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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Not sure entirely what you mean. The masters of your crews don't cost you any points it is just the others start with stones for use in game whereas Vik doesn't get any of those as she has a cache of 0. I hope that answers your question, in any event welcome along!
  2. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.seedol.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Philadelphia-Eagles.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.seedol.com/20104241-philadelphia-eagles-to-install-30m-wind-and-solar-energy-system.html&usg=__kTgQ2i3oIfkM98zDgRz3gIDkcn4=&h=521&w=521&sz=213&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=CLVC-nI6NHANBM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=134&ei=hNIyTYPVLs2FhQf4y72cCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dphiladelphia%2Beagles%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D595%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=121&vpy=259&dur=2527&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=129&ty=250&oei=hNIyTYPVLs2FhQf4y72cCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 Gah, I can't figure out how to post images. Anyway, Eagles FTW. Not sure why I like the Eagles, just do, and have for years.
  3. Loving it. You could also have a mandatory limit on duel scores. Say 21. And if you exceed it, it's auto-lose. @MrNybbles : Never heard of it in a gaming context but certainly fake shuffles are a staple of card manipulation in Magic. I don't know how M:TG works so can't comment but with the alternate activation and duel defence in Malifaux I imagine the only advantage would be in keeping a batch of high cards near the top of the deck. Although, if someone was sufficiently skilled i'm pretty sure they would be able to sleight a joker out whenever required.
  4. I think hippies meant that you have your flesh construct and with the spare body part you can make McMourning fast. I would also agree with him on dropping a Belle and taking a couple of extra dogs.
  5. This makes a lot of sense, and if a nice eloquent set of rules were there, the possibilities would be almost endless given Malifaux's unique setting. Although I too remember the thread where there was talk of trying to create such a system.
  6. Personally i'm with you Cassarus, both are pretty excellent though.
  7. If you wish... Didn't think that putting your name in bold in a pre existing thread would be an issue and thought it would help some newer members. If you don't feel that's worthwhile fair enough.
  8. No problem. I can't say it wasn't entirely self serving. Looking for players in the north east so interested in the club you mentioned. Pm sent
  9. Welcome to the game and the forum!
  10. There have been a few posts now from newer forum members trying to find out who their local Henchman would be. This is also something I would have found useful recently too. Rather than just coming on and moaning about it though, I do have what I hope may be a useful idea. On the find an opponent thread might it be useful for Henchman to have their entry highlighted in bold with a small explanatory note at the bottom of the latest post? Obviously this would rely on them doing it themselves etc but still thought it may be worthwhile. Thoughts?
  11. Just to expand on what the good rat has stated. As you correctly state some models require two suits on a trigger and do not have the use soulstone ability. These are generally few and far between. One example is the razorspine rattler which can gain one suit through a different ability/trigger which means it can then activate the trigger requiring two suits if it is subsequently flipped. I have probably made that sound more complicated than it is.
  12. Welcome to the forums! The Showgirls are rather nice. I have managed to resist them though! So far....
  13. Very nice work. I particularly like the job you have done with the scroll.
  14. The other half is ill so it looks like a take-out and tv marathon for me. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year when it comes.
  15. A fat man in red making arbitrary decisions? Definately Guild.
  16. It is surprising how much the vote has changed between rounds. Collette swept all before her in the first round but is now down at number 4. Them's the breaks I suppose. I also agree about goatboy, how it can finish above the likes of uncle meat is beyond me. Pretty sure the votes are now closed.
  17. No problem. Have sent you a pm. Pretty sure their were a few players from Durham on the boards a while back also.
  18. Greetings to you too. The writing room part of the forum tends to be where the fan art ends up. Very good some of it is too.
  19. Hi there Andy I have literally just moved from Scotland to Gateshead in the last week. Hadn't started looking for other players yet but I love malifaux, particularly ressurs and neverborn. Where in the north east are you based? Anyway if you are close enough and fancy a game just send me a pm. Andy M
  20. Whilst Collette and Kirai are both tricky I say just go for the crews you like. If you like them you will have more patience for losses than if you pick up a crew you don't love. Also, Malifaux is such a fun game losses don't generally feel as bad as in some other games. At least that is the case in my experience.
  21. Very nice indeed. Looks superb actually. (If anyone from the UK knows a supplier of Hirst Arts moulds please speak up)
  22. Just to point out the Lost Love is rumoured to be getting released in February. Also welcome to the game and the boards. I hope you find both enjoyable.
  23. Where the wild things are. At least that's the English title. I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it. That's not a criticism, it looks fantastic.
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