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Everything posted by Flashover

  1. Hoo-leee awesome!!! That is wicked cool! -J Case Monkey
  2. Very good sir. Two gold stars to you for making terrain. I like it.
  3. Dude, women come and go... but painted minis are forever!! (Don't tell my wife I said that.) Good luck on both ventures. Love to see some paint!!
  4. I have to agree with LDP, but that highlight across the middle of the hair is great.
  5. Now thats a frozen slice of awesome! The colors look great. I like the teal and the blue.
  6. Sweet! I like to see some of your other stuff too! -J
  7. Hey, those wicked scrap counters were yours last friday right? Where did you get those again?

  8. So what is the best way to create a crew based around the Steamborg -Simply because that model so so freakin' awesome. I just gotta use it! -J
  9. Gah! The fates have conspired against me. I'm a freelance graphic designer and I've been offered work tomorrow. Sadly I can't turn down the money, so it looks like I'll miss out on Enchanted Grounds AGAIN!! Doh! Maybe we can meet somewhere else at some point. -J

  10. Found out about Malifaux through the D6Generation podcast (so awesome.) I've been sucked in. I'm a full time daddy, husband and firefighter in the Denver area. A freelance graphic designer and illustrator on the side. I actually opened up the first GW in Colorado some seven years ago. Right now I need to figure out what the two best warbands are to demo the game to my friends to suck them in too! (any thoughts are welcome.) I'm eagerly awaiting what the Wyrd future has to offer. -J
  11. My first post! I will be at the Enchanted Grounds Friday at noon. I brought the rule book but have never played. I'm looking to buy two starter sets so I can play and sucker in my friends. If you could show me the awesomeness that is Malifaux, I would be most grateful. -J
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