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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I see your logic but still not convinced. The term of "acting model" is firmly tied to Opposed Duels and Attack and Tactical Actions in the rulebook. My stance is: if they wanted to extend this, they would most probably add a simple sentence about that somewhere. I'm aware that many other systems use a similar approach as you describe but that is clearly written down in those rules. Btw I found a counter-example (Kirai's Feast trigger) regarding the possible "general" timing of summons from killing: Although this is from the beta pdf and I don't have the card at hand, so maybe this was changed before printing.
  2. Maybe because they are completely different effects. Push doesn't count as a "move", ignores severe terrain penalties but stops immediately if the model reaches a climbable fence. Move on the other hand suffers the terrain penalties but the model can cross climbable terrain pieces.
  3. These interpretations are in line with my assumptions but as you wrote: not clear. Until official confirmation I would also play like you described.
  4. Yeah, my first and key problem is the timing issue. It is not clear to me what is the intent here. I'm not so sure about this one. Acting model is not = the model currently playing his activation. This is from small rulebook p 25. and I found no other reference about who is actually an Active model. The phrase usually comes out during Duels and Actions but nothing connects it to the Activation itself. Which is all good since during an Obeyed model's Action that model becomes the Acting model during another model's Activation. Damage from Catalyst doesn't require any kind of Action or Duel so I suppose if Punctured Tank and Road Kill Scholar happen at the same time we should resolve them according to who was the First Player. This was my logic too but here I stumbled into an interesting problem. Let's say McM was the First Player so the Tank explodes after every model in McM's crew resolved its end turn effects like Poison, Burning etc. Next comes the Specialist and dies from poison. A dog is summoned and then the tank blows up giving the dog Burning +2. And now what? Do you resolve the Burning on the dog? It is part of the McM crew that was already checked in this step for these kind of conditions. And the same question can be asked about the other models who happened to be too close to the Specialist when he died. Do they suffer damage immediately? Or maybe they carry over their condition to the next round? Yeah, that would be an easier solution but first it is not clear right now, second the question of how to resolve the case when a model gets Burning during the Upkeep step after it was checked for these kind of conditions still hangs in the air. Thanks for taking your time to answer my question!
  5. I regularly use a Trapper or Hans (depending on terrain, deployment and strat/schemes) in combination with a Doppy. The later can't take triggers with the gun but she can shoot 3 times with her Mimic trigger and of course you will also have the golden opportunity to cheat initiative. Works great. Lazarus could be also devastating with some movement shenanigans (Hello Lilith!) and once in a while I hire the Student of Conflict in case the battle looks to be mainly static or I desperately need that Fast for an Assassination run. (Btw the Doppelganger is also great with SoC since she can copy Sisters in Spirit and transport the totem really fast.) And of course Taelor is a good piece against Ressers or a fellow Neverborn player who likes to field the Dreamer.
  6. So a Freikorps Specialist is on the last wound and have some Poison on it. McM is nearby with Moonlighting Upgrade. How is the order resolved between Punctured Tank and the summoning of a dog from Road Kill Scholar: 1. In case the Specialist dies in his own Activation due to Catalyst? 2. In case he dies during the Upkeep Phase? First Player could be either McM or the Specialist's crew if that makes a difference.
  7. I played a very good game against Razhem last year. It was Recconoiter and he brought Kirai. My take was Lilith with a hyper-aggressive plan. Lilith -- 6 Pool +Beckon Malifaux [1] Primordial Magic [2] Killjoy [13] Nekima [13] +Pact [1] +The True Mother [2] Terror Tot [4] Terror Tot [4] Terror Tot [4] Terror Tot [4] Kirai Ankoku -- 6 Pool +Spirit Beacon [1] +Swirling Aether [2] +Unforgiven [2] Lost Love [4] Datsue Ba [8] +Spirit Whispers [1] Flesh Construct [6] Izamu the Armor [10] +Decaying Aura [2] Night Terror [3] Night Terror [3] Rotten Belle [5] After first turn maneuvering I launched a full scale attack against his key models during the end of Turn2. A Transpositioned Nekima charged in the middle and killed Lost Love and a Seishin with Blood For Blood. True Mother yielded a new Terror Tot but I just killed it instantly with my last AP to get out Killjoy who started to eat Kirai. The retaliatory Ikiryo wasn't enough to kill Killjoy in one go. And of course Black Blood was all over the place during this battle. Next round I killed Kirai AND Datsue Ba during the first Activation with Nekima. (Please note: Black Blood doesn't trigger Malevolence and with so huge models you can easily deny LoS to the attacked model from Kirai or Lost Love which also neutralizes the Ability.) At this point Razhem would like to give up the game but I successfully convinced him to continue. And I was right since thanks to his good play, some crappy cards and minor mistakes on my part during the second half the game ended with a 8-7 victory for the Ressers. So all in all my plan didn't yield a victory but it was a very close fight and could go either way. I think this kind of approach is a viable solution against the summoning threat especially if Assassinate is in the pool.
