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Everything posted by osoi

  1. I have to chime in and agree 100% you guys are doing fantastic. I really appreciate everything you guys have done for us.
  2. I got some more painting last night so decided to give the purple flames a shot, I think they work quite well. I did also try and make them brighter at centre and darker on edges which I think worked to a degree. I also tried my hand at some OSL for the first time, let me know what you think. I also worked on Judges hair and am happy with the colour, I will post up a finished pic of him when hes done. Hopefully this crew will all be done by the end of the weekend but its my wedding anniversary so I may not get too much painting done
  3. Hes now done and getting ready for paint. I added a few extra details but think he looks a lot better now, the undercoat and wash help tie him all together visually which certainly helps from a painting perspective.
  4. After completing my Seamus crew I have quickly moved on to painting Lady J's crew. At the moment these are just a work in progress Death Marshalls The Judge Not sure what colour to do for Judge's hair and likewise the coffin flames and boots. lady J herself is also being worked on at the moment as is an Austringer. The Austringer is being painted up exactly the same as the death marshalls whilst I am looking at a very crisp clean look for the Lady herself to contrast with the rest of the crew.
  5. Also not a fan of this idea, Wyrd started off as a mini company with a great focus on painting all different companies minis as well. This idea goes against what Wyrd are about (imho).
  6. Well now Seamus' crew is all done and then McMourning is my next resser to do Jack & the Hanged complete Grave Spirit And now the crew all together
  7. Cheers for the blue skin on Jack and the Hanged i first blocked everything in a vallejo colour called light grey. Then gave a heavy wash of asurmen blue (gw wash) after that just kept on highlighting with a blend of light grey white and asurmen blue wash until i got the desired colour. For Bete I did things a little differently, it was all using a P3 colour coal black that I just kept adding white to and blended up. This gave a a lot of depth to the skin while the hanged are a bit more iridescent.
  8. Well it does say in the last sentence on the V2 card "This is considered a melee attack."
  9. Well I have almost finished this crew after a bit of a long hiatus from painting them, there's still a couple of WIPs and I have gone back and made some modifications to a couple of the models Seamus & Copycat Bete Noir Sybelle & Rotten Belles WIP Jack Daw & Hanged Jack and the Hanged will be finished over the weekend along with my Grave Spirit who is about 60% done at the moment, after that I have my half done Lady J crew McMourning and Levi to finish off too
  10. I love Necropunks and Killjoy with McMourning along with dogs and flesh constructs. And nice start to the crew
  11. Thats a very very nice looking crew, good work on the whole lot of them
  12. Very nice looking Alyce Ashes & Dust Rogue Necromancy Dead Rider and didnt make it in the beta
  13. Basecoating for me, all the shading, blending and highlighting is fun, but motivatiing myself to put that basecoat of blocked in colour down is difficult
  14. Ok a digital camera that I am really impressed with at the moment is my Canon G12 it has manual controls but can also just work as a point and shoot, it has some really nice little features and a great macro function. As for paints I use a mix of GW, P3 and Vallejo depending on what colours i want. I am slowly phasing out the majority of my GW paints as I really dont like the new pots and how quickly the dry out, apart from that they are good paints but the other ranges are good too and I dont have the drying out problems Good Luck
  15. What can I say who can resist the lure of undead hookers?
  16. For me the core generally is: Seamus 2 Belles Hanged Grave Spirit
  17. Kirai, Seamus and Pandora are the best masters for them in my mind, Seamus and Pandora for all the WP tricks they pull and Kirai in that she works so well with other spirits and makes them so much faster than in other crews
  18. Ashes & Dust Rogue Necromancy Rusty Alyce
  19. This pretty well sums up my thoughts as well, I love all three aspects of the hobby but painting is usually the area I take the longest time in getting around to doing
  20. For me it was and still is my Marionette Emu that I have had since I was 4 years old. I used to freak the cat out whenever I started him walking down the hall
  21. Round 2 votes Rusty Alyce Killjoy Ashes & Dust
  22. Thank you and thats got me thinking even more especially considering two of his abilities being the betrayer and betrayed and that it also affects the :masks suit
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