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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Found one: with Seamus you can't select the Convict. Great work btw!
  2. I just finished the first and a question arrised: why did it end at turn4? The game does NOT end when one of the players lose all of his models.
  3. And here is the proof: Constructs such as Teddy are immune to influence.
  4. We had game where one guy used only 53 cards during the game. I'd not call it cheating since the card that was left in the card holder was the Red Joker.
  5. So you changed to the Dreamer. Yes, Pandora will beat you if you just walk across the board in open terrain and in one bunch. But that is not Pandora's fault. Seriously I think the cuddle Pandora got is quite enough to make her playable. Her trigger needs a Crow (a big one if you want to be sure to succeed) and that does not appear in every hand you draw. Routing an entire crew? Just don't place your models too tight and she is good for 1 model per cast IF she has a Crow and you can't resist. And you have many other methods to lower her potential (using terrain, generating LoS-blocking effects, chosing high Wp crew and enhancing that further with effects and spells etc.). Btw Collette's spell that removes from play is just as nasty. With a Tome in hand (or drawn) and an SS burned she has a very decent 40+% chance to remove anything from play. If she fails, then it is "just" a one turn removal. Meh. So I just join the "everybody is broken so actually nobody is broken" choir.
  6. Dunno if it has come up earlier somewhere or not but I just got my Lilitu card and Double Take says "After defender fails to resist Lure...". So no - almost - infinite Lure for her. Which is good. Oh, and Irresistible says "Enemy models targeting this model...".
  7. Don't get them distracted from the V2 cards announcement! Anyway: Novels? Yes of course!
  8. Nothing is owerpowered if you have to pay the price for it. My big problem with Belles is that they know too much for only 4 SS. Yes, Ca8 Lure is a very powerful thing, especially with Seamus (Wk6 that ignores rough terrain, companion etc.) but you could tackle that with correct model selection and/or good use of terrain provided you won't have to face 3 or 4 of them. And when you reach them in one piece, you realize that they have pretty decent melee capabilities, HtW1, 8 Wd (?!) and Slow to Die. All this for 4 SS? Yay.
  9. Thanks for the info, Nilus! The last sentence was new to me. I should lurk more in the Guild section I guess...
  10. I would like to see the Rotten Belles cuddled badly. IMHO they have the most unbalanced stats vs. SS cost ratio. (Ok, the Malifaux Child has the same problem but from the opposite direction.)
  11. Great loot, even better start with the bases and minis. Keep them coming! Oh, and I reserved a Red Joker for your operation. So everything will go as fine as it could be.
  12. Sorry WS, I must have missed those. I have checked the home page and the official announcements part of the forum to no avail. All I can remember is a note somewhere that you can buy v2 cards from the shop but when it was asked that exactly what models were updated the answer was silence. That's what I know. Again, maybe I searched for the info in the wrong place. Besides I'm glad that you made a note regarding the issue. Hope it will be resolved soon since I seriously think that it hurts the sales and therefore the future of this fantastic game. There is a special charm in the situation when someone comes with a 1 day old account and talks about "facts" regarding the development process, patience and stuff to people who were here from the start. What about looking around a bit before you start to offend a large part of the community (you know the crazy ones)? Anyway, welcome to Malifaux!
  13. Yeah, so we are not entitled to ask some consistency for our money? What about a less lethal comparison? Say you go to a restaurant and order a pizza named Leveticus (that comes with mushroom). But the waiter serves you a pizza with oninon. You don't like onion that much and was really expected to eat mushrooms (hey, that was written below Leveticus in the official menu you received). But as it is not a live or die situation, you keep silent and eat what you got without a word? As others stated, the release of v2 cards without ANY official announcement was a weak move business-wise. Not replying for months now to the many costumer questions about this is just plain inexplicable.
