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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I can't help with any specifics at the moment as posting from my phone but the vibe of what you are looking for makes me think it would be worth your while checking out miniaturefactory.net
  2. Or: Chuckles in non crime drama writing shocker. Well after my last attempt rather died (and now being back where I consider home) I thought it time to have another crack at this writing game. This time, I know exactly where the story is going as despite the unlikelihood of later events much of this is actually based on a true story. (Like really, not like Fargo style true story) Anyway, so it begins. ....................................................................................... Today 22.55 The men had spent the evening being warmed by a log fire which had long since burned away to embers, and, perhaps even more effectively, by a half bottle of imported Brandy they had shared. The two of them had talked for hours, an Uncle and his Nephew, discussing the absen tfriends and family they once both knew. They were silent now. The only sound in the room was that of the small grey and white cat purring contentedly to itself as it embraced every last moment of heat it that it could. Neither could believe that a man they had both known for so many years could have deceived them so thoroughly, that they had failed to fit the pieces together until now. And yet they both knew it to be true. Some 50 years earlier.... The young man momentarily paused on the station platform in an effort to get his bearings. He repositioned the hat which had fought to free itself from his thick black hair as the three of them had passed through the breach together. He was of average height, with striking blue eyes and was possessed of a skin which could only be described as swarthy; well, at least it would be by any maritime men, had he known any. A combination of these factors resulted in people often adding a handful of years to the tender nineteen of which he had actually thus far enjoyed and he supposed it was this that allowed him to be so successful with the opposite sex. More successful than he considered he had anyright to be in any case. Scanning the station for the exit sign took a few moments longer than it perhaps should have done. He blamed this on eyes which remained clouded as a result of celebrations held for him by the friends he had now left behind. Reaching downhe took hold of his small luggage case containing only clothing, a map of Malifaux, and the letter from his brother which had resulted in the journey. With the sense of adventure still emanating from the pit of his stomach he strode purposefully towards the exit. As had been described exactly in the letter, the pristine red and gold carriage was waiting for him when he turned onto the dirt road that acted as the main thorough-fair between the station and Malifaux town itself. “Good morning sir, I was starting to think you weren’t coming” said a jovial voice from a head that appeared above the two horses Jochen looked up at the man with a broad smile, “No chance of that” he replied before taking the two steps up into the body of the Carriage. “My name’s Henshall sir ”he heard from the front, before the voice continued, along with the crack of a leather whip, “What brings you to our side of the breach?” Jochen felt the forward momentum gather pace before. “My brother, he says he has work for me. There isn’t enough of that earth-side.” “You mean the mayor is your brother? I mean, I know he only presides over a portion of the city on behalf of the Governor, but still his word carries weight round these parts. What type of work will he have you doing?” Henshall responded. “That I don’t know yet Henshall, I’m just answering the call. A mere 10 minutes later he followed Henshall down an impressive oak lined hallway; white marble floors shining like moonlight on a crisp winter’s eve. Henshall spoke over his shoulder “yup, a very nice set-up your brother has here. Just around the corner now sir". They turned left and passed two guards in their bright red uniform, one of them, a woman with bright golden hair cascading in waves to her shoulders caught his eye, he could swear he saw a slight upturn in the corner of her mouth. Henshall stopped then in front of a heavy looking door guarded by two metal griffon doorknobs. “This is as far as I go sir, my delivery made so to speak. I do hope you find Malifaux agreeable." Jochen’s eyes tried to follow the female guard as she turned a corner and left his field of view. "I’m sure I will like it here just fine. Thanks Henshall, I’ll see you around.” Turning one of the Griffons he strode straight through the door without signalling his entrance. A man sat behind the ornate writing desk that so dominated the imposing candlelit room; his head snapped up and as their eyes met the first thing Jochen noted was the look of anger and annoyance that had been shot in his direction. Then the eyes softened and the grimmace replaced with a beaming grin. “You made it then brother?” “I did that Sascha. You know you seem to have put on a few pounds since last we spoke. More than a few truth be told…” Sascha rose from his chair, circled the desk and embraced Jochen, talking all the while. "So how was the journey? The crossing of the breach is quite something isn’t it? Is this all you’ve brought?” The questions came thick and fast, and after a further few minutes of pleasantries Jochen saw the opportunity to ask the one question he really wanted to know. “So what am I doing here?" “You Jochen are going to be working for the Guild, not as a guard you understand. Even I couldn’t manage that, I don’t imagine you would know which end to hold a peacebringer, no? You will be a coachman, a driver so to speak. I have a coach and horses all prepared, you’ll love them." Sascha continued to talk as he led his younger brother back down the hallway. ............................................................. “There’s a new face in town” declared Henshall over the frothy head of his pint of ale. His companion looked up to him, his interest clearly piqued. “Oh yes?” “Yup, not sure if it’s any use to you but just the fact of who he his should alone justify this week’s retainer.” Henshall added. The other man was older than Henshall, with greying hair, and spectacles that made him appear bookish. Henshall had been introduced to him years earlier and told his name was Michael. He did not believe that to be true. “Tell me what you know and then I’ll decide what it’s worth. You know how this works by now.” Henshall’s eyes narrowed, He was always off balance when talking to the man he knew as Michael, never knowing if he was being threatened. It made him feel deeply uncomfortable despite the other man's smaller stature. “Well, he continued. Let’s just say our good friend Sascha has some re-inforcements. His brother Jochen arrived on the train today." Michael’s eyebrow rose. “Really? Why I think that is the first interesting thing you have told me in some time. We’ll have to keep an eye on our new friend now won’t we?” He pushed his chair back and rose to his feet throwing some loose coin onto the table between them. “At the very least, it’s worth a drink.” Michael purposefully traversed the crowded bar. Henshall returned to his ale. (Had a nightmare with the text editor there, if anyone sees a formatting error I have missed please let me know, thanks)
  3. I will just echo what the good Mr Black said. I particularly enjoyed the manner in which you unravelled Lem's predicament at the start. With the encroaching gang and the pickpocket etc. Thought it was very well done and paced beautifully.
