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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  2. The ideal number is 0. IMO Sorrows are just not good enough for their price.
  3. I use True Mother frequently and solely because of Born of Blood. As Sybaris pointed out the grow mechanism needs too much focus with questionable benefits even if successful. However spawning 2 Wd Tots is much easier. It won't work if you send Nekima head on to the enemy core frontlines (that is arguable in itself anyway) but makes wonders when you slingshot Nekima with Lilith to a weak spot with 1 model or maybe 2 close to each other. Nekima could most probably kill them while making a new Tot that is now free to run around to complete schemes and/or strategy.
  4. Some pictures from the tournament which yielded somewhat less participants that was expected. Still it was a double digit event with 10 players and some good matches.
  5. Yes, but the debate is about killed/unkilled and why should Colette defy death meanwhile Killjoy is killed when he heals back from 0 during the same Action. Maybe I'm mistaken but I think Godlyness would like to prove with his example that if the trigger comes first then the killed status only happens at the end, when you lay down the Corpse Marker - so that Killjoy could be saved from death with his healing. But the wording of the marker placement doesn't back (nor deny) this logic, therefore it looks indifferent in this matter.
  6. Marker placement specifically mentions when to do that. So I think this is not a good example that helps to solve the above debate.
  7. Yeah, I also can't read out from the rules that you can't measure the range between point A and B. And probably Justin didn't want to say that with his answer either.
  8. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  9. Yeah, I also think you overvalue all the possible buffs without considering their resource requirement. On the other hand you doesn't count in some easy defensive measures. Like positioning yourself behind soft or even better hard cover. Besides that your assumption that Sh5 vs Df5 is an easy win for the attacker is not backed by mathematical facts. Winning this with a straight flip on both sides is something like 53-54% chance with even spread decks. Doing this twice in a row is less than 30%. So no, you can't do that reliably for several hits unless you have tons of luck. The statement that against Df6 the odds are fine to get a cheatable damage flip when you have some on the Attack is more than questionable. Let's say you were super lucky and got a 13 on the attack. In that case VS still has more than 50% chance to stay on the non-cheatable damage flip range with a 7 or better card flipped from the deck. And this is the best case scenario for the attacker. Based on some rough estimation I would say a model with Df6 and straight flip gets 70+% chance to not suffer a cheatable damage flip against an Sh5 attack with . And for those 30-%, you will have to waste only some middle cards to keep it safe. In case of a single on the Attack it is close to 80% for the defender. Anyway this combo still has some very nasty potential against non-SS user targets with very low Df stat preferably without Armor. For example it is quite possible to shoot a Teddy off the table for the cost of a single Ap and some cards/wounds.
  10. Actually, Armor +1 does matter a lot when on an SS user. With 2/3/4 and Sh5 vs Df6 the weak damage is very likely. And in that case Armor reduce it to 1 that can be (almost) automatically prevented. So in reality VS doesn't "need to flip well on Damage Prevention" at all to stop the loop. In the example he was killed by a single Ap which is very close to impossible with proper play. Versus the Strongarm the damage is altered to 1/1/2 due to Armor +2 so it needs about 8-10 consecutive hits to finish one with a single Ap that was the case in the OP. That is why I said this must be a very lucky game so people should not start to bash this combo as overpowered.
  11. This one looks ugly but Francois needs to hit and damage every time to have this going. With 2/3/4 damage spread a single SS prevention will most likely stop the loop if you target an SS user. So you simply can't kill (or even seriously harm) the Armor +1 Von Schill with this against a decent opponent with 1-2 SS in the bag. Still, even with the opponent's "assistance" you must have had blatant luck with your cards to kill two so tough models with a single AP each. Good play on your part nevertheless.
  12. Ladies and Gents, We are organizing a 1 day 3 rounds tournament in Budapest 15th of November. You can find the details HERE but in case you are not perfect in Hungarian you can contact me for details in English. Csonti
  13. Price actually depends on one single thing: DEMAND. If enough people buy the minis for this price level, they are doing it right. It is business, not charity show.
  14. Just rename the upgrade to Hunting in Schizophrenic Pairs
  15. I'm still a bit uncertain whether the controlled model itself gets the kill credit or not. In situation 2 if say The Judge kills a Silurid marked for sucker under Zoraida's Obey that would be a kill made by The Judge AND by Zoraida's Crew? (Could be I just can't read this out from the current rules and FAQ.)
  16. Well, it seems that the case is not that clear and people think differently on some aspects. The main question for me here whether rules track kill credit for crews AND individual models. The wording of the FAQ (or the rulebook) doesn't give me a definitive answer. In case it tracks for both then you can come up with a scenario that one player's crew and the opponent's model both can claim the kill. Which looks strange but who knows. As for the Reckoning issue that one is at least clear to me and I'm with Godlyness and Myrra there. Reckoning looks for kill credit by crews not models, and that will go to the team that controlled the action.
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