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Everything posted by PolishSausage

  1. 100% agree, if you have not Ophelia in a while I recommend it. She allows for a mean gun line army that is now very meta. The 2 zeroes make her a friendly control master with great shooting options. She is also one of our more dangerous masters due to dumb luck being on melee and shooting ( as opposed to Sommer). The only negative is you go with 0 upgrades on her to fully benefit from instinctual, so no dc/do over/stilts which is somewhat poopy, even Jack Daw gets 2 free slots.
  2. I agree on Justice/Mcmourning needing help, but in retrospect they each have a natural way to heal. Mah is stuck needing to chose upgrades that make Mah -> Mah or spending precious upgrade slots for survival upgrades. if you are going with latter your better of taking Zip ( tanky super solo beater) As a constructive way and comparison to make Mah better: All her book 2 upgrades have 1 ability on each of them, this makes picking and choosing very hard. I would like some of them to be merged. An example of a melee beater would be Lilith, her wave 5 upgrade has 4-5 different abilities all on 1 card for price of 1ss. I doubt it would be game breaking to have Diving Charge and +1 Armor on a 2ss master exclusive upgrade. Most players would still rather Zip (around)
  3. I am still in the camp of tossing "poorly handled explosive" young lacroix, un-paralyzing them with Ophelia for them to "yall watch me". Funzies is Funzies
  4. Another reason why loco/francisco condition should be non-master. Demonstrating that if people take 6ss marshal and 7ss loco the +DMG buff on certain master is worth 13+ ss. Also if a guild player does not take Franc these days and loses a game the first recommendation to improve his list is "get franc"
  5. Didint Loco get 1ss upgrade for armor 1(lead line coat) ?
  6. I 100% agree with you on that silliness. I have been playing Ophelia now and find her to be very, very strong. I hardly ever use her innate gun and rely on all 3 different discard abilities. The main reason Gremlins have always felt like the faction with the most UP/DOWN models is because we are a 100% M2E faction. They were never the most popular models and during initial M2E test they were the most untested (looking at the first sets of Ophelia nerfs here that were simple fixes) One of the more glaring issues that Majority of gremlins have is lack of model summoning and too much overlap of abilities/reasons to be hired. As an example Ressers use almost entire range of models due to Nicodem/Kirai/Molly having the option to summon them. As gremlin players we would like to have all the models be viable options as opposed to "collecting dust" PS: Its not like I am hinting for us to get a Taxidermist/Necromancer/Leveticus eque master that will give us access to those sweet Gassers with pull-my-fingers
  7. Most factions that received a nerf got some form of a buff to balance it out ( majority of the faction did not get nerfed at all) The models that were nerfed on our end were our reliable melee hitters and reliable range shooter. (stat of 6 on attack for us is high priced due to lack of 7's in faction/ or natural weak of 3's on damage) What we got in returned were discounts on models that were over costed to begin with. Most of these over costed models were not taken in-faction mainly not for the price tag that they came with but rather lack of internal synergy with the crew. As a result majority of these models will still not be taken simply because of that.
  8. Going back to the 2018 Errata, the bigger issue was not that we got nerfed on our good stuff ( again) Its because that other faction "over achievers" that have been in the top tier to near broken have been left as is. Francisco / Doppelganger / Stitched all deserved a 1ss increase for years now. Their faction outcry would have been deafening. We just need to be more vocal as a community to get "our way". You can literally throw out book 3 and 5 from our arsenal and be just as competitive in tournaments. Respectfully, Tilted Gremlin
  9. No, but you can receive a free High-Five for all the cool swag you will bring to Adepticon!
  10. Looking at these guys once more as a delivery tool. Starting to feel the Swine Cursed to be in a much much better place due to non-casing restrictive abilities / reckless and the ability to kill stuff after pushing a model. Any other pro/cons or experiences to share? (outside the tome for fast on HT1 model from skeeter)
  11. +1 Most of our models have Poopy stats because of the "they are cheaper" reasoning. Usually the difference between our models and other faction comparable (better stated )guys is 1ss Especially now when looking at Burt/Frank/Stuffed piglet SS increase needs to have comparable stat bump here or there.