  14. You and Sezar are not the only one.
  15. The problem is there is no such as a PERFECT errata. Most of us would be pretty happy with a 95% one that at least clarifies most of the things that hang in the air for many months now. (Actually that should be included in Book2 and if they were not pleased with the rules, they should delay that release too, not just the Terraclips.) WS mentioned some time ago (maybe 1,5 month or so) that the errata is in the proofing stage. That's the latest info we got. And as you can see many of us would sleep better if some official were kind enough and share with us a few words about the real stage of the process and the estimated arrival time. Actually I was very annoyed to see that they answered immediately to a guy who accused them with laziness. That rude and unfair comment deserved the time and attention of the Wyrd staff but the others with their polite questions were left on their own. Isn't it... hmm... weird?
  16. Here you are. Unfortunately the Wyrd guys still not bothered to make this super-useful thread a sticky.
  17. How on Earth could you reach this conclusion? I'm actively trying to persuade people to join the fun, but I won't lie when asked. Just for your note: I'm writing blog posts about various aspects of the game to help people get the hook of it. I've traveled to a different city just to show the game some people there. I'm just organising the 2nd Malifaux event here. So no, I'm not trying to discourage people from starting Malifaux, dear sir! My story was about the fact that the sporadic and confusing rules and the lack of clear information from the authors do not help me in my converting crusade. About "lightning fast responses": as far as I see, this was true a couple of months ago, but the responses from Marshals are very rare in these days. If they respond in a thread that is most probably an easy, multiple times discussed issue. Real and new questions are hardly answered nowdays. Just go to the rules section and scan through a few dozen posts. (And yes, they are still miles ahead with this than XY company.) About "stop acting they owe you something": just read what magicpockets wrote. I'm very sad that some people can completely misunderstand criticism that is aimed to widen the group of the Malifaux fans (and the vallet of Wyrd btw).
  18. A guy passes by when we play a game of Malifaux. Guy: Hey, what is this? Me: It's Malifaux. The most interesting game I've ever played. Guy: Great! The minis are fantastic, I love the card draw. I want to dig myself into it. What should I read in order to understand the rules and mechanics? Me: Well, first read the Rule Book 1. Maybe after that you should take the official FAQ and Errata. Guy: Ok. I guess the errata is in this second book, right? Me: Unfortunately not. I'll give you the url for those. Just send me your e-mail. Guy: Thanks! I'll read all of the stuff and try to decide what crew to chose. Me: Hold on! You must also read the Extra Errata Items - that is on the Forum somewhere, I will give you that link too. Don't forget to scroll down till the end, since the Extra Errata has some Extra-Extra Errata part. Guy: Ok, no problem. I'll handle it. So, that's it? Me: Not exactly. Book2 has a few new rules and tweaks. Guy: Hmmm... I guess I have to strugle that too then. And now I have it all. Me: Almost. Book2 has some very important new rule that was reworded. Guy: Could you... Me: Yes, will send you the link. Guy: Awesome. Now I can get a crew at last, right? Me: Sure, but in case your model comes with a card that has a v2 on its corner, please don't use that card if that is not in connection with the current errata. Guy: What? Me: V2 cards have some new information based on the next errata. So they don't work with the current, avalaible rules quite right. Guy: I don't get this. The new set of rules are already printed on the cards but not published on the web. Me: Sorry, pal. This is a bit complicated issue. Wyrd promised to handle it. Guy: When? Me: Soon. Guy: Soon? Me: They said it's in the proofing phase. Guy: When was that? Me: Hmm... about a month or so. Guy: Thanks. I think I will go back to my ..... game. See you later! Very small parts of the story are the product of my imagination. Wyrd: you ruin your own business with this mess! Yes I can live with the current set of rules and play the game, but you are losing potentional new costumers.
  19. Moral Duels from spells or effects yes, Terrifying Tests no.
  20. I think you should now surrender to the wish of the masses. Just pass it to Svenn and he will gladly put those docs to the Malifaux Downloads page.
  21. Actually it would be high time to release the new errata. Book1, Book2, official errata, faq, extra errata, occasional hints about pieces from the new errata and the already released v2 cards makes it very hard to get things right. Especially for newcomers. On top of that I started to organize a 10+ event late November and it would be VERY helpful if I had the new set of rules in my hand till that time. So dear Wyrd crew, tell us something more exact than soon (or release the errata). Thx!
  22. Hm? What kind of stat boost are you talking about?
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