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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Congratulations! Remember to take your Bag of sweets in for your new workmates!
  2. Turns out that in general I can't, no. Great find Lalo!
  3. Despite being rather excited about puppet wars I have always had something of a fear of puppets and especially those from the Dark Crystal. The puppets from DC and Aslan from Narnia were the worst.
  4. Collodi Lilith Bad Juju Zoraida wouldn't have a puppet of herself right? :crazy:
  5. I'm sure there was a kids program where the main character had a stopwatch which did something like that...
  6. Paper does have it's mysterious properties... [ame] [/ame] One of my favourite death scenes ever.
  7. Oh dear. Now I need an arcanist crew as well as buying Hamelin. I see a puppet showgirl crew on the horizon.
  8. @ piete. I thoughts I saw it on this site, just couldn't find it on a quick search. Glad you pointed it out again, it is some very nice work.
  9. I saw a great conversion of this guy, I just can't seem to find it for you. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://battlecollege.wikispaces.com/file/view/Wrathe-mounted.jpg/33577793/Wrathe-mounted.jpg&imgrefurl=http://battlecollege.wikispaces.com/mkiiWrathe&usg=__j380wZB15Z_04ZHGUVZimukTXN8=&h=326&w=355&sz=34&hl=en&start=36&zoom=1&tbnid=Au3vrQyDpo9GTM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=146&ei=khdmTdDiB5GO4Qb1utDbCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhordes%2Bcavalry%2Bcharacter%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D595%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1244&um=1&itbs=1&biw=1259&bih=595&iact=rc&dur=297&oei=iBdmTdqDG4yXhQfOsbWwDQ&page=3&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:36&tx=84&ty=48
  10. Although also yet to play Lilith with Kirai - I am mostly a Lilith player - I always imagined this would be a very good match up for Kirai. Certainly in terms of any attempt to kill Lilith as Kirai has so many models which can attack the willpower stat as opposed to Lilith's crazy defense - with trigger. I am starting to delve properly into my Kirai crew now so looking forward to finding out for sure.
  11. A Bittersweet Life is superb. The credits for the original version of the Eye always caught my attention also.
  12. Oh no, no sweets for me. I listed this in the films with terrible ending thread. :thumpdown I had enjoyed the film until the ending.
  13. Really nice work. I love the specialist and the Gunslinger - who I don't normally like - but in truth all are very impressive.
  14. For the Resurrectionists out there I recommend, well, The Resurrectionist. [ame]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Resurrectionist-James-Bradley/dp/0571232760/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297975548&sr=1-1[/ame] Excellent book and it portrays the grimness of the dawn of modern day medicine rather nicely in my opinion. Also, have to agree with the doctor on Lovecraft,
  15. I look forward to the puppet crew of Collodi and co!
  16. Welcome to the game and the forum. 2 very nice crews you are looking to pick up there.
  17. Possible Alps, although not sure what you would do with the wings. http://www.torgaming.co.uk/store/varrier or http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=tow_tow_gen_chs_103_000 Insidious madness should be easy enough to find something you like for. Even GW do a few nice models you could use, pink horrors etc.
  18. As Thunder God states Nicodem is probably the easiest to get to grips with but would need a good few purchases. On the plus side many of the models you would purchase for him could end up being used by Leveticus later on down the road. In saying that Zoraida and the dreamer are not overly complicated in their playstyle and are very good masters. Leveticus would definately be the trickiest I would say. Lilith, Lady J and Perdita seem to be considered the easiest masters to learn the basics of. Maybe Seamus also...
  19. Seeing the title of Doctor Amos' thread I immediately assumed that in the grand tradition of threads showing crazy film trailers I was going to see this. [ame] [/ame] Brilliant (kind of) film. The director of which made a recent remake of godzilla...
  20. Have to agree. I bought the malifaux battlefoam Bag and it is very disappointing. Wish I had bought kr like I have for my other mini's. The bf bag doesn't even properly fit a lot of Malifaux miniatures
  21. 6 masters and a Henchman on the way. That's not including Hamelin which is a must buy. Not going to count how many soulstones worth of minions. Probably means I have too much stuff in itself.
  22. No rules relating to the stomach teeth. It's not even on the nightmare edition. At least I don't think there is. Been too scared to take it out the box. Will let others get back to you re Paint schemes as I haven't decided on that myself.
  23. Welcome to the game and the forums. 50 pounds eh? You could have bought about 4 beers over there with that. :alcoholic Seriously, welcome along.
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