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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Yes it's not looking good for spurs. Wish I was watching the Inter v Shalke game, 4 - 2 to Shalke in Italy with time left. As the closest bundesliga side to where I was born I have a tenuous soft spot for them. Dunfermline are my team though. Top of the Scottish first, might have to watch them in an equally terrible league next season if and when we get promoted.
  2. This. Even if you don't want something else but someone in your playing group does. The shipping is reasonable and although the exchange rate is not as good as it was you will still get everything as cheaply as anywhere bar maelstrom. I will be doing this myself today as royal mail decided to lose most of my cards. Actually, pm sent.
  3. A truly awesome movie! For narrative reasons I would probably riff off the story in rising powers about Hoffman and ryle coming through the breach. Could culminate in a whole 'I created you' moment with ramos at the end of the trilogy. It would have to be a trilogy...
  4. I saw your request for these in the other thread - which i think is now directly below this one - and have to say I love the idea. Mcmourning in a tux going to work with a requisitioned steak knife sounds pretty good to me.
  5. Agreed. Not many better shows than that around at the moment!
  6. A topic close to my heart on so many levels... Firstly given the long history of competition law worldwide, going back to the oil rush and Sherman act in the US and - very broadly - similar provisions in Europe nationally, prior to the eu taking control of a large amount of European competition law generally, I find it surprising that Australia don't appear to have, from those articles you posted, the case law or regulatory body to deal with it. More surprising to me still that If relying on market forces to keep competition healthy, an approach that has failed historically elsewhere, why some other multi national retailers haven't spotted a gap in the Australian market and moved in. That is perhaps another argument however. Is there no regulatory body in aus to deal with this? SUrely if price wars are occurring there is a real chance of price fixing between the two also? On the other hand I love beer, so why not?
  7. I knew that, sorry. I should have put a smiley in there
  8. I like this, you could apply that thinking to real life. Gfs bad books suffer minus minus on all actions!
  9. Even on your work lunch hour. Also, when you wake up in the middle of the night and just have to write a malifaux related story.
  10. Now now, everyone should feel free from recrimination in here. Also, what is tmi?
  11. I really like the Gilmore girls television program. I also have no clue what colours do or do not go together so my gf generally has to pick what I wear casually, as well as assist in colour choices when painting mini's
  12. I tried this once on another forum once and it went pearshaped rather quickly but think it's worth giving it a crack here. Just a place for people to post anything that they are potentially ashamed of in real life. I will save a few for later but ease in with a couple I don't think are too bad. I am a huge fan of Columbo as well as Tom Selleck including loving the 3 men films. Anyone else have anything to declare?
  13. Thanks to all, but especially karn, a wealth of knowledge as usual. Not looking to build a hugely powerful dreamer list, Just the option of fielding a crew that is not at immediate disadvantage due to the build, and it sounds like the models listed will be just fine for that. Granted I am likely to buy another teddy at some point and also night terror's for kirai. Elazar, I like coppelIus but feel ihe would just make me want to buy alps also, no? I shall check back in with your sig Karn when I have the twins.
  14. Through collecting neverborn generally and preparing for collodis release it has become clear that I could soon field a dreamer list from the random assorted nightmares amongst them. Just looking for advice from the regular dreamer players to see if this list could work or at least form the basis of a working crew. What I have Dreamer and lcb 2 stitched Teddy Lelu and lilitu on the way. I assume I will need a clamshell of daydreams. What would the advantages and disadvantages of this list be and if it could be made better with just one more clamshell besides the daydreams, what would that be. One nice thing I see with the list as is is lilitu's boost to willpower against a specific target followed by gamble your life. Any advice welcome.
  15. On the faction section, maybe just a row of five squares near the top or bottom of your score board with back-lit clear transfers of masks, tomes etc etc and then just light the two factions in play. Would be like stainglass windows etc. Granted you might have to play in the dark, but you playing in the dark is a sacrifice I am willing to make. :bigthumb:
  16. Not everyone has book 2 would be my guess.
  17. For Collodi I quite like the idea of coin operated boy: [ame] [/ame] or Oompa radar from Goldfrapp, it has a nice little evil carnival feel to it: [ame] [/ame] (Not the proper video, not sure if there was one.)
  18. Now collodi has been shown I almost don't know who to vote for, maybe Hamelin the plagued Kirai Datsu ba
  19. I think it's a particular worry for us in the uk given the fact we use royal mail - they were useless when I was explaining what I was doing, so I ended up having to try to overestimate return shipping costs etc. I sent my cards at around the same time as you, maybe a little later, and not received them yet either if it's any consolation. I'm sure they'll get back soon enough.
  20. Now that you have the source of all my powers he should obey your every whim. Well, either that or he won't and you'll be stuck with a very small hat!

  21. Excellent, I love sweets! - eats one now and pops one under his hat for later.
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