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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. too many to list come really close but if I had to pick just one then The big lebowski
  2. Well I think for the Neverborn I would probably argue Lilith and she is by no means useless but it is by default of the other Neverborn masters being so good. (She is my favourite master too)
  3. Bushido by GCT studios has interested me for a while. Love the look of a couple of their factions. I will say now that I am likely to pick up a starter box after the post Christmas financial drought but in the end I will probably end up buying more Malifaux crews as I know I will be able to get games.
  4. I wasn't going to post a thread after hearing of the sad passing of Jonny Otis yesterday, despite the avatar change, but it turns out that Etta James - who co-incidentally was discovered by him - has now also passed. A sad week for proper R & B and soul music - which I love - as opposed to the crap that passes for it these days. Willie & the Hand Jive [ame] [/ame] And Wallflower (composed by JO, sung by Etta) [ame] [/ame]
  5. Like AB I have struggled for time on the forum and haven't read much recently. Different reasons right enough, engagement and job change. I hope to also resume normal reading service come February.
  6. Now for sale on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/cynergyukandrew/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25&_trksid=p3686 Non ebay updates will no doubt follow
  7. Actually I forgot he also has the mechanical attendant. Good shout on Ryle and the austringers though.
  8. I really like these. The one on the right almost has a noir-ish look.
  9. Just looking for suggestions to expand the following: Hoffman box set Peacekeeper It's for a gift and i'm thinking the above lacks some mid ss minions along the lines of large steampunk arachnids but I have no experience with the Hoff so any help appreciated. Thanks in advance all
  10. Already looking like a not bad turn-out. Good to see. Now just to get back into the swing of the game....
  11. I was in the middle of a weight loss programme when Christmas hit. Was trying to lose around 15 pounds but the festive period set me back around 5 and I'm still trying to re-lose them.
  12. I'll be back in Scotland by then so consider me there. Might also take a place for a friend. How do we get payment to you?
  13. I think my first miniatures were gifted to me by a friend, or sold by him, I can't quite be sure. Either way the first mini's were warhammer 40k 2nd ed Eldar. A War Walker and some Striking Scorpions. Led me into about 12 years of nothing but eldar/dark eldar 40k until Malifaux came along.
  14. I would post in the guild section of Malifaux matters if I were you.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ToCq_c3wOM8
  16. Whilst my location says Newcastle this is only till the end of the month when I move back up and start work back in Glasgow - they didn't have enough square sausage and potato scones down here for my liking. Haven't actually managed to get a game of Malifaux in around four months so will be looking to head along to G3 pretty soon after I get back. Have been once before after having been introduced to the group by Dangerous Beans of these forums. I'm the guy dressed as Dangermouse on the membership request...
  17. I stopped playing when Malifaux came along. Not because I stopped enjoying it or anything like that but the people I introduced to the game were WM/H players and so it felt only fair that I would try their games too. As a result as well as having plenty of Malifaux I also have a large Legion of Everblight force and gradually my 40k/Fantasy armies started to hit eBay. I have no problem with GW and i'm sure I'll be tempted to pick up another 40k army at some point.
  18. Well I was told to expect a refund on Friday 16th that has not materialised. Just glad it was a relatively small amount in the grand scheme of things as now taking it as a write off.
  19. Reassurances received. A bit of misscommunication. Apologies for any worries caused.
  20. A bit hesitant to post this as previous communications had seemed plausible but has anyone else been having trouble with these trades. Have sent money and not received models or refund after an issue was raised. Not a huge amount but it's an irritance all the same.
  21. A one day-er within driving distance, count me in.
  22. It is indeed, and it's unstealable by you know who...
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