  4. Ha, beaten to the punch, I was just starting to look at a story with them based on the song 'When a man comes around'. Will put it on the back burner and look forward to seeing what you do.
  5. For me nay, but If you like it then yay.
  6. Glad to be of help. I look forward to seeing your results.
  7. Yeah I do know what you mean. I have found that good Western Style Models (Subjective I know but coming from GW, Warmachine, Malifaux viewpoint) are pretty tough to find. Mostly they seem to be aimed more at Historical gamers as opposed to fantasy style worlds.
  8. Black Scorpion have a few, of which this is probably my favourite http://www.blackscorpionminiatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=88
  9. Not sure if you are getting confused or I am, but the Teddies I think you are referencing are puppetswar plaguebears as opposed to puppet wars teddies and are still available. And while he doesn't exactly fit the Malifaux aesthetic I have always had a soft spot for this little guy. http://ammon-miniatures.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/TEDDY-FEAR.jpg
  10. A very nice miniature indeed. Hans or a gunsmith for a Collette crew. Heck, I would use her as Hans for any crew - and I quite like Hans (Except for the fact that my dad is called Hans and he isnt a badass sniper).
  11. Micro Art have a couple of nice options but you would need to slap a sword on them. http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/images/Miniatures/M00022_Min28mm_MaryFearless.jpg http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/images/Miniatures/M00049_Min28mm_LadyEllendeanne.jpg Although I imagine you could replace the second one's umbrella easily enough.
  12. At first I wasn't going to comment, but that is actually insane.
  13. I have a few proxies from the like of Freebooter and Tale of War. http://www.taleofwar.com/shop/ http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/ They do tend to be replaced when Wyrd bring out the official models but still see the occasional use in friendly games.
  14. Given the Peacekeeper is an Arachnid, I would be more inclined to look at Cryx as a possible option. Perhaps something like this: http://privateerpress.com/files/products/cryx/warjacks/harrower.png Also, size wise the peacekeeper sits somewhere between a light and heavy jack.
  15. Not at this time I'm afraid. Copies of the first book etc come up on eBay regularly but don't often go cheaply from what I have seen. There were a number of downloads called the Wyrd Chronicles that had some fluff in them prior to the website update. They may still be around here somewhere.
  16. Yes, but in order for calmdown to formulate the list he had to think about it. No matter the validity of it, it is still based on his admittedly considerable experience. As such it is inherently not objective.
  17. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias_blind_spot Oops, did I post that in here
  18. In truth the dreamer works really well with pretty much any Nightmare you care to name and, to a point it will depend on your playstyle. Want to play on the psychological aspects of Nightmares? Add in Coppelius, Stitcheds and Insidious Madness. Like to get stuck right in? Teddy and maybe Lelu and Lilitu will help. Alps (lots of them) used to be the order of the day but they are not quite so good these days. I only dabbled with the dreamer and I'm sure some of the more experienced dreamer players will be along soon. There are a number of dreamer tactica threads that are worth searching for. Although not exclusively limited to Calmdown, he has started a number of really useful ones that are worth searching for.
  19. Somewhere between 23 and 24 for me. I tend to try to stick with the theme of the crew but will try to take as competitive a list as I can within that structure.
  20. The black circle is an aura. The white circle is a pulse. They are explained in detail on page 20 of the rules manual but if it is aura 2 then it is a two inch aura meaning any model within two inches of the originator receive the buff/debuff, The aura moves with the originator. Pulse is like an instant effect, immediately and simultaneously affecting all models, except the originato, within the distance. Page 20 explains it better than me.
  21. A bit surprised to see two guardians in your 40ss list. Don't get me wrong, he is a pretty much a must have for Hoffman but having played against him a good few times recently he has not had significant damage output and I can't see that his abilities would stack with a second guardian on the table. Not sure if you could manage to squeeze another peacekeeper in there considering the usefulness of Hoffman's totem choices but even some generic guild choices such as austringers might be useful in the list to soften up the enemy from distance as your castle moves down the board.
  22. Those abilities should be on page 115 of the rules manual under common abilities. Rising higher can only be triggered from the casting of circle of flames. As such if two tomes are acheived in the casting of Circle of flames then you can use rising higher. As Tread the line is not in brackets after the name rising higher, rising higher cannot be triggered from any attempted cast of tread the line. So, you can only get rising higher from circle of flames therefore the Dg flip increases to 2/3/4 from 1/2/3 for circle of flames. Hope that helps
  23. As others have said, a very enjoyable read as usual. Looking forward to seeing all the new dynamics develop.
  24. So can anyone more local tell me where to get a good pint in Nottingham *beer.goggles*
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