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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. Way back when I was playing the Jyhad card game, we used a bag of red hots as counters. This was probably one of our worst ideas ever.
  2. Those are some quality pieces, and a *perfect* fit for Malifaux.
  3. Yeah, you can ignore that guy.
  4. Welcome to Malifaux! Don't be afraid of practice. The first figs you paint won't be as good as the ones you do even a couple months from now. There's a lot of 'getting the feel' of your own techniques, and seeing for yourself how things work.
  5. This is correct. Given the circumstances, I might have done it again, even if I had to lose the Marshal.
  6. Scorpio


    Teddy could, singlehandedly, get me into the Neverborn as a second army.
  7. The rules (and the setting) are pretty darned good. But you're not going to see much company support, unfortunately. (And I kind of like the sculpts, but I'm into the goofy cyberpunk look.)
  8. That works. Sonnia Tactics Tactica: Lady Justice
  9. Step 1: Point big sword at enemy. Step 2: Slice and dice enemy. Step 3: Profit! But seriously, let's talk tactics for the master that everyone says is one of the more straightforward masters in the game. Off the bat, yes, she can shoot, but this seems like a last resort to me. Isn't it almost always better to get her closer? The Death Marshals represent a good flanking threat, as well. Even if they can't take out an enemy, they might be able to get lucky and Pine Box one. Even if it only lasts a turn, that's a big advantage you can exploit. And anyone running from those coffins is likely to get shot in the back. Last game I played I found Taelor to be an inexpensive melee threat. That hammer charge only has to hit once to be given respect for the rest of the game. And unlike the Marshals, she's not afraid of Rattlers or other native critters. Anyone else have any experience with good Mercenaries to bring along. I'll eventually be picking up some Witchling Stalkers to really maximize the meat grinding. A new meaning to 'level the playing field.' They run in, they may explode, but that leaves the good Lady to clean up. Give us more ideas!
  10. "God's given me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well."
  11. As I've mentioned elsewhere: the original was really grounded on its (for the time) amazing special effects. But these days, their special effects are, well, run of the mill. Yes, the visuals could help carry it, but it will be the story that will determine how big a hit this is. Which is funny, considering the, um, adequate story of the original. That being said, fingers crossed the sequel delivers.
  12. You could use actual ice, and just keep the room really cold...
  13. Welcome! If you ever make it down to Rockville, give a shout out. We have a handful of players creeping around.
  14. Man, so many over the years. These days, the top minis games are Malifaux, AE-WWII, and Pulp City. Boardgames are Ticket to Ride (Europe) and Pandemic. Video game is Team Fortress 2.
  15. Hmmm, all those aliens make it look like Reaper is getting ready for AE-Bounty as well.
  16. Hey, clever! Oh, yes, that will help out next time. Either way, sounds like you're ready for round two!
  17. Welcome to Malifaux! If you make it up to Rockville, drop me a note.
  18. Right, but you're more talented than I am. To gain that kind of knowledge and experience, I'd have to totally eat your brain.
  19. Maybe. I like having a thread for each master, it's been handy with keeping track of things. But I would like a separate thread just for creative tactics.
  20. Go for a walk in the woods. Keep an eye out for interesting rocks and bits of wood. Bring 'em home, wash 'em up. May not be perfect, but it's something.
  21. Still tempted to pick up some of these figs, but the prices on the secondary market are a little high for my tastes.
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