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Everything posted by WEiRD sKeTCH

  1. I repeat. Look at my signature. If that nightmare not a Legal Target for the attack the you may attack the Dreamer. If it is not a Legal Target, then you may not attack the Dreamer. Is that clear enough for you?
  2. If there are no other legal Nightmare targets then yes. As I stated previously...
  3. There is no "instead". Each Strike has to be targeted to a model. You perform them in an order of your choosing. If the Dreamer is the last one standing, swing away.
  4. Look at my signature. And secondly, it doesn't state that it redirects. It just states that if he's within 3" of a Nightmare that could have been the target instead, then he can't be targeted.
  5. You are incorrect PP. Shadowy Form does NOT redirect attacks targeting the Dreamer. If there is a Nightmare model within 3" of the Dreamer, he cannot be targeted. Period. End of Line. In the case of Whirling Death, you'd better make sure to kill off all the other Nightmares (that are legal targets) within 3" of the Dreamer with the attacks or you can't even swing on him.
  6. It's not a purse, it's a satchel. Indiana Jones wore one.
  7. All the Strikes are performed against the Daydream. As Rapid Fire states, that all the strikes must be against the same target.
  8. It looks like you answered your own question. In the Spell's description it states that you make the strikes within the range of the Spell (2" which is also the Judges Melee Range). Again. Wizards did it.
  9. Wizards did it. Specifically because the Spell allows it to occur.
  10. The winner of the Duel performs the Damage Flip.
  11. No it cannot be used in melee as a Boomstick Strike is a attack. Also, Smell Fear does NOT override being able to charge a model you're already in melee with.
  12. I read the story as well. Great series of novels! Same Author (Suzuki if I remember correctly) as Dark Water. If you can find the original proof cut for Rob Zombie's Halloween, you will see it as a completely different movie. And it's quite good. You actually feel sympathy for Michael in his original vision. The Director's Proof Cut was leaked onto the internet shortly before the theatrical release of it. Sadly though...The theatrical release was a travesty.
  13. I also loved Infernal Affairs. And the Departed was quite enjoyable for me as well.
  14. It's mainly miss if it comes to hit or miss for me. For example, Dark Water. The original Japanese version was good and so was the US remake. The Grudge series were terrible remakes. [REC] was so much better than the US version Quarantine. (I loooove the [REC] Series and am very excited that they announced [REC]3 ) Yojimbo was a classic, and so is a Fist Full of Dollars. But then you get Bruce Willis in Last Man Standing and you just have to scratch your head... I'll normally give a remake a chance. 90% of the time they're pretty bad...
  15. If you cast the Spell successfully with the crow, you nominate the other possibly affected models before the Resist Duels are performed. Not ambiguous at except what you're putting into it.
  16. That's easy then. Check out page 53 in your Rules Manual under Resist Duels: If a model is Immune to Influence and the Spell is Wp Resist required it wouldn't need to perform the Resist Duel.
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