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Everything posted by Cacuin

  1. welcome to the insane asylum
  2. If only I had a son like you....wait that would mean having kids at all.... no.
  3. Is that price including the price of the two decks of special cards?
  4. One how much is the book going to be? Will there be pre-ordering of the book for those of us not able to make gen-con? What is the average game size going to be? Will there be a pressganger(official demo/event organizer) like position for malifaux?
  5. yeah I get what your saying. I also know the guy who does this has a real job and the main guy who was helping him with it got a real job working for privateer press. It is extremely slow by semi amusing game. I don't think I would own as much of it as I do if it was a more regular release simply because I would feel like I have fallen to far behind.
  6. Sister of Obscenity another great model from the game of Spinespur Made by the diseased minds over at http://www.comfychairgames.com/ warning site has some mature content. I mean come on, nun wielding cattle prods and wearing gas masks. This game is almost as kool as wyrd. I say almost because I know I could never get this game as out there as this one will get.
  7. I like your teaser more then mine:) i really like the s+m chick
  8. I don't know if this is a teaser per say but its something that eric told me during our talks at origins. Killjoy the big meat bag of an outcast. He apparently is a melee beast which is easy to see. But here is the interesting thing. When you buy him for army he does not start play at the beginning of the game. Instead each of your models get the an new ability. They can sacrifice themselves to bring him onto the board where they currently are. Oh look the baby Nephilim is a huge bad ass with a meat hook.
  9. I really like that sniper and if the arcanist is anything like the vassal im going to truly love my jack army.
  10. I would love the swamp bases not only for the bayou dude im planing on getting from here but also for my cryx force.....wow that would be really expensive to do... new long term goal.
  11. those tables rock. I wish I had the money to afford one. They have a section area inside the table so you can place inside it the dry erase stuff you need and even then put the top back on to hide away your game from the eyes of norms. As for origins or gencon. I pick origins because im a local of columbus so I dont have to pay for hotel. Still have to pay for parking but that's still cheaper then a hotel.
  12. Cacuin


    heck you were the who went over them with me:) It was on Thursday midday. I'm sure it's all a blur now:)
  13. Cacuin


    Good Idea, care to pay for them for me? I just saw that the swamp gremlins will get a master/box set at gencon. That is hot beyond words so I might get them and Marcus then.
  14. Okay this group will rock socks. Looking forward to seeing it. Hell I am looking forward to the whole book.
  15. Cacuin


    What I look for in my factions tend to be multi layer tricks, the ability to take out key enemy models at my whim, preferably speed and if possible the ability to deny damage either because of defense or armor. (cryx, skorne current warmachine factions) When I have demoed in the past for games I try to get armies that both show the basics of the game and have models that will stop a passer by to make them ask what the game is. I did this with a game called spinespur by getting Hack(Jason like character) and having him fight Sex star six(kiss looking model), then supporting each with a group of the basic thugs. The game also had a pope like character and a bondage penguin that would sometimes make their way out into the demos too. So the choice of arcanist seems like a no brainier for demo reasons since I would either be picking russian hottie and ice beasts, bad ass looking guy with awesome beasts of destruction or steam spiders. Any of those would cause people passing to at least take a second glance. On the other side should be something else equally as kool and evocative. Either of the two resurrectionist would be very eye catching but so would the gunslinger esc feel of the death marshel( that just scream at the king seris hero to me). Maybe that is just me
  16. Cacuin


    Hey guys Recently found this game at Origins. I have always admired the models when I saw them on coolminiornot or tabletopgames.com. Now I have a reason to buy them for something more then just painting. I tried a "demo" of the game where we went over the basic mechanics of the game without having the stats for the models we were using. On the fluff side of the game from what I have read the arcanist pack with marcus seems awesome as hell as does the guild lady justice.
  17. Saw this game at origins. I loved the idea of the card based mechanic of the game. I always thought the models were great now that I have a reason to buy them. I am looking forward to getting the rule book so I can decide which faction I want and which will work well with them for a demoing. Maybe I'll get the chance to do the henchmen stuff for the Columbus area.
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