any sense, my brain was trying to process the stories he was tellin’ but it couldn’t keep up with his now free flowing words. “We were going to try tonight as it happened, it was all arranged” he continued. “Whoa there, perhaps you want to just explain a few things to me. When I get the results from the dust and hair, what will the science guys tell me?” I asked. “They will tell you the red dust on my shoes matches that from the mine, as soon as I heard a showgirl had been found up by the mine I knew it had to be her, she had been missing for a couple of days, and I ran right up there. If it was her, I had to take a chance, however small, to say my goodbyes. The hair in my locker is hers, she gave it to me on my Birthday last week, said it meant we would always be together. I don’t feel like that’s true right now.” He slumped at this and placed his hands on the table in what seemed like a praying motion. I noticed how his hands were not that of a bruiser. Although it was too late for this kid now, he had been arrested, it struck me that it would be tough for someone with hands like that to snap a neck, no matter how petite and delicate it may be. I started to have doubts. “The Gin?” “It was waiting for me when I got to the theatre tonight. It had a little bow on it. I just thought someone had forgotten about my birthday. They also forgot to leave a card.” “Why was she up by the mine?” “Maybe because of this? I checked her room as soon as I heard she was gone, this was there and I didn’t write it” He pulled a sheet of paper from his trouser pockets and thrust it towards me. I just had time to pick it up when the door was pushed open. I managed to slip it into my pocket as Larry stormed into the room. "I’ll take it from here, thanks. Time for you to bow out gracefully” Larry had this odd way of speaking out of the side of his face. I would normally have kicked up a fuss but I wanted to read whatever was in my pocket and, in truth, I was gagging for some tobacco. I took my leave and walked to the station door ready for my smoke. I pulled out what Wilkinson had passed me back in the interrogation room and started to read. While the letter was hardly a confession it was enough for everything to click. How could I have been so stupid? I stormed back to the interrogation room ready to raise hell. I was too late. Wilkinson was being led away in chains. It would be the last I saw of him. Larry on the other hand was leaning back against the wall looking like a cat who got the cream. “Thanks for the Sterling work there” he smirked. “You have him good and proper. Everyone from the Governors Secretary to your Chief is going to be delighted that you caught the man that killed one of our undercovers. You may even get a medal or a promotion or something“. “He didn’t do it. You know it and I know it” I retorted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, he was arrested wasn’t he? Looks like a job well done to me and with the rewards that will surely come your way I think it calls for a celebration. Join us, we’re in an upstairs room of the Sitting Duck Saloon opposite the Star, a nice little set-up for a stake-out actually. We can toast your success.” That little weasel was rubbing my nose in it, but I wasn’t going to miss this for the world.
  3. Ok, so here we go, the last two parts of this story. As it was a murder mystery kind of a deal I would be very interested to hear if I have managed to pull of an ending that is at least part satisfying, I do hope that I littered enough stuff along the way that this doesn't just come totally from left field and feel like a cheat.
  4. Well I just had to pick someone with appropriate attire!

  5. Haven't read the manga's. Too many volumes so intimidated to start. Have read the book though which was pretty good.
  6. I would avoid battle royale 2 if I were you AB, dreadful dreadful film. @ ArKenFel good shout on both takeshi's, haven't watched mpd in a while but have it on dvd so might have to break it out again. Ichi is messed up, Gozu to. Looking forward to 7 assassins though.
  7. The rules manual is literally just the rules. For fluff and faction material the original book and the second book rising powers is where it is at. They are however not strictly necessary for beginners now. The link the others have posted is a mine of information though.
  8. Yes, it was remade as the departed which to be Fair is one of the better remakes. IA one and two are brilliant. Not a fan of the third one at all right enough.
  9. I am yet to see any of the gore police or Chanbara type films. Not sure why, just haven't got round to them yet. I will have to sort that. @ panda. On ki duk, I find myself with four of his films in my collection. Spring, summer, 3 iron, bad Guy and coast guard. The first two I really liked. The last two and especially coast guard are a bit too bleak for me. I definitely feel you have to be in a specific mood to watch his films. Despite all that I would still watch more.
  10. I will add save the green planet to the crazy list. Although I can now see me watching a versus, stgp double bill this weekend. When the cats away the mouse will watch obscure foreign nonsense...
