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Everything posted by HandsomeDan

  1. Ramos was indeed helped a lot. And of course Leveticus can take most of those constructs too. In addition to plenty of new undead and of course his own Ashes and Dust. While I don't think he quite reaped the same rewards as some of the masters the OP mentioned, I think at least one watcher may be a new Levvy auto-include. I also really like the idea of the dead rider with him, although I still think his personal stuff and some of his other old standby's (Belles, SPA swarms, Bette) might be better choices for him. I've got plans to buy Darragh Wrathe as a temporary proxy some time soon to try him out.
  2. I know they can team up together but their selections will be limited by both masters restrictions. Remember they both have multiple restrictions so it really puts you down to any soulless models, or insignificant undead models. Hamelin the plagued doesn't allow constructs IIRC. I also don't recall anything about him having to pay the +1 for out of faction on the models he can hire, but again no book handy. That also means I can't give you an accurate run-down of what the two can take when fielded together unfortunately. I'll try to remember to check if no one else chimes in soon. Once they're on the table though, they can summon whatever they want mind you. Its just hiring that is restricted.
  3. There definitely are but I think a most of them can only be hired with Hamelin. Me or someone else will have to double check.
  4. I think the dead rider will probably be the most fun new toy. He has a crow built in for SPA summoning. He has an ability that makes him stronger when he's nearly dead so he's a good candidate for burnout. Then he can self heal 2 as a 0 and regenerate after his reactivation. He is expensive for a trick like that though. And he only drops a scrap and corpse counter when killed so you can only make one SPA out of him. Definitely worth trying, but maybe not quite as good as the usual favorites.
  5. As far as I understand it yeah. If you're pig-charge doesn't kill the first model you come in contact with you'll just keep swinging at it until you run out of AP.
  6. But that's the point right? You don't have to spend 2 SS per rat since when you kill one, another one comes back. As long as there's a rat catcher nearby. Or does a tot sacrifice a killed model to gain a blood token? Of course that presents another bad scenario, since it means your rat catcher isn't keeping pace with the rest of the force. So more points tied up not helping you out. Still if it all checks out, it seems too much fun not to try.
  7. If I remember correctly Ophelia only allows Gremlin models. No Pigs or skeeters. If I'm wrong, and she can take Skeeters, there's not much point to it since she lacks the spells to really use them properly. Also her own totem, the young 'uns, are better for her and she can take 3 of them. As far as Ophelia outclassing Som'er, I think the slop Hauler dropping enemy defenses might push our old master back up to even standings. This is probably what zombiedood was referring to when he said "without proxies". There's one more thing. Ophelia is really easy to kill and the range on her gun isn't that great. She can do a lot of damage but only at tremendous risk to herself. I haven't fielded her yet but I plan to keep a lot of Soulstones handy to keep her from dying. Also, Shekbo, what do you mean by the "Good Baron"? Does the slop hauler already have a nick name or is my book missing a page?
  8. I don't have the book on me but I feel pretty certain that the rats are 2 SS. Their stats are so bad they probably aren't worth it outside the context of Hamelin lists though, even for that low cost. For those who haven't seen Rising Powers yet, rats regenerate themselves as long as they are close to a rat catcher. No flip is required. If something dies near a catcher, a new rat shows up to devour it. So this could be a really serious exploit, but it all depends on the exact wording of some rules I don't have in front of me right now. If it really is that easy we can probably expect some errata-ing soon because I doubt something like this was intended. Been wrong before though. I'll check the rules when I get home.
  9. I will definitely be making a Hamelin the plagued army. Gw's Skaven keep calling to me, despite the fact that I've sworn never to go back to their games. Hamelin should help satisfy whatever part of my brain is obsessed with filthy rats.
  10. Same here. If Asmodee had gone the opposite route and managed to get the game properly distributed in the US there's a very good chance I would have been playing it instead of Malifaux. The minis looked to be some of the best ever produced and the rules seemed interesting to me as well though I never got to actually play. Now, with no plans to drop Warmachine or Malifaux, the odds that I'll try to add a third game to my rotation are practically non-existent.
  11. At the very least it will be nice to have a hamelin with access to soulstones to help keep him alive. I'd like to see him have some other methods to make him a little more survivable. Also, will he stay on a large base? I'd hate to have my opponent flip assassinate if my master has to be on a large base.
  12. yup I totally missed that thread. Thanks. Also he should probably get that looked at.
  13. So is there a master we haven't seen yet for the outcasts? Looks like the other factions are getting Henchmen and new masters. So since Ophelia is a henchman... henchwoman... henchgremlin... whatever... is there another master on the horizon? Maybe there was one already and I didn't catch it.
