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Hapless Peon

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Everything posted by Hapless Peon

  1. Ok playing against Rathnard tonight and we came up against a strange situation. Leveticus with Ashes and Dust versus Marcus and it is the Beastmasters activation. Marcus casts Feral on Ashes and Dust and successfully turns it into a Beast, Marcus then casts Alpha on Ashes and Dust taking control of it. Ashes and Dust charges off at a pair of Steampunk Abominations, kills them both then does (0) Implant Decay. Now, according to Page 13 of the Rules Manual under controlling models Models able to Summon, Place, or otherwise generate additional models cannot do so while controlled by an opposing player. Those effects are ignored while the model is under an opposing player's control. Does this mean that Desolate Core does not take effect? If so, is this an intended result? Where Marcus can easily dispose of a very high cost minion with no chance of it reforming from Dust Storm and Ashen Core.
  2. Masters Lady Justice - Uma Thurman Perdita - Jordana Brewster Sonia Criid - Miranda Otto C. Hoffman - James McAvoy Doctor McMourning - Simon Pegg Nicodem - Christopher Lee Seamus - Johnny Depp Kirai - Ziyi Zhang Marcus - Denzel Washington Ramos - Patrick Stewart Rasputina - January Jones Collette - Natalie Portman Pandora - Mia Wasikowska Lilith - Angelina Jolie Zoraida - Helena Bonham Carter The Dreamer - Isaac Hempstead-Wright Leveticus - Tobin Bell Viktorias - Abbie Cornish So'mer Teeth Jones - Jonah Hill Haemlin - Billy-Bob Thornton Henchmen Lucius - Hugo Weaving Molly - Maggie Gyllenhaal Kaeris - Collodi - Andy Serkis Ophelia - Ellen Page Von Schill -
  3. Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer -- 4 Pool Collodi [8ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Marionette [2ss] Mechanical Rider [8ss] Rotten Belles [4ss] Watcher [3ss]
  4. Come along on the 14th of December if you are in Brisbane and would like a Game or two. New Players are welcome as there is a wealth of experience to draw on.
  5. Last night was great with 3 tables going simultaneously and all players seemed to have a blast. Next one is on Wednesday 7th of December. All are welcome, especially new players.
  6. Can someone please point me to a link of the latest Errata and FAQ? The Links are broken.
  7. Nix has a specific rule Haemlin's Dog that says it can only be hired by a crew containing a Friendly Haemlin. Doesn't specify the Plagued... Good Call.
  8. However Specific Rules over-ride General Rules. Look at the Hodgepodge Effigy, it says it can be hired regardless of restrictions and by that same logic Widow Weaver's Specific rule will over-ride it as well. The precedent is set.
  9. Edit: Nevermind, I was of the belief that Hollow Waifs were Totems; they are not.
  10. Last night was pretty fiun but we'd like to extend the invitation out further for next week. We are changing it to Wednesday night for next week 30th of November. 6pm til Late. We are in Mansfield. Anyone who is able to get to the Busway can get picked up and dropped off as well if you lack transport.
  11. Demo Games will be happening again in Brisbane. Love, Dice and Paintbrushes 1 Carbora St Mansfield This Thursday Night - 24th of November 6pm til Late Send me a PM for more details.
  12. I'm giving these guys their first whirl this weekend. Should be a laugh!
  13. Here are the final results! Big Congratulations to Tye (ThatTyeGuy) with Ramos 1st Place with a Total Score of 26/30 Adam Powell with Lady Justice 2nd Place with a Total Score of 25/30 Kieran (Skell) with Lilith 3rd Place with a Total Score of 21.5/30 Brendan (Papa) - Faced the top Players in his final rounds, still got max sports score and had a grin on his face the whole time. - Deserving winner of the Spirit of Malifaux John Ross took out both the favourite Crew category and the not-so-coveted Wooden Outhouse Award Big thank you to Bec, Paul and all of the others who put on the Blind Pig. Another big thank-you to Bec for the tables and terrain. Final thank you to Thomas for agreeing to be our stand in while Juliet was not available and to all the players who came and played some great games and had a great time!
  14. Trust me Papa, Levi will definately fit on the Base.
  15. Love the pose, looks fantastic. With the shine issue, simply use regular spray varnish then hit it with a coat of Dullcoat (Try model train or similar hobby stores). This gives you the protective layer and the dullcoat will get rid of the shine. Although on a model like this your could get away with shine.
  16. Actually it's a wooden outhouse award. I'm working on it at the moment. The best part is it doubles as terrain!
  17. We have Trophies! - Thanks to Stewart's Trophies for their fantastic work. Still room for any players in the area.
  18. See how the boys downunder hold a Malifaux Event. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z4QakJ-qlU]Stone Fever[/ame]
  19. I have built a magnetised display base for a tournament on the weekend.
  20. Oh, these comments are cold... As an Australian, there were many times I cringed at his [steve Irwin] antics, but still wouldn't have wanted to see him die. Particularly in the quite painful (I imagine) way it occurred. To the comments of the OP; I think you are resorting to hyperbole with many of your complaints. I had to pick up the book and learn it cold as well as teaching my wife and friends to play. At no point did I find the Core Rules confusing or vague. Some of the miniature specific rules can be a little unclear in the grand scheme of things and for that I welcome the Errata. For those rules not covered, it is generally accepted to discuss the matter with all those involved and come to a mutual agreement on how it should be played.
  21. Send an email to the great folks who work at Wyrd with some pics. I know that Nathan and Eric are really busy but someone should get back to you. I know that a lot of people with miscasts have received replacements very quickly.
  22. First Blind Pig of the year is shaping up to be huge. Anyone thinking about coming along should definately try to make it and check out the sweet scenery and join the great times.
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