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Everything posted by mbowsher76

  1. Is it just me or does the great dane look like Scooby Doo? I can't tell from the size of the picture, but it even looks like he is wearing the iconic collar.
  2. Sorry man, My ride can't make it (Bill has to work, same with Jake). In addition the wife needs the vehicle for the day....
  3. Oh we will be there...and I would not get too comfortable at your first table...you will be moving a bunch.
  4. Yay! Saggy and poison FTW! :zoraida
  5. Hey Eric, I sent you a PM a couple days ago, just want to be sure you received it. Thanks.

  6. What is this Patience you speak of? Is it a trigger? Can I cheat it?
  7. I understand that, and appreciate it. But it seems like it is complete enough that the rules marshalls have been quoting it quite a bit lately (and we thank them for that), so it seems like it should be good to go.
  8. Okay guys....how much longer on this? I know some people don't think it is a big deal, but based on the hints I have seen posted from the FAQ/Errata, there are some significant changes coming to the game. Healing/Damage Prevention with the Red Joker is one I just saw this morning. I believe I saw some other stuff too that was quite different from the way the game is played with the rules as we have them currently.
  9. Nothing yet....sigh :poutcha:
  10. Well it is Sunday...any chance?
  11. Well, since I stirred up trouble with the FAQ Today? thread, I thought I would start some more, lol. Being that it is 1/08/10 already and most months releases have been on the 15th...any chance for some info as to what is releasing this month?
  13. I noticed a post earlier this week that said the FAQ would be released by the end of the week. I hope that mean we will get to see this little gem today!
  14. Well if there was open voting this one would have my vote for December NBR of the month!
  15. Lol...we can't help our nature! I am looking to start playing some 40ss games...seems like we could have some good fun with that! And it looks like we should be there around 6ish tomorrow.
  16. If we make it up there tomorrow..what size games you want to play?
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