  14. I'll be buying the rezzer box regardless so I guess I'll find out at Gencon if they're good with levi too. The Coryphee are great minis but not enough that I'll buy them without knowing what they do. Any cheap construct is useful to Leveticus though since he can just turn it into a S A if it dies. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  15. All this errata stuff has me so confused. Just when I thought I had Levi figured out I read some of the responses in this thread and now I don't have the first clue what to do with him. So thank you Bug King. I will just play him from his cards and just check against the PDF. Should make it all a lot easier.
  16. I've been playing it that you have to. Reckless provides an available AP. A pigcharging model must use all available AP to pigcharge.
  17. Levi isn't slow anymore? Did they change the wording on eternally shackled from "summon" to something else? Or was it a different change? I've got some searching to do.
  18. Well I'm glad I'm just starting my Leveticus force. This way I won't have to adapt to such a big change. 4 of them can still make it a foot up the board each turn and not be targeted by ranged. Still seem good for 3 when they can make more of themselves.
  19. I did a search and I couldn't find anything about this. I just got my Steampunk Abominations last night, and looking at the card the Keep Pace rule reads: When a friendly Steampunk Abomination in base contact with this model takes the Walk action, Push this model into base contact with the Steampunk Abomination at the end of the move. Now with my Malifaux rule book lent to a friend on a road trip, I can't be 100% but hasn't the phrase Steampunk Abomination replaced the word construct in a very critical way? I'm pretty sure a lot of Leveticus players bring along a hooded rider or steamborg just so their abominations can tag along up the board with it at super speed. Unless I'm utterly wrong this change is going to be a big deal to a lot of people. If I'm late to the party and this has already been discussed to death then sorry. Haven't visited these forums in a bit.
  20. Yep Mosquitoes are great. I typically take one or two to start and have them larva in a few more killing gremlins to bulk up my hand. The problem is there are so many other good things So'mer can be doing with his 1 actions that its hard to spend it all on healing mosquitoes. That decreases their effectiveness at casting Gremlin's Luck. I tend to have mine cast pull my finger a lot. Its a much better way of circumventing high defense than not letting your opponent cheat. If you scroll down the Outcast page a bit you can find Lalo's Gremlin tactics article where I steal all my ideas from. It has extensive ideas for using skeeters.
  21. Lucidicide is right the Gremlins thread is a great help. My 2 cents is that warpigs really aren't that great. I tend to prefer piglets. I often find that one of my biggest advantages when I do play Gremlins is that I have so many models I get multiple activations after my opponent has finished their turn. The warpigs seem like a good buy for 8 points, but without hard to wound or any form of armor, I'm always shocked at how quickly those 12 wounds dissapear. The last time I took one a death marshall killed it with two shots in a single activation. I think you are on the right track with the mosquitoes, but you never bring them all with you when the game starts. Have So'mer try to use git your bro, then have your skeeters use Larva on the injured Gremlins. That way you get two cards from survival of the fittest and end up with four mosquitoes in the end anyway. Not my trick btw - its all in the Gremlins thread. One more general tip is just that the Gremlins have a ton of tricks between them for a force with such limited model selection. You have to know them all really well and know which is the best to use in a given situation. I'm talking about things like whether you use that high Ram to cheat a y'all watch this strike for a bayou gremlin who's almost dead anyway, or save it for So'mer to stab that same Gremlin and summon in another piglet. Which wacky gremlin ability you choose to go with at any time can easily be the difference between victory and defeat. Gremlins are HARD to win with in most situations. But that means you get to celebrate just for doing pretty good, even if you don't actually win.
  22. well firefox tried to block it for my safety but I got it in the end

  23. I'm glad you noticed that. It was exactly what I was going for and its great someone could tell. I thought about that but decided not to. Could be it just looks better in person or maybe its just me and the extra highlights really could help. Thanks for all the comments from everyone else too. Wyrd minis are a blast to paint. It helps encourage you to spend the extra time.
  24. My second master was going to be Leveticus, but when it came time to buy a Flesh construct for him I just ended up buying the whole McMourning box. Since the Hollow Waifs hadn't been released yet I decided to go ahead and go with the lunatic surgeon first. Before I knew it I was expanding my ressurectionists. Which is fine because Leveticus can use them all anyway if I want. Still haven't gotten a game with him yet but I'm looking forward to doing my first one in the next week or so. I found the living to be the easiest to paint. They were the last things I did and I finished them the fastest. Something about all that skin sloughing off the undead is tricky for me to wrap my head around. And if anyone is curious, I did all the cobblestone bases myself using this technique: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/01/hobby-making-cobblestone-bases.html.
  25. I've never understood why Werner Klocke seems to be held in such high regard. I think he's definitely created some beautiful sculpts, but those really seem to be the exception. The frequently bad proportions, off poses, and overly stylized heads have always put me off. I do think the assassins and some of the goblins from the freebooter page are top notch. Skarre: Pirate Queen may be favorite piece by him. But I tend to feel that most of the more frequent Wyrd contributors create better pieces. I'd put Steve Saunders' and Paul Muller's resurrectionists over most of Werner's pieces any day.
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