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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. Simple, but full of character. I like. (OK, the nurse is a bit goofy, but I can forgive.) (Or maybe give her an eyepatch.)
  2. Oh, man, good times. I was telling myself I don't need more modern zombies, but it turns out I was wrong.
  3. Classy! Werewolves are hard to get right, but good work here.
  4. My problem with Warlands is that I love Rezolution. Seriously, it's a great game, with a fun background. Everything I could want from cyberpunk miniatures. But, well, Aberrant doesn't have a great track record for supporting it. As is, we know of all of one mini coming out for it this year, with nothing actually planned after that. They talk about having big ideas, but haven't actually said anything. So, why should I have any faith that they will support Warlands any better than they have Rezolution?
  5. Looks cool, but 54mm doesn't interest me much. I'm a 28mm-ish man myself.
  6. Indeed. Prices are usually high enough that I can't buying it instead of more toy soldiers. But these are pretty, and hopefully not bank-breaking. The plastic revolution continues.
  7. em4 is putting out some 28mm prepainted plastic buildings that might work for Malifaux. First up for them is a farm, here's the stables and the barn. Perry Miniatures is also toying with plastics, they announced this one a bit ago. Here's hoping for more in the future; I'd love to see more scenic battlefield elements available.
  8. I ran across some aerial images on the BBC, and, wow. Be strong, GoCat.
  9. Thanks for the warning. I haven't touched my Cygnar army in a while, but was considering picking up the 13th because I'm big into the Gun Mages.
  10. Very cool. I've been waiting on the Occult book to pick which army to go with, and this tempts me back to the Americans...
  11. Comments in this thread about the rumored return of Space Hulk seem to have scared Incursion right out of the water. Sad.
  12. So, uh, where's the link for your auctions?
  13. What? Pictures of b00bs on the internet? This is madness!
  14. Concept art is neat, but I wanna see the fig. Hopefully the hat won't look too goofy in person.
  15. As noted elsewhere, they're almost exact duplicates of Ork weaponry.
  16. It's a long shot, but: I have a hefty amount of 25mm GZG Stargrunt scifi figs that are taking up a lot of space I could put to better use. Mostly OUDF and Kra'vak, but there's plenty of other odds and ends in there. Anyone interested? Drop me a note, else I'm hitting the eBays.
  17. I confess I'd love to play some sort of caveman skirmish game.
  18. It's rare that there's not a Reaper release that I don't want something out of.
  19. So, has anyone gotten any of these figs? What's the scale like? What's the quality?
  20. My thoughts on the new episode posted here, but, you've got my attention, writers. Just get the pacing back under control and keep the characterization consistent and you've got a winner on your hands again. That being said, The 4400 did the Homeland Security angle first, and they kind of rocked it.
  21. I am delighted by the space cowboy with the robot pants. Seriously, that's right up my alley.
  22. Classy! I never would have gone with that green, but you really rocked it.
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