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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Misfit Studios are having a Zed of the Month contest with a zombie minis game rules pdf on offer for the winner. Painting zombies is super-relaxing - the most relaxing minis to paint I know of. And well, if I know something, it is that we Wyrd fans love our zombies (hooker optional)!
  2. What does that have to do with anything? It happens and when it happens, it sucks. So what if it happens every game or only every third game? Never has a Red Joker on damage flips improved my enjoyment of the game. It robs me of what my skill has achieved (no matter whether I pull it or my opponent does). Also, it has happened in three of my last three games (though in one it didn't really matter, since Seamus was going to die to the next hit anyway). I know that doesn't "prove" anything one way or another, but the fact remains, that the strategy of maximizing flips against H2W models is obnoxious and goes against the spirit of the game IMO. You do it when you don't have the Red Joker in hand and haven't yet flipped it. If there's only half the deck left, the chances of this strategy working are actually rather high.
  3. Westwind Productions' Victorian Zombies is what I use. They are a wee bit smaller scale than Wyrd minis but not enough to bother. The sculpts themselves look absolutely great. http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=204_222&products_id=1620
  4. Amazing! The hair is superb and the mini has an awesome feel to it.
  5. The chance of getting a joker doesn't really enter into but rather the effect. Red Joker on damage does an ungodly amount of damage that can kill even a Master from full health on some models. Also, the most obnoxious tactic is to aim for as many as possible against a Hard to Wound target thus flipping over a lot of cards and if one of them is the Red Joker - boom. Turns Seamus's Hard to Wound 2 into a bit of a liablity really, which I doubt was the designer intent. I would like to see Red Joker do just Severe damage when coming up on flips. Would still be very powerful since apparently a lot of people find it awesome but wouldn't utterly wreck games when a random throwaway hit kills a Master or a 11SS model or whatever. Personally, I find it annoying no matter whether I'm on the giving or the receiving end when a match is decided by such a random occurrence - no fun in that for me. It can rob me of victory either way, since it isn't something that is "earned".
  6. No Guardian? I think that he is extremely good for both Lady Justice and Sonnia Creed. Watcher is also something I would buy before Guild Guard.
  7. I like the one SS discount on the first model of a type. Very nice bit of design.
  8. This. Malifaux Child isn't a design decision. Nor is Stitcheds not giving VP.
  9. Why isn't Datsue-Ba on the list? She can turn some of those dogs into something more useful (depending on your hand - in the ideal case you might end up with four Gaki/Onryo, though that needs a pretty amazing hand). Is there some downside I'm not seeing to using her?
  10. My perspective might be a bit skewed in that I've been playing against the Dreamer a lot lately, but even with the Gravespirit I feel that Nico is very squishy without a couple of MZs around.
  11. That doesn't really tell me much, I'm afraid.
  12. The prevailing wisdom on the forums seems to be that you're not supposed to kill your own models for corpse counters. That it takes too much time and in the current Malifaux world, speed is king and Ressers need to be running full tilt for the first couple of turns to stand a chance against the faster crews. Now, this is all fine for everyone else but Nico kinda needs those Mindlesses. Without them, he is the squishiest Master and since the only way of reliably getting corpse counters is from your own forces, this poses a sort of an impasse. Now, I used to think that getting four dogs and a Datsue-Ba is the way to go about getting those Mindless Zombies. The first turn the dogs maul one another in a circle around the Datsue-Ba, which gives you a very good activation advantage. Then Datsue-Ba, depending on your hand, either Harvests them all or Weighs their sins creating a couple of Gaki (or even Onryo) and a good amount of corpse counters. Nico raises the four corpses as Mindlesses and the whole thing slows you down only minimally (in that the summoned Spirits are only Slow and Datsue-Ba can even try to guide herself so she won't be left too far behind). But apparently this is the wrong way of going about things. I'm interested in knowing what the right way is, so I turn to the collective wisdom here.
  13. No master is underpowered? And then, in the next sentence, implying that no Master is overpowered. Wow. man what So all of a sudden Sandwich is ruining this game? It's a good thing that you based your post on pure fact ("I win a lot so therefore everything must be fine"). Sheesh. That was some post.
  14. Aye, this. Why should I handicap myself by playing a Resser other than Kirai? Why have Wyrd released the other three fourths of the faction if the idea has always been that Kirai is the sole Resser master worth playing (unless I want to handicap myself)? That's not very a very good idea, so I'm pretty certain that it isn't deliberate. Now, I don't personally think that the situation is all that horrid and I'm not losing players due to this imbalance, but I can certainly see Sandwich's frustration over the issue and dismissing it as a non-issue is disingenuous at best.
  15. (as an aside, I need to Ctrl+A to read your text since pink on white is such a horrid combo, so I usually skip your posts - don't be offended if I don't respond to you further as it's simply because I've forgotten to read your post) That's completely silly. It's a bit like saying that pre-Dreamer cuddle Neverborn sucked since if you weren't playing Dreamer you should've been playing Dreamer and therefore the faction was lousy. Having bad Special Forces isn't a plus, it's a negative. Having the possibility to use one's good special forces or the Freikorps is a benefit that other factions have over the Ressers. Having option is good. I can't believe I need to point this out. By your logic you could argue that were every non-Spirit Resser 10SS more costly than they are now, Ressers would still be just as good as the other factions since Kirai would still be competitive.
  16. This must be the craziest logic I've yet seen used to defend that there is nothing wrong with the Ressers (their own choices are so bad that you won't miss out on anything by taking Outcasts instead).
  17. Very nice - the armour looks fantastic - like lacquered - and I like contrast between the front and the back. The basing looks brilliant as well. Good job!
  18. This is IMO a good point. Also, the excitement over the releases are lessened when they have already been thoroughly dissected when us Europeans finally have a good way of getting our hands on them. 70% doesn't really leave a lot of room for excitement each month.
  19. Dude, don't be an ass. Your contributions to this thread have been far closer to trolling than Sandwich's. As for Sandwich, he plays in a small bubble with apparently a playgroup that has a very high amount of fluctuations. Malifaux rewards experience highly so he rules in his meta and considers himself very, very intelligent. Now, those are the perfect conditions to breed somewhat erratic opinions on the game as evidenced by his sometimes very acute analysis and at other times complete crock (Snowstorm being an 11-SS model so it's bound to be super good). If he could go to a couple of bigger, competitive tournaments I'm pretty sure that he would post quite a bit differently, but c'est la vie. All of this doesn't mean that he is trolling, rather that he has an extremely, supremely high opinion of himself and a pretty limited perspective of the game. Also, for a guy who describes himself as supremely smart, he really has big, gaping holes in his communication abilities and control over how he comes across.
  20. OTOH that's a bit like saying that if you rely on getting good cards you're doing it wrong. In that yeah, sure, but getting those good cards certainly helps. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that many people come to the Ressers to, you know, resurrect stuff. That tickles their fancy. So designing ressers from the point of view that resurrecting stuff is supposed to be suboptimal is... maybe not the best way of going about designing them.
  21. Wait, people who think that balance is important go back to 40k after they see the Ressers? Wow. I mean, I play 40k and it's fun (and in a niche of its own) but it really isn't very balanced. Aye, Crooligans were definitely what the Ressers were sorely lacking (I tease because I love)
  22. But what does this have to do with the errata page? I mean, this has been how the game is ever since the second book (and arguably even in the first book), so why the extreme reaction now?
  23. Thank you so much nilus and Mike3838 - much appreciated! Fun news. Very intrigued by the scenario packs.
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