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Everything posted by ScottRadom

  1. GAH! But don't you like Lovecraft?!?!? Cool. I am just impatient is all. We got the mini's at the LGS now but a shiny set of rules to use them with would really help cement a foothold with our painting population. Where are you from in Canada, and why the hell isn't it in your sig!?!? Where's you pride man! At least there'll be SOME valuable input into the game! Well done guys.
  2. Well you know who's avatar to click on if you want some good hard knuckled ole' fashioned Canadian feedback. I swear I would be honest and to the point in my crits. It wouldn't be a matter of "wow, that was great and to the point" as much as "-sniffle- He's right -sniffle- I was a fool to think that would work!". I await your eMail with typical patience and stoicism (none of either).
  3. Wow. Un-Funking-believable. What a shot at greatness they had. Nobody I have come across has said anything but dynamite stuff about their mini's. I'm a GW fan, but this range of mini's had all the glitz and gloss with their packaging to give it shelf appeal, and if ever there was a range thast could have universally got the gamers looking more at the painting side of things I think it was these guys. I weep tears of fury. Man, if I run a company and I know I can expand my interests by putting some english stuff into French..... Je suis francais tout suite mon frere. Wow. Who runs these companies? I wonder what the price tag for the rights to this go's for? Anyone got any contact info?
  4. Unnacceptable. You're asking for patience where there is none. The well worth the wait thingy didn't work when my wife wanted to get married and it won't help you here either kids. I need a peek behind the curtain. Let me in, or I'll friggin' huff and puff and blow your house in!
  5. ....see Hinton, it's stuff like that that pisses me off! Now I want to know more! Let's get this going! I want a game, so I can win. If I win at a game I will be a more valuable person and without friggin' rules I am just left to declare myself the winner without anyway to actually verify it. It's BS man! C'mon guys.... As I mentioned in my order for figs, "Who do I have to rape to get some playtest rules?".
  6. I was initialy sad, but now just angry at the chance for something great to make it into my circle of gamer/painter friends being lost due to a poor decision (or so it seems to look to me). I thought the range was quite small, but as this beast shudders and cries in its death throes I am seeing people post up pics of mini's they have, or wanted to have that I had never even seen before. The line was much bigger then I thought. What I want to know is, how long were they around? It looks like they had YEARS of mini releases! In that entire time they couldn't get an English rule book or some added exposure to their product? Don't wait too long for Malifaux please guys..... I'm just sayin'.
  7. That's excellent but I would really like a sneak peek into the mechanics of the system, something, anything! Keep in mind the fate of Hell Dorado and all those who play their cards too close to their chest! Seriously. I got the figs, love 'em, but if I am going to spread the word and enlighten my local group of gamers first, painters second, I gotta start rolling soem dice with these figs. Let's get together and make a little lemonade. I don't know that a small .pdf file would harm the process. It would make on Canadian happy! And you know what they say, if you can change the life of just ONE person.....
  8. I agree 216%. I find this hobby of ours to be unlike any other in that anybody with a passion for the product figures they can run a business. Why oh why didn't they get English rules up and running immediately? Stupid. I've heard the rules were "80% translated" which is somehting after how ever many months (years?). Like I said on other boards I was able to simply push a button and have their "going outta business" message translated from french to english in less then a second. Simply amazing models. The small sampling I have are fantastic, and the "demons of greediness" are my fav models in my collection. It won't take long for the talent behind the models to get work I think. Best of luck to everyone dirrectly affected by this. Business isn't easy, it takes more than good product to make it today.
  9. I like, but I thought these guys were shuttin' down 'cause of space hulk or somethin' equally silly? No? I love this guy plus those american "ape" models are fantastico. I'm gonna go buy some now....
  10. I do love warhammer, and always look forward to the new plastic sculpts. These Greatswords are a vast step down from the metals. I felt the same way about the flagellants and the stupid flames they had everywhere. I don't think they're HORRIBLE, just un-inspired as some have said. I know that GW is up agasint it with the need to have their warhammer range rank up and that they don't have the same freedom as other mini lines but these just don't cut it. They really look like toy soldier game pieces as opposed to fine mini's. My all time fav mini's from their rank and file are the metal Plaguebearers of Nurgle. I think those manage to display character and personality as well as nice looking models while adhering to their restrictions for their game play. And the steam tank does look bitchin'.
