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Everything posted by ispep

  1. Today at work I bought a pack of Magic 2012, and pulled a foil Jace, Memory Adept. Probably one of the top 5 most sought after foils in the set, current prices on ebay are 60+ dollars. I've also opened 2 non-foil Jaces in the past few weeks. I once opened a X-51 Nether Rocket loot card from a WoW TCG pack. At the time it was going for around $150. What are your most memorable packs? (and yes, I actually just made this thread to brag about my shiny new Jace)
  2. Absolutely stunning. I can not wait to see the full crew.
  3. Damn you Wyrd, that is awesome. I was content not spending money on LEs I don't actually need, but I get paid Monday, and don't have anything I need to invest in and am terrible at saving money.
  4. Nice write up sir. And thanks for the feedback. We're always happy to listen to how people think our events are going, and how we can make them better.
  5. I think this poll is inappropriate and out of place. Why does it matter if you have boy parts or girl parts? What about those who don't identify with their physiology? One's gender identity is more relevant than their physical sex. Polls/threads like this ostracize those who don't identify with what they are, making it more difficult for some individuals to feel like part of the community. We are all gamers. We are all people. What does it matter if we are male, female, or other? For what its worth (which isn't a lot) I am a male. I've always been a male. But I've had friends who have been through the worries and stress of not identifying with who society thinks they should be. Every one should feel welcome to be themselves and be free of the judgement that gender identity brings just because someone is "different". Especially in a community that is already somewhat frowned upon by the mainstream as weird or not normal.
  6. Does grinding rust off a car and a failed first attempt with fiberglass resin and fiberglass cloth count as a modeling project?
  7. At no point have I said that Malifaux isn't fun, or that it needs 100% balance to be fun. But if it isn't 100% balanced, then it isn't balanced. The thread title is not "Is this game fun to play" it is about the balance of the game, and the game is not balanced.
  8. If you can not balance things in a vacuum, you can not balance them outside of a vacuum. You mentioned MMOs earlier. Most MMOs use an Item Level for items. It assigns a budget for that items stats and powers. A point of strength is worth x iLvls, a point of stamina is worth less, a random proc that increases DPS with a reliable trigger is worth more than a clicky DPS boost with a long cooldown. If they just threw stats on items and said "well its really good in this situation, and less optimal in this other situation, so its balanced!" nobody would agree.Even the best itemization is subject to RNG and encounter mechanics, but if you simulate things near infinite times under perfect conditions, you can establish that something is worth its iLvl or not. For a miniature game or RPG or whatever, you need to establish that one point is worth that one point, whether that one point gets you more offensive ability or defensive. Is +1 Cb the same as +1 Df? Should one of them be weighted higher? Is a 5 SS model with Cb 4 and Df 1 as good as a 5 SS model with Cb 1 and 4 Df?
  9. Variable effects that dictate the balance are not indicators of balance. Just because master a with strategy a1 and scheme a2 can win against master b with strategy b1 and strategy b2 doesn't mean its balanced. Being good only when you have the proper elements, some of which are random, doesn't create tangible numbers. A straight up fight will give you measurable results. When the only variable involved is the players luck and/or skill, you can clearly establish that x model is worth its SS cost. If model x is worth its cost in one situation, but not another, is it really worth its cost at all? If you can't base a models effectiveness on raw stats, then you can't balance them between each other. 1 SS should equal a set value. If a model costs 4 SS, it should earn the set value x 4. If a model cost 9 SS, it should earn the set value x 9, regardless of anything else. If you can not establish a system where you have tangible evidence of a models universal worth, you can't have balance. The rules can be balanced. The objectives can be balanced. But the individual models will not be balanced.
  10. If master a can't beat master b in an all out, fight to the death, battle royal, I'd say deep down, the game is not "balanced". That isn't to say it isn't fun or interesting or entertaining, but it isn't balanced. It shouldn't matter the order you pick your crews, the schemes you choose, or the strategies you flip. If you want the option of a flat out brawl or fixed lists or whatever, a truly balanced system would support that. Saying the factions are balanced when you play the strategies is essentially saying the strategies are balanced, the rest of the game isn't.