  12. So: Lucious in guild can go up to df9 with Franc @ has trigger to pawn attacks to friendlies Mccabe can go up to DF9 in guild or misdirect in thunders Brewmaster can misdirect in thunders or UGH... trixi win initiative and swill 3x times ( not so good in gremlins) Misaki can misdirect in thunders and go HTK + marleena in outcasts. Lynch can Misdirect in thunders. He can also setup "cooler" from tannen behind to prevent excessive cheating- so can any thunders. Zoraida has to pray to get moderate or severed to stop extra attacks. Sonia can go to DF8 ? Don't remember if you can +2 the DF stat on top of Franc +2 Gremlins can take stilts/ but Mah has upgrade problems in needing many of them to function.
  13. Let me tell you what a Fast 1ap charge recall training Yasunori will do to you.
  14. Mah needs a DF/WP trigger instead of the silly "kill a gremlin that fails ML attack" I would love to see Lynch like DF trigger on her ( if you cheat you take damage) or when failing, she gets to hit you back. Also if her CA push went to 6 so that we can use her to push enemies around to dictate strats and schemes ( not broken since there are CA7 obeys out there) Those 2 changes would make her much better and let her have a comfortable "niche" in gremlins.
  15. book 3 we got... survivors now that they are 4ss book 4 we got Zip + iron skeets and maaybe swinecursed. book 5 we got Dreaded pirate zip / Mah got something( Zip does the same stuff she can do but better) / Ophelia got instinctual and trash markers ( she needs to have +2 free upgrades slots like Jack Daw to be decent) so with that note... Lets make BOOK 6 the Gremlin book for once!
  16. Well, I know someone that to this day is decimating malifaux population with an "all in" Sonia-Crid list. On the other hand from my personal experience, facing Wong was always a freebie game for me.
  17. I am just proving its possible to do this shenanigans as guild with loco. he does a lot more good just being himself with + dmg flips to Sonia blasting, wish our Wong had that in his toolkit ( and casting 9 and Ignor LOS and + to flip, but hey we are just as good ey?)
  18. Not sure about the whole list: Judge can out of action make emissary hit and bury Locko, you than give fast to emissary with student. Walk 18" ,end activation, Loco pops out and chain activates. I think Nelly has a way to re-position the emissary early on and fast a bunch of them as well. Its just more stone ~ 27-34 as opposed to our 18-19 but Loco bomb does more consistent damage/ does not need to cast explode and has chain activation on the drop off.
  19. yea, but as long as you don't put all your eggs in the delivery basket, Pere killing 2 models outright with no flips for 6ss is Godly. Don't get me wrong, I do it too(blowing people up with Pere), but I found that taking 1 too many skeeters is not as good as taking Raphael or 2 bayous or 1.5 Survivors. Outside of Zips "free 1ss upgrade that is still 1ss for schemes" I keep it down to 1 a-pop. And before people start screaming about Pere being OP and too good for gremlins, look at Papa-Loco. Guild version has more wounds/better attack/does not need to cast the explode/and give that passive damage flip buff for 1 more SS. Will gladly trade any day.
  20. Whoa, lets not get political here. We all know who has the biggest HAT on the bayou.
  21. Yup That. Got tired of friends Ramos spider crew for quadrants, blew up Ramos faster than he could take out all his game tokens out of the bag.
  22. I mean at that point you just take Wong + Franc + Skeeter + Sparks. Give Franc Glowy and move him 18" with fast skeeter from Sparks. Drop off Franc, accompany ( do over for 2 more cards) and bring 4 ap paired min5 ignoring armor fear of god into Nico in his deployment. (2nd activation) Little lass could help stack the deck as well so you don't BJ the key flip Its called losing humanity turn1
  23. Wait, LOL, this was Polish not UK masters
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