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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Thanks, cookie is always good! Anyway this was the only result for the "pandora+fading+memory+optional" combo.
  2. I'm stunned by the work you have done and gladly join the "hail to the king" choir BUT for me the fishnet looks a bit odd on her. Technically it's flawless but it lacks harmony with the rest of the model (Pandora is not a wh.re:)). And one more thing: the belt blends into the coat too much. I would rather see it with a different color. So don't take it as an offense. I could never make a mini like yours. Grats!
  3. And they cuddled Incite/Pacify a LOT.
  4. The Juju can move only once the turn it's summoned because of Slow.
  5. Your math is uterly wrong. As it was stated a few times by others. You have to move directly towards one model to hurt him with landslide. But nobody else will be in that aura since you can only deploy at least 7" away from any enemy model. So if you move on the line between Levy and the Waif 4", then you will be more than 3" away from both. Just place it on board and measure, you will see! Anyway 1-2 cleverly placed models will deny you to place the Juju within 7" of either Levi or the Waif. So you won't get even one of them. Sorry man, but your Levi destroying strategy is not working at all.
  6. Very good choice of colors and great paint skills! Keep them coming!
  7. Now the status is again changed to: I mailed them yesterday morning and asked about the REAL status of the book but so far there were only silence... Maelstrom was a good company but the way they handle this order is getting hilarious...
  8. The status of rulebook on Maelstrom changed to: This is lame...
  9. Hope this is a wyrd (pun intended) joke. My order still shows 24th of august. Crosses fingers...
  10. Play Leveticus and you are forced to buy almost everything from anywhere.
  11. Very nice start! You, dear Sir, have talent!
  12. We should send Teddy to the costums office to deal with them properly. Anyway still good news, thanks for the info!
  13. Pfff... I put my order on Maelstrom.:rain:
  14. Any plans to reopen this range? With various erratas published and soon to be published (V2) it would be a good way to update someone's cards.
  15. +1 I'm thinking about removing Hold Out from the options as a house rule. I wonder why they left this easy button in book 2...
  16. Packs for resellers like Maelstrom Games also ship now?
  17. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14299
  18. Any news about how Levy plays (summoned, placed, slow not slow things...)? Thx!
  19. I doubt it's an "old" one. Since the need of speed arrised only after the fairly new errata part. Before that there was no reason to think about tricks, just Incite/Pacify your own models like hell... I can agree with you that this is cheesy but there are several situations when you simply don't have any other chance to stay in the game. For example you'd be toasted in a Treasure Hunt scenario against a fast army on a dense map with diagonal or even corner setup.
  20. Now that Incite/Pacify works on enemy only a totem is literally a must if you want to give early speed to Pandy. Look at this trick Ropetus has come up with.
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