  11. @ Pete. Do you mean anime films? If so perfect blue and paprika were superb, so long as you could get by the first fitf minutes of blue. They are both by Kon, although check out his paranoia agent series if you get a chance. Outside of that I like one called Sky blue which is actually Korean. There are loads out there but if you want to go proper left field try princess which is part danish I think. If you just mean Asian films then battle royale is a nice crossover from anime I would suggest. @ panda. You are preaching to the converted on both of those directors. Bittersweet and a tale of two sisters are two of my date films, let alone Asian films. Haven't seen quiet family but have seen Katakuri's. Have you seen any of Kim ki duks work? I would be interested to heart your thoughts if you have. Edit. Still have a soft spot for Jackie Chan. Police story, project a and wheels on nmeals first got me into foreign films. On a side note wheels on meals still has the most obvious product placement I have seen in any film ever.
  12. Don't worry about definitions. I like my anime too. Not as much as some people right enough although I did view Satoshi Kon in a somewhat reverential status. Love a bit of bleach, darker than black etc
  13. Just starting this thread as a follow on to discussion elsewhere. I just hope there are more than two of us on this site. As a general opener I will just say one of my favourite film moments was watching audition with someone who really didn't know what was coming, good times.
  14. Gah you are ahead of me on woon films, bad times. Let's take this outside, I feel an Asian film thread coming on.
  15. Indeed. And a snazzy new lady j for you!

  16. Del toro would probably get my vote other than one or two obscure Asian directors who would do a good job. Edit, ninja'd by the alleycat although Kim jee woon would get my vote over Shimizu.
  17. In the only other forum I had spent serious time in - which was years ago - I had an avatar of a monkey waving his bum in the air. Searching for that somehow resulted in me finding a cat in a suit.
  18. Happy 109th birthday doctor warlock

  19. Welcome to the forums! It is a different world down here, although I did find lorne sausages in a supermarket the other day. That was a good day... Malifaux is lots of fun with some great miniatures, you won't be disappointed!
  20. I like the Olaguebears as alternate/extra wicked dolls for Collodi.
  21. I was getting sick of being played by this broad. The day had gone slowly, with me just about managing to beat my hangover before meeting Graeme to head over to the show. I had then sat through two hours of people flouncing around in gaudy costumes while Graeme oowed and awed at every move any of them made. That and the fact that he kept prattling on about how nice Du Bois had been, not only to give us free tickets, but pretty much for the best seats in the house had made me irritable. She was rubbing my nose in it. She had to know more than she had let on, surely. We were standing outside her changing room door now, waiting for this tour of hers. I pretty much hadn’t been less excited in my life. I checked my pocket watch for what must have been the hundredth time that evening. “Will you just be patient for once. I’m sure she will be out any minute.” After how annoyed he had been with me the night before I decided not to come back on him on that one. I could hear footsteps approaching from the other side of the door and then it slowly began to open. It wasn’t even her. It was the broad from the ticket office I had had such a pleasurable encounter with a couple of days earlier. “I’m afraid Ms Du Bois isn’t able to offer you the backstage tour tonight gentlemen, she injured herself during the show and needs some treatment on her ankle straight away. She sends her utmost apologies and is so sorry to have wasted your time and hopes that you at least enjoyed the show.” I could tell she was smiling inside with every word that tumbled out of that pretty mouth of hers. “That is such a shame, a tour would have been delightful, still, tell Ms Du Bois the show was terrific and I am sure it will be a big success.” Graeme replied quickly, perhaps sensing that I was not preparing such a measured response. “Well perhaps I can give you a tour.” She smiled at Graeme. “I have only worked here a few months but I do know most of what goes on around here.” Her attitude seemed to have changed the moment Graeme had opened his mouth. I did wonder what it was about him that made the ladies want to eat him up like chocolate. “That’s quite alright.” I quickly interrupted “if you could just show us the way out that would be great, I lost my bearings somewhat when being shown in here.” “No problem, just follow me” She started telling Graeme all about herself, it was it seemed to me, one of the most obvious flirtations I had seen in a long time. She led us through the winding back stage corridors, past strangely life-like mannequins, all the time heavily in conversation with Graeme about something or other. Show-girls were passing around us giggling together. Stage hands moving the last of the equipment back to storage. Graeme stopped when he saw him. It was