  11. For Studio McVey, I have to say I'm not all that impressed. I guess they can't all be winners.
  12. You could call the ape alt LCB as well. Would be interesting.
  13. That's one of the best things about being able to change thread titles. It boosts your view count dramatically.
  14. Very cool. All the little details are great. Looking forward to seeing it in color.
  15. :bump: Who's coming in for this next league? Any feedback from the initial information for oldoneeye while there is still time for some changes?
  16. Was cutting the tip off a bottle of thin super glue today, had it angled too far down and was apparently applying preassure to the bottle. Spent 30 minutes sanding 2.5 fingers, and I've still got some patches of glue on them. Luckily I had a box on the counter and didn't get any of the glue on anything important.
  17. Today I discovered the joys of trying to shape MDF for terrain bases without the proper tools. And just how fragile jewler's saw blades are. I think I'm just going to hit up a Home Depot and get a sheet of MDF and have them cut it into 8" squares and call it a day.
  18. In an ongoing effort to lose weight and be healthier overall, I've cut out nearly all fast food from my diet. I've gone from eating 3500 or more calories a day, to eating around 1700-2000 depending on my activity level. Part of cutting out the fast food is eating more at home. I'm not going to say I cook fancy meals all the time, it's actually mostly just sandwiches and stuff, but I've come up with a few "recipes" to brighten things up. First, I decided to try a Asian flavor inspired salad. You'll need: 16oz fresh sugar snap peas 8oz mini-bella mushrooms 8oz bean sprouts 1 small can of water chestnuts 1 small can of bamboo shoots 2 Tbsp rice wine vinegar Just mix it all together, add some salt and pepper if you want, and enjoy. Makes four 2 cup servings, about 90 calories each. My second creation is a tomato, cucumber, and pepper salad. 16oz grape tomatos 8oz cucumber 4oz celery 4oz green bell pepper 4oz red bell pepper 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 3 Tbsp rice wine vinegar Dice up the cucumber, celery, and peppers, halve or quarter the tomatos depending on how big they are and mix them together. Mix the oil and vinegar well, and toss with the veggies. About four 2 cup servings, with about 120 calories. If you leave out the oil, it would drastically reduce those calories. It would probably be good with a raspberry vinaigrette and maybe some fresh mozzarella. What are your favorite simple, healthy recipes?
  19. I would also suggest DickBlick. Not only do they have every brush you could imagine, they also have any accessory you can think of, and many you couldn't. And they have fairly reasonable prices on just about everything. You can also pick up the Reaper Brushes from most internet gaming suppliers, while not as nice as W&N, they are decent brushes and somewhat affordable. They have a retail store here in Metro Detroit, I've been meaning to head over there but they have hours that don't particularly match up with mine =/ Any particular reason for synthetic brushes?I've always found them to be more trouble than anything else.
  20. Long before Wyrd ever made a miniature, these boards were populated with painters painting things. As long as you aren't using other miniatures to belittle Wyrd's product, I doubt anyone will mind seeing other stuff. While Wyrd is about Malifaux, Wyrd models, and soon to be Puppet Wars, it is also at its heart a hobby and painting place.
  21. Started base coats on the Copycat Killer. I think I'll put together the rest of my Alps, and maybe finally finish up my Ork Wartruk that I've had since the new model came out...
  22. Based on other posts you have made, what exactly did Wyrd do to you? Did they kick your dog or something? Show us on the puppet where the mean henchman touched you. Or quit whining like a 2 year old and if you don't like it, take your business elsewhere, imo.
  23. Not to sound all fanboy, but Wyrd has some of the best CS I've seen within the gaming industry. You just need to be patient, they have a lot on their plate right now.
  24. LOL. You must be a warlock, your tears are delicious. QQ moar.
  25. Gradient backgrounds > solids. It will also depend on the colors of a model. A dark model will be very difficult to get a good picture of on a dark background.
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