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Everything posted by DangerousBeans

  1. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude there. I think I was still half asleep when I posted! I always played the person not attacking the zombie would flip for resist/defence. I suppose if there was no attacker as such then duty would fall to the Nico player.
  2. This was only just the other day. I had just finished painting Zuba from Bushido, which I 'd been painting over a couple of weeks. I sat him down to varnish and then...... well I don't really know what happened. All I do know is that I was stood there, looking at my lovely new painted fig lying on the ground, one horn missing, face chipped and bent out of shape and oodles of dirt/dust on the still-wet varnish. I could have cried.
  3. 1/ Collette: I find her very boring to play against. Most of her crew just avoids you, completing schemes/strategies while her coryphee dance about the place cutting things to ribbons and then running away. 2/ Pandora: Got to be the most frustrating master available. DENY, DENY, DENY, RUN AWAY! She's the epic Deneghra of Malifaux! 3/ Perdita: Just shoots me to bits every time. I'd wager The Dreamer would probably be there if'n I played against him more.
  4. What's so bad about the Ice golem? (apart from his horrendous speed, which is mitigated by Snow Storm and Silent Ones). I've had tons of fun with this guy! Sure enough probably wouldn't take two though. Jack Daw could be hilarious.
  5. I almost always start with Alyce and 4 SPA's, then adjust the rest of my list according to strategy etc. The few times I haven't taken at least 4 SPA's to start with I really regretted it, plopping a DE right in your enemies face turn 1/2 can be a priceless ambush! And SPAs go down so easily that it can be hard to summon enough during a game. If you've got the stones for it a necropunk and killjoy paired with a summoned DE can be hilarious. I once popped out KJ and a DE at the beginning of my second turn and proceeded to kill EVERYTHING except Sonnia. I've been using Ryle a lot recently but to be honest he hasn't exactly wowed me, I just never ever seem to get his triggers off or the extra damage from his gun. He seems like one of those models you'd be wanting to hold a card or two for to get these abilities off but sadly, if you're playing Levi and not changing your hand every turn you're doing it wrong. I've tried using a watcher and, while I can see the potential, especially with Leveticus, it's not really achieved much so far. Will work best against certain crews that rely on cover to screen their advance ('tina, Nico, stitched etc) or ranged crews that like to hang back and snipe (take THAT Nino! I hate that guy) I had fun with a steamborg, but it still paled compared to the DE. I've got a Teddy, but still never used it. Being on the whooping end of Teddy before though, I can see the appeal as he doesn't need any specific cards to kick serious ass.
  6. Dave! Sorry, didn't realise I'd had a message from you. It's no bother man, it was free anyway. Where you been?

  7. Well, the fact that lj/dd has a great whoppin' sword lends me to believe she/they will hit stuff imagine...... A punk zombie with lure........
  8. Looking very nice there, I especially like the specialists cloak. All I'd suggest is doing a subtle bit of shading to the fleshy areas to seperate them from the clothes and create a bit more contrast. Can't hardly see Vik's chebs..........
  9. Holy crap! These are incredible! Love the bases and all the extra details. Alyce's sight is awesome, how did you make it?
  10. Lady Justice conversion possibilities about......if'n I didn't already love the Wyrd sculpt. Really nice minis though.
  11. Very nice man, I just picked up a Cult of Yurei starter myself.
  12. Thanks! It's all in the paints though, Devlan Mud is a miracle worker.
  13. With the power of my new phone I was able to not only take a great pic but also upload it without having to go through my computer! I LOVE THE FUTURE! Ahem, anyway. Better shot, with hats.
  14. Not so much 'action' more 'assuming foetal position'.......
  15. I was grinding my teeth the whole game! To be fair as you said, had I got initiative on either of those turns Jack wouldn't have so much of a concern but that aura is HELLISH, especially when he's next to your master, who can do very little about it! Jack seems like the king of bad matchups, against the wrong crew he could actually be a hinderance to you but against what I was fielding he was solid gold! Wish I'd brought 'tina! Was good to see him in action though, he always struck me as a curious model and now I think I'll probably have to buy him. My plan for the Death Marshal was to charge Jack and then hopefully stay in melee with him to pine box him the following (and last) turn so the Judge could wail on your wagon, sadly the marshal had obviously seen what happened to Lady J and decided to leg it instead Moving Jack into melee with the wagon with obey was a very smart move which I didn't see coming. I hate obey! Good game though, it's always fun when the outcome hangs in the balance like that. Also, nice crotch shot.
  16. Nice work dude, seems to be lots of Lady J crews appearing these days.
  17. Indeed, some juggy Guild on Guild action could be much fun
  18. Cheers! I'll maybe see if I can use a camera in work today. I'm pretty pleased with the hats myself
  19. Finding myself with not much to do yesterday, I managed to finish off my Lady Justice crew. Could use a few touch ups here and there (it was 2am when I finished!) but they're certainly ready to get to kicking some ass on the table The crew: Close up (of sorts) of the crew sans Death Marshals: Looking forward to adding some Hounds and maybe an Austringer. edit: One of these days I'll get around to figuring out how to take good photos with my phone
  20. Must say I'm loving Matt Smith even moreso than Tennant probably, which surprised me. Still always going to have a soft spot for Peter Davison though - he killed the Dinosaurs! Davros is awesome, or he was until his fart of a comeback. 'Here's Davros! But he's not going to do very much.....' John Simm's Master was also awesome, and I really like the Silence. Got to be the creepiest DW monsters ever (aside from the Bertie Basset men of course) Favourite episodes are probably either 'Genesis of the Daleks' or the last 3 eps of the 'new' season 3. (Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords) I must say, this series has been great (aside from the pirate episode). Moffat's the man. edit: @ Sholto - come on man! Melody Pond?!?!?!? It was so obvious! I'm still in utter disbelief that they're actually going to call the next episode 'Let's Kill Hitler'. The more conservative of the viewers will be all over it like an angry rash, especially since there's been complaints about how dark this series has been already......
  21. I got into Warhammer at the tender age of ten and stuck with GW until I was about 20. After they'd pissed me off for the last time I quit gaming altogether for a couple of years. The love of the hobby never leaves you though so I was introduced to Warmahordes by a friend about 6 years ago. I started checking out other games companies and was amazed that they'd passed me by unnoticed. I had been eyeing up Wyrd miniatures for some time before the game came out and when it did I jumped right in! I currently play: - Malifaux (Lady J, Seamus, Hamelin, Tina and Levi) - Warmahordes (Cryx and Circle) - Hell Dorado (Demons) - Infinity (CA Shasvastii) - Blood Bowl (Chaos Dwarves and Orcs) - Necromunda (Ratskins) - Noble Armada (House Decados) - Dark Age (Followers of the Heretic and Brood) I love me some skimish games. Sadly was too late to get into Confrontation before Rackham went and ballsed it all up.
  22. With all the Puppet Wars excitement I thought I'd share my latest tattoo with y'all: Unfortunately I managed to catch flu shortly after getting it done, so with my immune system compromised..........yep, it got infected. On the road to recovery now though. Still got a few hours of work to go, including a massive touch up due to aforementioned infection Six hours I sat for, let me tell you how much fun that wasn't!
  23. That is pretty dang hideous, but also pretty amazing. Look out Zoraida, there's a new hottie on the Bayou......
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