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Everything posted by Atvar

  1. Hey NE, Thanks for asking. it's been a busy two weeks or so: end of the school year (I'm a teacher), getting my daughter home from college and settled in for the summer...lots of little things. I've read most of the latest discussions, and I feel things are going in the right direction. I hope to get back in the swing of things soon. My nephew Angus Khan seems to be taking up my slack quite well. And, as it turns out, we'll both be going to Gen Con as his birthday present. Will you be there? If so, we should get together. Andy

  2. Yea for rules breakthroughs! No apologies necessary. Just happy to be invited on board! Andy
  3. Has anyone heard back from Eric about Beta testing? He said he wanted to get us at least reading the rules this weekend. I suppose the guy must have a job or a family or something else which occupies his time!
  4. Yes, but I just rewrote it myself in Word and emailed it back. I'll mail the hard signed copies if I'm selected. Good luck!
  5. Eric, I got both emails. Any chance though that you could send the application and NDA as Word documents? That would make it easier for me, and perhaps other, to fill out and submit electronically. Thanks, Andy
  6. Malifaux looks to be a really good game, from the tidbits that have been thrown out. Are we getting near to a release date? Are there going to be quickstart rules posted online? Any info would help me stay enthusiastic. Thanks, Andy
  7. They aren't shutting down. You can go to http://www.incursiongame.com/ and get a free downlaod of the rules, cards and maps. Space Hulk has caused them to decide to not release a boxed game anytime soon, for fear of the competition, so they are going to give the rules away and focus, for now, on model sales. The game is great, by the way. Quick play, simple rules, but lots of strategic depth. Sorry my first post isn't Malefaux-related. I'm certainly ready for that one to be released too! Andy
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