  8. Csonti


    Interesting topic. Especially since I find Candy one of the least usable Henchmen around the park. She is certainly not completely crap in my eyes but her Ca5 is really a problem when you go against Wp which is on average a bigger stat than Df and there is plenty of Upgrades or abilities that enhance Wp or makes attacking it very difficult. The not at all easy to pull off Paralyzing trick is nice but for roughly the same price (her base cost+upgrades+possible SS use etc.) you can have so much more with other models. Usually a Mature can kill more directly and easily, 2 Waldgeists can tank longer and cover bigger territory, 3 Terror Tots can achieve VPs easier and yield valuable Activation control etc. Will keep an eye on this conversation so that I have a chance to be converted to a Candy fan.
  9. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays at Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Dates in April: 14, 21, 28. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  10. So the checking for legal target comes before declaring the Action and spending AP? Could be but the way the section is written doesn't unequivocal on this for me.
  11. Situation: Death Marshal has somebody in his coffin. The other player uses Obey on him to take the Pine Box Action but there is nobody within 1" of him. Based on the Declare Action and Spend AP part of the rulebook I guess this is ok since it seems you declare the Action before cheking for possible legal targets. The Action itself will of course crumble when you check for target. Question: Is this considered as the DM have taken the Pine Box Action so that he must "release" the buried model?
  12. Since Justin has already stated the intent of the rules this is just a try to convince you why this is a good and working way. If players could not accept that they can measure and place things in exact and accurate distances the game would just fall apart. For example how could you satisfy the description of Squeel without this? (ie. push this model 4" away - which means EXACTLY 4" away without hindering objects) The same is true for Wing Buffet and many, many other abilities and actions. So you can hardly be considered an ass to play the game as intended. And beside that there is already some official statement about this kind of placements. From the FAQ:
  13. Not exactly true. Pillars must be placed AT LEAST 1" from a model while Burn Them Out needs WITHIN 1". So you can place the Pillar exactly 1" from a model and still be within 1".
  14. All of my previous expectations are confirmed by new FAQ entries (you can fly over Ice Pillars, no Witchling from Sonnia's trigger etc.). Feeling content.
  15. Threat (and board control) is a key element in Malifaux. Usually the mere threat the upgrade provides yields more benefit than the actual use of it. And in general the two things combined worth much, much more than the singe SS spent on it. For example Howard Langston's potential charge range is normally 5+6+2" which is already huge but with Imbued Energies it gets really stellar and your opponent has to consider a devastating attack coming from 5+5+6+2". 18" is half of the board so Langston in the center practically could threaten almost the entire battlefield (of course not counting with terrain pieces). Using it purely as a cheap turn1 card drawing trick with Myranda is also a good investment. PS: I would kill for this kind of upgrade in the Neverborn section
  16. I think you need to turn your sarcasm detector ON.
  17. Last chance: try to figure out the interaction solely between models while they are moving and trying to see each other WITHOUT ever reading the terrain part of the rules. Can you do it? (Yes) So is the impassable or blocking "aspect" of a model is defined outside of the terrain section? (Yes) So should an impassable object must also have the impassable trait without the rulebook ever stating this? (No) Yes. That's what I was saying a few posts above. This is clearly a mistake but so could be the wording of the Ice Pillars. It seems very counterintuitive that a flying model can hop from one side of a Ht100 wall to the other without a problem but stoped dead cold before a Ht5 Ice Pillar. I hope this will be FAQ-d because there is something wrong somewhere here.
  18. It seems you didn't get it. Let's try it again. No. RAW models don't have the blocking or impassable TRAIT. They are blocking and impassable OBJECTS which is not the same. They do behave the same way as a similarly named terrain piece in this aspect but this is written down in the respective sections (movement, LoS etc.) and you don't need to ever refer to the terrain part of the rules when you need to decide how to handle the interaction with other models. That is not accidental since models are not terrain. So it is quite logical anyway that they can't have terrain traits (unlike Markers since the rulebook specifically allow those kind of objects to get terrain traits). Of course I'm happy to accept that I'm wrong in case you can show me where is in the rules that models have the impassable and blocking TRAIT. And the question still hangs in the air: why should a Marker with impassable trait that is not a terrain itself should RAW stop models from moving through them?
  19. Actually models don't have the blocking or impassable TRAIT. The rulebook refers them in these situations as OBJECTS. For example moving through another model's base is not forbidden because of all models have the impassable trait. It is forbidden because the rules says so under the Movement section. Here is some examples for the blocking stuff: So your example is not valid while Kadeton's point is. If you don't treat the markers with impassable trait as a terrain then RAW they can be freely crossed by any model since impassable trait only affects terrain pieces. (Which is obviously a bug in the system but if you want to defend your point with strict RAW argument, you can't ignore this piece either.)
  20. I'd love a bigger Nekima model. Give me the opportunity and I will buy it.
  21. I just updated to the newest Vassal version (3.2.14) and when starting the Vassal module a notification window pops up. The game looks to be working fine but I thought I should just note this here in order to draw some official attention.
  22. Yeah, I guess Kade would really love that.
  23. Don't feel bad, Sonnia could just as easily be killed by the first activation of turn 2 with the proper crew.
  24. Yeah, this would be certainly a good way to make them more usable. But probably even with that they would be overpriced for the package they could bring. It is not that you can't win a game if you bring some but for 5 SS you can get so much more from other models.
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