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Everything posted by MEdwards

  1. I believe a couple of us St Louis guys might try to make it up for this. Not sure if we can confirm just yet though.
  2. The cards don't slide around in the top loaders I have without any sleeves
  3. Its only been in development for 15 years or so...
  4. Lookin' good Wulfen. Are you working on any other tokens or counters?
  5. Yea but his Belles ooze something else all together. :tapedshut
  6. Thanks Nate! Errmmm....any of them Giant Mosquitoes?
  7. Looking at the catalog, it appears that the totems will be released as one blister/sku for each faction. I'm not sure when these are going to be made available, but I was wondering if there will be a way to purchase multiple Giant Mosquitoes without having to purchase multiple Outcast Totems since you can have up to 4 of them and they can also be summoned.
  8. Yea, I could easily drop a Gremlin only to summon them later...in theory
  9. 25 SS list I want to run is: Som'er Teeth (0) Warpig (8) Whisperer (5) Piglets x2 (6) Gremlins x3 (6)
  10. You need to place an order for over $100.
  11. The card has it as 2/4/6 while the rulebook has it as 1/2/3. In this case, I'd like to assume the card is correct. Also, it has a ranged weapon and two ways to heal itself while also limiting or removing counters your opponent may be able to use.
  12. Not necessarily. My box was post dated this past Tues. It may have just been dropped in the mail in the afternoon instead of the morning and that's why it took so long. Also, you'll want to consider that both Eric and Nate are at GenCon and may not be returning right away so your order might take a little while to get processed.
  13. 3 Masters, 4 Totems, 12-13 profiles.
  14. I'm very happy with the rulebook and the rules. Everything is well explained and thought out. The quality of the book is very nice. My only real complaint is that on the vast majority of the profiles that currently do not have miniatures is that there is no art showing what they look like. I'm looking forward to giving the game a go (hopefully later this week) and looking forward to what else Wyrd has to offer for Malifaux.
  15. For what its worth...I got mine today (St Louis, MO)
  16. Looking at Alliances catalog it is not currently listed.
  17. Mail's come and gone....still no package.
  18. I recognize a number of those faces in the pictures from TTG's room. Wish I was there! Looks like everyone is having fun. Thanks for posting.
  19. Yea, all those people in Indiana got theirs already for sure...bastards. lol
  20. good luck. I hope I get my package in 2-3 hours
  21. That is correct. The coffins with the Death Marshalls are part of the sculpts and not extra bits or inserts. If you want any inserts for LJ, you'll need to order it separately.
  22. That's what I thought too and had mine shipped to the office. Mail has come and gone...no Malifaux.
  23. Next time you're on the East Side, just jot down the names of the strippers
  24. I ordered these: http://www.bcwsupplies.com/products/Other-Topload-Holders/3_5x5-Topload-Holder.htm and these : http://www.bcwsupplies.com/products/Postcard-pages-and-sleeves/Pro-4-Pocket-Page.htm Very nice quality on both but hadn't posted a review since I didn't have any Malifaux cards yet.
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