  11. I'm going to go ahead and say that I really like the stuff to modify GW stock kit's and armies. The heads from MaxMini and these guys as an example. It all depends what you want. But if you take a range of totally unique and new and woderful models vs. something that GW dudes (of which I am one) can scoop up and add to their existing stuff I think we agree on which cash bus is going to stop at the bank first. Their discworld stuff is nice! I got Death, Rincewind, Luggage, Nobbs and Vimes the other day. Well sculpted and very clean molds.
  12. One of the best mini games I've played. SUPER DUPES!
  13. DUETS!!!!!! Infinitely quotable.... "Things are different now. I sing." "Wow, I've never heard Freebird sung like that before" (After the dude singing it got blown away by the cops RIGHT ON STAGE!!!). Check it out, you will never be sorry. Also, be as drunk as you can, it makes it 10 times better if you're on beer. and.... I dunno. Oh yeah..... HUDSON HAWK!!!!! I'm not even going to defend that one. It's just brilliance given celluloid life. Truly God himself breathed the genius into that film. I love it from start to finish. Sorry if these have been mentioned. I got a sick kid crying at me and my daughter just stankified her third diaper in like 30 minutes so I haven't read the thread. really gotta go. Adios.
  14. I'll cut 'n paste this to the boards at WAMP.
  15. Can you have TOO many awards for that? I'd say go for more! The frightening thing about spam like that is you know SOMEONE goes for it. I'd like to see the global numbers for the people who gave their bank info to the exiled Nigerian Prince as well as this one.
  16. And? Does it work? Can you hook a brutha up? I'm a sucker for sales and I have been meaning to do some work on my love sword. The timing couldn't be better! Valentines is just a week and a half away! Anyone wanna go half-sies on a bulk order? From the way they say "Forge you huge love sword" it makes me think of the opening scene to Conan: The Barbarian where Arnies dad i smaking up that bitchin' sword. Man, I can't WAIT to get my hands on this product!
  17. Ross Reggabalati (Man, If that's spelled right I DESERVE a medal!) tested positive at the olympics for thc, or the bad stuff in pot, whatever that is. I could give two licks of a cats ass about swimming, Phelps, or being famous in general. If he'd gone on a good and proper alcohol fueled bender he could've probably gotten away with the exuberance of youth getting the better of him, but pot still is mostly illegal and has that stigma of criminal tendencies attached to it. Big deal, in about 30 minutes nobody will care.
  18. Okay, I feel a tad "gifted" now. I thought "Studio" might've referred to Wyrd, but in context with the title of the sub forum I could've put two and two together. Still, who don't loves a little zombie?
  19. TY guys, I'm off to Dragon Forge to lay the smack down on my Visa. Christ that card has taken an ass-whooping between here, Dragon Forge, CoolMiniOrNot, and the Liquor Store. When is the tentative release date for the game? Or, maybe I'll just go do a little post readin'.
  20. Firstly.... sorry if this is a question that's been beaten to death in other threads. There were so MANY about this game and I didn't really know where to start! Bases for this game.... I want to start painting immediately and I wanted to know if the base size was important in the game, or not so much. Reason being I was going to order some Dragon forge bases and I typically prefer the standard GW style 25mm-ish vs. the round lipped style. If it's important to have them base sized with the size they mini's come with then I'll go for the round lipped ones. Also.... I know from the figs that it's a crazy ass setting. What kind of battlefield(s) is this game meant to take place on? Would cobblestone bases fit? Perhaps something else? Deserty? I was gonna do my dragon forge order ASAP so I had them for my holiday next week. Thanks, and I hope these aren't dickhead questions that've been answered a million times over already. -Scott
  21. I like the silurid slaves. The Wyrd quality is great overall, but what I liked about these models is they were something unlike anything I'd seen before in a mini. Kind of reminded me of Tim Burton beetlejuice style stuff, and I really liked them.
  22. That's awesome. "I thought I'd have a bit of fun.....". Comedy gold!
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