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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

  2. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

  3. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

  4. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

  5. Actually, the damage track would not be altered at all because of Bite of Winter, you just add +1 Dg at the end. Something like this: 2/4:blast/5:blast:blast (+1) However the blast damage is also originated from the Attack Action so in case of a severe damage the blast would yield 4+1 damage. So in the end it is almost the same thing except that an RJ would only generate 8 damage (2 for weak, 5 for severe and 1 for Bite of Winter) and not 9.
  6. Csonti


    I always think about house rules as a way of starting to deconstruct a system. I mean, yes this is indeed illogical but so is the fact that a 10 Wd model does everything with the same efficiency when he is down to 1 Wd, or the case where you shoot into melee and can hit a model 2" to the target but at the other side of a 10" tall wall. And I could cite dozens of these. A game system is full of abstractions and simplifications. Some of them are just more irritating to the mind than the others. But of course everybody is entitled to play the game the way he likes the most.
  7. Csonti


    The Pigapult can shoot out of and into any building or whatever else. The only restriction is the range of the attack in this case. (And yes, that doesn't make much sense but we are talking about a game where you sometimes need to sacrifice logic on the altar of easy to learn, compact rules.) Sidenote: enclosed terrain trait only comes into play during the movement of flying models.
  8. I think noone mentioned yet a trick that usually works against Pandora. You should engage her with multiple models so that she can't push out. This at most needs 3 models but in case she is close to a building, wall etc. even 2 is enough. Since Pandora will want to bring harm as soon as possible if the Pandora player plays overconfidently he will activate her early, making this tactic easier. From the mentioned crews, Ramos and the Gremlins can do that easily. And when she is locked up in combat, you can shoot her with Attacks that doesn't randomize (Ramos' spell, Shoot High Boys aura etc.) or send in some melee beatstick like Howard Langston. She will melt quite quickly. As for Lynch he can kill Pandy with 2 successful Final Debt spell. He just needs the same high cards as Pandy since it will be a 7 vs 7 duel. Of course you need to get Brilliance on her but that is not a very big task.
  9. It seems we have a FAQ-candidate, although I would like that to be a broader explanation about "more specific". The rule got some flak during Wave1 beta because it is vague and forces players to debate on linguistic interpretation. Exactly the thing we have here... I wish we would have the good old can't trumps can rule in M2E.
  10. It is even more funny that you devote a good percentage of your not too numerous posts to troll on me. Maybe you couldn't believe it but the two things are separate. The Nekima bomb's safest counter is not Perdita but Rasputina and yet, I didn't start a post about the later's performance. Perdita could be fine or not, that won't change the evaluation of the other trick by much. Back on track: thanks for the answers! At first I was shocked by the possibility of a good shooting Master rampaging at least two important turns on the center of the table but from the answers it seems manageable on the board.
  11. In our community there was no Perdita player during Wave1 playtest so I just encountered now with this and I would like to hear about game experiences when Perdita uses El Mayor to get 9/9 stats. How hard this to counter for the enemy? How easy to keep the buff up as long as possible and remain active with Perdita without endangering Francisco too much? What is the success rate of this style? What is the opinion of the opponents about this interaction after facing it on the board? Thanks in advance!
  12. This is what I did. I also painted the rim of the 30mm base to the basic colors of the player counters (yellow, green etc.) so that you can instantly see which say Silurid belongs to you and which one is the enemy.
  13. I don't think that would be too much. Pandy first needs to take a Horror Duel then overcome Seamus Wp7 with Ca6 using a Attack which means cover would make this assault VERY costly. And if it is all good there is still prevention, Hard to Kill and the Hat for "Poor ol' Seamus" - and then he can utilize his awesome healing potential... Anyway the wording is perfectly clear for me: Pandy doesn't actually use the gun's Action just the damage track so she can TRY to use that as many times as she can. In return this won't deny Seamus to use the gun himself.
  14. I don't think that would be too much. Pandy first needs to take a Horror Duel then overcome Seamus Wp7 with Ca6 using a Attack which means cover would make this assault VERY costly. And if it is all good there is still prevention, Hard to Kill and the Hat for "Poor ol' Seamus" - and then he can utilize his awesome healing potential... Anyway the wording is perfectly clear for me: Pandy doesn't actually use the gun's Action just the damage track so she can TRY to use that as many times as she can. In return this won't deny Seamus to use the gun himself.
  15. You can't end something that hasn't even started so Sub-Zero against out-of-activation hits (like through Obey) worth nothing.
  16. You can't end something that hasn't even started so Sub-Zero against out-of-activation hits (like through Obey) worth nothing.
  17. It is in the general Marker section. (copied from beta PDF but I think this section remained intact)
  18. Surprisingly it is under the Healing section. From page 47:
  19. Haha, my "gorgeous" illustration made it to the FAQ.
  20. Oh... the Master can start beside a bench thing messed in my head with normal puppet activation.
  21. I just played my first Unstiched game yesterday so I'm not an expert but I really can't see the point of this "trick". Flipping through the avalaible map setups in the rulebook all of the 6 variants has at least 2 neutral benches within 4 hexes of any starting workbench. So the non-Misaki player has always the option to activate a puppet with 3 movement to walk and occupy another bench. -> Fools' Mate got mated in move 1. The only problematical setup is Map2 where the two workbenches are too close to each other. But you can just agree with your opponent not to play on that board or play with only non-leaping models. I see this problem more as a wrong board design than a broken Misaki. Am I right or maybe I missed something?
  22. I have only the last beta rulebook at hand but according to that Totems can only be hired when a Master is present. When a Henchman leads the crew he becomes the leader of the crew but doesn't get Master status with it. So based on this, the answer is no. Maybe the printed rulebook got some rewording to allow this?
  23. When you are down to one model, life is usually pretty harsh anyway. But as for your question: yes, following pure logic, 1 activation could be the first and the last all at once.
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