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Everything posted by trichloro

  1. From theCurkov twitter http://twitpic.com/60wbgv Edit sorry for double post... Full picture down below.
  2. I guess I overlooked the enemy wounds. I know it may not be the best to get them out early or at all. Just depends on the game. But it is nice to see it can be done kind of early if needed.
  3. It will be easy to get Sonnias out round 2... cast inferno round 1 and 2 and then use 2ap to get the avatar out. If I am reading it correctly. Of course she will just sit there, unless the Avatar has fast or something. Edit. Maybe not, its 2 ap if you meet 2 requirements... could always torch a friendly. Do some damage to a desp mercanary, but dont kill him, then kill the executioner, with his slow to die kill the merc to heal fully.
  4. I like it. Like the timer idea. Wonder what the other master requirements are. Also I know we see some Talents, but I wonder what the rest are. Also does automatic mean you have no choice? Good stuff, keep it up.
  5. Ok thanks. Now we jsut need auras that can open all closed doors when they go off. :hidingpuppet
  6. Thanks for the ruling. I don't mean to argue more, but on PG 20, the effect itself has it's own LoS, so why would the inital model matter, excpet for inital range of the aura or pulse? Also for auras, it states if a model moves into its area its effected. Just thought I would throw that out.
  7. Yup at this point its either A or C, depending on how you do LoS. LoS comes from a base for everything, per pg 15. Terrain you use the area it takes up as the base. Area Effect are their own enity in the game and have their own LoS. So the orginal model should not come into play. Since we need a base for LoS, I would treat it as terrain, so the whole area it takes up as the "base." So it would be A, and there is no way to hide from area effects, except for range.
  8. It would depend on what the wall is. Since the Area effect is higher than any terrain out there, as it is indefinitely high, it can see over the wall. Now it either one was inside of a building, things change as they could not see through the roof. Plus a window in the wall would change things as well.
  9. Yeah, I'm sure you use the model as the center point for measuring LoS, but it never really states. My group have always played A, as we have no indoor only terrain or any house that the roofs come off yet. Plus some of the auras would make sense to go through walls, fluff wise at least.
  10. They do effect anything they have line of sight to, as it states, but the have unlimited line of sight so can see over anything, as the line of sight comes from the effect itself, not the model. "Area Effect have a Ht as indicated in their descritions and can affect anything within their area they have LoS to. When determining if an area effect can reach models on the other side of blocking terrain, if the area effect could 'see' over or arround the blocking terrian it can affect those models within its area."
  11. Well pg 20 of the rules manual, both and are infinitely high, unless noted. So they would always have line of sight over anything. I would say that they can go through anything, walls cannot hide you, even in an enclosed house.
  12. I just wanted to say I had a great time. I think everything ran smoothly. I played in both the Brawl and scrap and it was fun. It was my first time playing outside my gaming group, which is only 2 other people with only 8 or so games actually played. I played Dixon in the Brawl and he cleaned my clock pretty well, but also gave me same great pointers on my crew. The scrap had many more experienced players and it showed. Hopefully we can get some more events next year.
  13. How many people are signed up for each event currently? Should be a good time. I hope I don't get yelled at for slow playing as it is my first tournament for Malifaux, espically when playing masters I have never played against before.
  14. Will the new rules manual be in effect for the tournaments?
  15. @nilus I am playing in both tournaments, both Sat and Sun. I was thinking about the cake one, but I am playing 40k that day and I think the Cake starts before it is over. @nix Thanks. I am driving in as well. Hope to be there early evening. Would love the help. I'll send you a PM once I am there.
  16. I have no idea if this is in the correct place or not... I am looking forward to the tournaments at Adepticon, but I have not played Malifuax outside of my gmaing group and we have only been playing for a couple months. We are not 100% sure if we are playing correctly. Just wondering if there was anyone out there going to Adepticon and that would be there Thursday night if we could get a pickup game/demo in so we are playing it correctly. Thanks.
  17. Signed up for the 40 SS Malifaux Brawl Tourney. I may do the Sunday one, but still figuring out on what to do on Sunday. Is there a rules packet or any info about the tournaments? Any speical rules or restricitions? Info on proxies for book 2 models that might not be out yet. Thanks.
  18. Good to know. Now I have to find out if I have time for both tournaments. Hopefully I can get some open gaming Friday night, to make sure that myself and my friends have actually been playing the right way.
  19. If it happens on Saturday or Sunday(Since I do see myself progressing in the 40k championship) I will be in for a Malifaux Tournament.
  20. I will be there, have nothing planned yet for Friday or Saturday. I actually haven't played Malifaux yet, since I can't convince my group to play it. So getting a chance to play would be good.
  21. Not sure which forum this should be in, but was wondering if there will be any Malifaux events at Adepticon or just people there playing pickup games. Thanks.
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