Wilkinson. He was sitting playing cards with three other stage lackeys. He seemed very young next to all of them, he also looked sad. In any event, he seemed popular tonight, pouring his companions shots of soul-stone gin as they went on playing their game. He didn’t look like he shared their enthusiasm. I wasn’t sure what had caught Graeme’s attention, but I wasn’t for hanging around here any longer than necessary. “Let’s get going will we?” We were led to the door, and Graeme and our guide parted ways. I did not think it would be the last time those two would see each other. ............. I decided that I owed the little fella an apology due to the night before and I had just the perfect thing to make it up to him. I managed to persuade him that we needed to stop by my place before heading on to the saloon. We made it there in a little under five minutes. I opened the door to let him in first, but he took one look at the place and said he would wait outside. I rooted around and finally found 59’s saddlebag, I had been amazed it hadn’t been stolen when 59 was returned to the station, but it hadn’t, and as I couldn’t abide the taste who better to have it? I quickly removed it from the evidence bag, turned and returned to the door to present Graeme with the bottle of Soulstone Gin I had taken from the mine when this unholy mess had all begun. He looked stunned! “Where did you get this?” He asked, seemingly genuinely touched by my token of affection. “I just picked it up today from a store in the west-end” I laughed inside, I knew how to play people like a god damn piano. “No, you didn’t! This is an extremely rare vintage said to be hoarded by the soulstone miners themselves and usually only available to them, or high ranking Guild officials who don’t see taking bribes as against their work ethic! I have only ever held a bottle in my hand once before and yet tonight I see it twice in a half hour. Both times in the hands of people who really can’t afford it.” I tried to look hurt. “Perhaps the shop owner didn’t know what he had?” My gift did not seem to be having the desired effect. “You don’t seem to understand how rare this is” he responded “how you and Wilkinson got bottles I really want to know.” “I’m sorry what?” “Wilkinson. This is what he and the cronies at the card table were drinking.” “Wilkinson was drinking this? Tonight? You’re sure?” Graeme nodded. If there was one man in Malifaux who knew his booze it was him and I had no reason to doubt him. Thoughts of regaining my 100% conviction rate were swirling through my head. The Chief would be stoked, and if I made the arrest I could rub Moe’s face in it if I ever saw him again. For what seemed like the tenth time in a couple of days I made my way back to the theatre. ............... Wilkinson had offered no resistance when we got there, he seemed resigned to it almost. I did a quick search of his locker and found a lock of hair. I didn’t much care who’s it was, the hair, dust and gin were good enough for me. Things did not look good for the kid. By the time I had my turn with him in the interrogation room, followed by the lawyers in their own private room, he would be singing like a canary and I would be moving on from this case. Things were looking up.
  22. I too am finding this thread very interesting. In terms of pricing, firstly, yes price fixing is also illegal in Europe. Healthy competition keeps prices naturally stable however, so should the likes of Wyrd, pp and corvus bellli get to a stage where the GW execs see real movement away from their products to others then they would be forced to start being a little more cautious with their pricing structures. Despite what we would possibly wish for, and I'm Not sure I do, the others are simply not at a point where this is occurring. Many of the reasons why that is the case have already been mentioned, gamers misplaced snobbery, the ease gw have recruiting new converts due to high street presence etc. It is hard to say what would move those companies forward to the point where genuine pressure was being placed, all of them have people who will be getting paid and are qualified to come up with those ideas and it hasn't yet occured. For continued success on the scale at present there are a couple of well trodden paths such as the board game. Personally I think what might really push wyrd to the point where they are chasing WM/H though will be terraclips. People seeing the game being played on a hopefully quality and relatively cheap product will be attracted to it. Gamers of other systems will buy it for use in their games, maybe even d and d gamers. If as has been suggested other kits would follow, and they look outside of Malifaux, the options really open up. If GW average newer player could see some sort of tclip spacestation I'm pretty sure they would buy it, even tho it's not gw. The potential orders from gaming clubs alone could really make a hit. I just hope the production nightmare of the last year doesn't stop wyrd from really looking to take this product and run with it. Anyway, those are my initial thoughts, hope to bring more when I'm Not typing on a phone with a stylus.
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